Originally, I hadn't planned on going to Taste of Chaos because it was going to be at the Fillmore - a venue I hate- even though my favorite band was playing. I love seeing Pierce the Veil, and I didn't want to miss out on it, but I didn't think seeing them at the Fillmore would be worth it. So I gave up on the show - reluctantly, I might add - and eventually got over the fact that I was going to miss them.
But then, two days before the day of the show, I'm checking the Gothic's website, and low and behold, Taste of Chaos is moved to the Gothic! I found it very, very strange being that last year, it was at the Fillmore, the year before the Magness Arena, and the Fillmore two times before that. I was absolutely astounded, and I jumped at the opportunity and asked Nora to take me. I didn't know why, as in by God's will, it was changed, but I didn't care! I was actually going to be able to see Pierce the Veil! YAY!
Nora and I get to the Gothic just a little after doors open and feel absolutely terrible the moment we make it to the stage. There are hardly any people, and I could only imagine how bad it would have looked at the Fillmore. By the end of the night, it became packed, but even that would have looked sad at the Fillmore.
The first band that played, I think, was a band that won Battle of the Bands. They were alright, to my personal standards, but they had really good potential. Likewise, Cancer Bats were really freaking amazing! Per se, they were a band that solely screamed, but they had really good coordination, as in they knew how to match the drums to the guitar to the vocals, which allowed them to be distinguishable in their so-called scene. Plus the singer was really funny.
Pierce the Veil, in theory, played second, and I was kind of upset about that but got over it within the first few seconds. As usual, their live performance blew me away. They're so good! I couldn't even describe in words how great they are! They always perform the same songs, unfortunately, but I still love them a lot because they are just so damn great! And even then their set doesn't get boring. LOVE THEM SO MUCH! Ha ha ha.
Bring Me the Horizon cracked me up, for reals. For being that crappy "I try too hard" kind of screamo, they weren't terrible. The singer needs to stop pursing his bottom lip out because if he didn't do that, he would actually be attractive. Just saying. Four Year Strong, on the other hand, was one of those "anthematic" bands that were good... but not great. They didn't exactly tickle my fancy, but they were decent, overall.
Nora and I kept searching for Vic between the sets, but we couldn't find him. We found his brother, who ran off with some Asian girl before we had a chance to approach him. But finally, right after Four Year Strong, we find Vic by the main merch area, yay! He's being surrounded by both guys and girls alike - scary girls, actually, no offense - so Nora and I wait a little until they disperse, then we dive in for the kill. Ha ha. We get our pictures with him, and I swear to God he was holding me REALLY freaking closely. It was funny... but I liked it. As we take the picture, he asks me how I am, but I don't know whether it's because he remembered me or if he's just being polite, but I really don't care. He backs away a few feet, and I turn to Nora frantically asking her to come up with a conversation starter because I want to talk to him but I don't know what to say!
It's actually me, though, that goes up to him. He says, "What's up?", and I'm a little faltered, but I take the dumb route and ask if they're going to record a new record after Taste of Chaos. He tells me yes, they're taking time off afterward to write and record, then they're going to tour afterward and start the cycle all over again. I nod politely and tell him how much I love this record, so I was looking forward to the next one. He asks me if I'm heard of that side project he's in called Isles and Glaciers. I say yes (I mean, of course!) and tell him that I was so stoked for new music, and he says they'll have something up in a couple months. Then I tell him that I just knew the combination of Craig Owens, him, and a bunch of other people is going to be beautiful! I don't know whether it was here or when I told him I loved the record that he hugs me, and I really don't know what to do, but I admit that I totally clung to him. It was kind of funny. There was about two more seconds of small talk before we disperse and he gives me another hug. He gives Nora another hug, too because she was with me, then she and I walk away and totally start cracking up. "He so likes me," I say, laughing, then add that he doesn't necessarily like me in THAT sense, but he definitely seems fond of me in one way or another. Maybe it's because I play the compliment game and can't stop.
At this point, Nora and I heard back up front for Thursday. They start off with At This Velocity, and I just knew they were going to start of with that. We end up watching them for 45 minutes, then we head outside in hopes of finding the rest of Pierce the Veil, which we do. We even get free Rockstars! And as awkward as it was for us, we stumble around their van until they appear. We actually end up meeting all of Pierce the Veil, which is pretty impressive. Sadly, we couldn't find Vic again afterward for definite closure, but meeting him had gone well, so I let it go. They were doing this Denny's Allnighter afterward, which we knew was going to be a bad idea, so we didn't even bother.
Just before Pierce the Veil is about to leave, we see the singer of Bring Me the Horizon coming in our direction, but right as we're about to pounce, he stops by Pierce the Veil's van and jumps in. I hadn't exactly wanted to meet him, but I had decided that if we saw him, I would "totally be all over that in a second!" Ha ha ha ha. That comment, made by yours truly, was hilarious... and completely inappropriate.
Overall, it was an extremely successful night. I was so afraid we weren't going to meet Vic, and that was one of the main reasons we had gone, but luck was on our side, and it all worked all right. And I'm really, really glad we ended up going. Yay!
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