Shaant, I fucking hate you.
None of us, and I mean NONE of us want to go to the show at all. But for some stupid reason, we had already bought tickets and couldn't let them go to waste. Ughhhhh. We get to the venue an hour or two before doors are supposed to open. There's hardly any line, but frankly, we don't give a shit and decided we want to wait it out in the car the entire time. We get there early, and sit in the car; that's how much we really don't care.
But since there is a KingSoopers only about half a block down from the Gothic we decide to head on down there to waste time. Our worst fears come true as we turn the corner at the end of the street and run into none other than our good ol' buddy Shaant Hacikyan. All of us, including Shaant, just stare at one another awkwardly as we all halt in our tracks, unsure of what to do. "Hi," he says, "How are you guys?" We all give him short, simple answers and continue to glare, but we return the gesture, he tells us that he honestly wants to go home. He's going to record a new record as soon as he's back. (Oh cool, douche.) He asks what we're doing, and tell him we're heading down the KingSoopers. "Oh right, the pharmaceutical store!" He snaps. "It's a grocery store," Nora clarifies, and proceeds to ask how he is because, "We didn't get to see you last time." He doesn't answer to this, but decides it's time for him to head off. I guess even he sensed the awkward tension. He tells us that we have to meet Sebastian, his dog, stating, "I'll probably see you guys afterward." BULLSHIT. Shaant waves off, and we just stand around for another minute, asking ourselves what the hell had just happened. The entire conversation had pretty much consisted of, "Huh? What? Huh?" on both ends, and it was really fucking awkward; there's no other word to describe it.
After our trek to KingSoopers, trying to erase from our minds what had just happened, we come back to the venue and wait in the car until doors open. We get in and wait for Anarbor to play. They were the only band that I DID want to see, and were probably the only upside the entire night. It felt like I had been waiting years to see that band, and my finally the chance was handed to me, and they were SO amazing live! I can't even begin to describe it to you, but it was absolutely fantastic!
Meg and Dia are up next, and poor, poor Dia has an obnoxiously high pitched voice when she talks, and surprisingly, despite the fact that we hate Meg's guts (I KNOW WHO YOU'VE DONE!) they performed really well! Their "Halloween" song totally gave me goosebumps; it was great. Every Avenue, whom I don't really like, almost don't make it to the show due to van troubles, but unfortunately, they show up, and we have to sit through them playing. We have to sit through Breathe Caroline, too, which was absolutely horrible and practically unbearable! Like seriously, learn how to sing and make real music. I don't know what people see in them.
Cute is What We Aim for actually perform really well! (I still hate them, nonetheless). Shaant goes off on this monologue, explaining how no matter what anybody said, we could do whatever we wanted with our live as long as we had a dream, a heart, and the willpower to accomplish even the most obscure dreams. It was actually really touching, and it hit pretty close to home, but I don't really have much else to say. He talked in a "gay" voice for the first time, and it was pretty freakin' hilarious, to be honest.
Afterward, we try not to press the matter too far, but we end up meeting 3/4 of Anarbor, and they were all very genuinely sweet. I bought their newest EP, too, finally. We meet Jeff, as well, but that's it. We go outside in hopes of scouting out Shaant, but we get nothing, only serious doubt that we should just let go of the friendship. We ask their merch guy (who let us in last time, he points out) if he could get him for us. He tries, but tells us he's on the phone with their tour manager, and won't budge. We wait. And we wait, and we wait pointlessly. FINALLY, he comes out of the bus to meet a couple of girls, and he sees us; HE FREAKIN' SEES US, but ignores us, goes off behind the bus, comes back, despite the knowledge we are standing right there, and goes back on the bus. Here, all of us are asking ourselves, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Dave Melillo comes off the bus to meet the same girls, and after they leave he tells us we look like we need something. We ask him for pictures and brave it, asking him if he can go get Shaant for us. "No fucking way," he says. Later, as to avoid hurt feelings or something, he explains to us that one, he didn't want to go waste his time looking for somebody who was most likely not even going to come and meet his fans, which was his problem and his fault, not ours. He goes off a little longer on his tangent, sort of offending us, sort of just offending Shaant BECAUSE HE'S AN ASSHOLE, and eventually heads off. I wish I remember more of what Dave said because he's my new hero because of it. =)
I can honestly say, I owe a lot to Shaant. Many, many times he has restored my faith in human beings, despite shattering it that very night, and introduced to me music I would have never opened my ears to if he hadn't pointed it out. He made me realize that making friendships with random, far off people was possible, and for the first few years of our so-called relationship, he was practically my brother. But now, he's just blown that all aside and acts like we're nothing to him, so fuck you, Shaant, I'm done with you.
....SO BASICALLY the exact opposite happened to me. Shaant was incredibly nice, and Dave was the biggest douche bag known to man. Shaant had to actually go get Dave off of the bus for me, hahaha. I wish he'd said no like Dave did. Maybe I wouldn't have been so disappointed.
Really? That is SO weird! I remember you telling me about how Dave was completely unappreciative of your admiration for him, but that just sounds so backwards.
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