WHY DOES DANGER RADIO ALWAYS HAVE TO PLAY ON DAYS WHEN I HAVE OTHER THINGS GOING ON, HUH?!?! The Cab and This Providence were playing the same as them two times before that; sad, sad day, and this time, it was my older brother's birthday, so we weren't able to go to the actual show. FML. Instead, we decide to go to see if we can meet them afterward, but we don't end up heading down there until about 11 at night.
Because it's my brother's birthday, I'm still wearing this super awesome, very Demi Lovato like, black dress with a black and red checkered bottom from Forever 21 that looks super good on me, let me tell ya. My mom, Nora, and I wait around awkwardly as we see Andrew with his plate of pizza talking to a bunch of other people, among them Molly and her gang, who take it upon themselves to shoot us nasty glares for absolutely no reason at all.
Andrew spots us, and suddenly it hits him that we weren't there. (So sweet that he noticed.) He yells at us and asks, jokingly, if This Providence was playing. No, they weren't, we answer. So what kept us away? he walks over to us. It was our brother's birthday, we explain, and he accepts it as a valid reason for missing his show. My mom asks him if he actually notices that we're gone, and he says, he didn't think of it at first, but now that he sees us, of course he realized that we hadn't been inside the entire time.
We go off on a bunch of random conversations, but there's a point where Andrew full on pauses and looks me up and down (in a kind of inappropriate way) at least three times, and just jumps right back into what he was saying as if he hadn't just done anything awkward. Nora and I glance at each other and have to hold back laughter. This was probably the most memorable part of the night.
A couple of homeless people walk by and ask us for money. A woman asks if Andrew will share his food, and he gives all of it to her. "I wish I was that nice," I say; I really was. This reminds him about wanting to become healthier on the road, and so far, he's started to work out and run. That day, when he was running, he was listening to new Taking Back Sunday and totally jamming out while he was jogging. A man on a cyclist goes past him from behind and just stares at him as he goes by. Apologies for the self-expression.
Andrew says he also walked all the way to 7-11, where other homeless folks asked him for money, and he gave whoever it was two dollars, which was all he had. A few blocks down another person asks for money, but he apologizes and says he already gave it to someone else. But then the same person offers him some drugs that he's on, and Andrew's like, "Really, I don't have any money." He makes a joke about how you can't really trust anything they sell, even if you do do drugs. They're homeless, for God's sake! "It's probably rat poison, or something."
Funny story.
Where this next subject comes from I have no idea, but he starts telling us about his divine love for Scrubs and Zach Braff. He asks if we watch the show, which we unfortunately don't, but goes off describing an episode he really loves. He says that the producer for the Scene Aesthetic's album personally knows Zach Braff, so he's going to try to get her to "hook them up", in theory, so they can meet. And hopefully, through Zach Braff, he can meet Natalie Portman because he's totally in love with her. So is my sister. =) She adores her. They off on their "I love Natalie Portman" rant and Nora informs him that she's actually really short, so she's actually not taller than Andrew, like he thought. Hooray for him!
They bring up that rap she did on SNL, and I say, "I was like 13 when that premiered, I was like, 'What is this'," hoping he gets the hint THAT I'M REALLY YOUNG. Nada. My mom says she thought that he loved Ellen Page. Andrew says he does also love Ellen Page, but Natalie Portman would have to come first, then Ellen in a close second.
A little later on, we get pictures when it's about van call, so he says he has to go and gives us all hugs, but he ends up talking to us for a lot longer. I know Elan got involved for a quick minute because he needed a Sharpie, but that was about it. Andrew gives us another set of hugs and heads off. We, unfortunately, don't get to meet anyone else. I had really wanted to talk to Nico, but Andrew wouldn't shut the eff up, which was really okay because he's such a character. I love Danger Radio very, very much. Hopefully they next time they play it doesn't coincide with anything else that's important, but we'll just have to see.
LOL I'm sorry for the nasty glares. I just couldn't help myself. I saw how much andrew wanted your bod and was just really jealous...even if he is a foot shorter than me.
SPEAKING OF HIS HEIGHT. YOU MY FRIEND ARE EXTREMELY SHORT. D: I'm like a whole head taller than him, hahahahaha.
I KNOW ! Every time I've ever messaged / emailed someone they only reply once ! Haha it was really funny, because I was telling my friend Laura how I knew he wouldn't reply and blahblahblah, and then like an hour later he does. LOL.
Yeah, it discouraged me too. :( I mean I still listened, but I couldn't do it for awhile without getting depressed or something. They were such a good band, you know ? But idk, now knowing the real reason, I guess, makes it easier for me to listen to them. It really was their time to break up. They'd gone through a lot, and what not.
So yeah. You should start listening to them again. I still hate you for getting to see them live. Don't think I've forgotten >:(.
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