Even though the show was in Greeley and on Mother's Day, we convince our mom to take us up there and take Caleigh with us. The venue is not really a venue at all, it's a tiny warehouse with two separate sections: one a lighted gathering area with games and a food place, the other through a door that's dark where the stage is set up. It even has a wall that opens when the bands need to set-up! It's so cute! We get up there after the first band is finished playing their set, and we walk straight into the stage area. We watch the first band, who are actually quite decent (The Analog Reason, maybe they were called). The singer reminded me of Brendon Urie at times; it was amusing.
We head back out to the gathering area (it's a Jesus place) and sit around while Regret Night plays because we can't stand them - no offense-, leaving my mom behind in the other room. Finally, finally I spot David Blaise in the opposite corner of the room on his laptop. We sit around, order a delicious Ice Chai beverage for under two dollars and a pretzel (XD), and watch David Blaise make weird motions at his laptop. It's kind of cute, actually, and I'm quite entranced.
"Is he watching something?" I ask Caleigh. She answers, "He might be talking to someone. Probably Cass," she adds jokingly, as in Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday. (It pretty much destroyed me when I found out they were dating... not really.) I decide to take the ballsy move and "discreetly" walk by to see what he's doing. Right there, on his laptop screen IS CASSADEE! I was going to keep walking by on down to my mother, but I totally freak out and bolt backwards back to my sister and Caleigh. "I thought you were just kidding!" I tell Caleigh as I explain to them that David Blaise is, in fact, talking to Cassadee. That pretty much tears my heart in two (She's my girlfriend!) and I totally freak out, hence why I couldn't keep going forward. It was too much.
I go to get my mom so she doesn't have to sit by herself anymore, and I explain to her what happened because she was wondering why I had run away like I did. I'm totally freaking out because I really didn't think Caleigh could have been right. The image of her on the screen is forever burned into my mind. Ha ha ha ha. It really is, though.
Even then we continue to watch David Blaise as he finishes his virtual chat with Cassadee, gawk at Andy Horst when we see him (my mom loves him), and make fun of Dan Young and his silly accent. One of the guys from Regret Night - the least obnoxious one - comes over to talk to us, God only knows why. He asks us if we like Saving Verona, the band currently playing, and we all just shrug. He tells us that he actually really likes them and misses seeing them play. "So why don't you go watch them?" Nora says. "Oh I didn't mean it like that," she adds when he shamefully leaves us alone, realizing we don't actually want to talk to him. Poor kid.
Towards the end of Saving Verona's set, we go back into the stage area to watch the last few songs. We pass Andy on the way in, and my mom totally freaks out. Internally, that is. Saving Verona is actually really good, but I don't think I'd go out of my way to listen them. Dan Young is sitting on one of the couches, so my mom goes to sit next to him while Caleigh is pushing me to stand closer to where David Blaise is standing. Dan young eventually leave, though, but I find it really funny. Finally, it's This Providence's turn, so we get closer to the stage.
Dan Young is really interesting to watch on stage: he kind of squirms and twists like he has to go to the bathroom, but that's just my observation. Caleigh liked it, but I don't know what's wrong with her. They don't perform for very long at all, but pretty much divide their set with half of the songs from the new album and the other half from the one before. And overall, it was a really good time.
Afterward, we actually decide to brave it and meet Dan Young. He tells me he likes the coordination I have with my gold vest and the gold print on my "This ProviDANCE" shirt, and I politely tell him thanks you and that I was glad he noticed. We get pictures (Caleigh gets two because she didn't like the first one. Lame-o.), and my mom says something about having gone to sit next to him. He says something along the lines of how he liked that she was confident enough to do so. Strange. Very strange. He does tell her Happy Mother's Day, though, which is nice.
We meet David Blaise next after hesitating to approach him and take some pics. I "blink" in the first one, so I get another one. (I really didn't blink; I don't know what Nora's talking about.) "It's your birthday in 8 days, isn't it?" I say to him to start a conversation. "Yeah," he answers, "The big 21, but I still look really young." "My sister has the same problem," I tell him. "People always say she looks like she's 14, but she's really 20." Don't you hate that? he asks her, she agrees, and they go off on a quick conversation about their ages. There's another girl butting into our conversation (which is okay, because I actually like her, and I think she's nice), Kay, I think her name is, who also look like she's 12 because she's super short. She becomes part of the conversation, too.
David goes one to say how sometimes people take his youth ridiculously far. "Are you 10?" he quotes, and I make a comment about how yes, he's 10, he's tall, and he has a tattoo. "Yeah, my mom let me get this." He goes along with my joke, "I got it out of the 25 cent dispenser," which is the most hilarious part. He asks for our names, and we introduce ourselves. It's totally sweet, and I love him even more. He tells us to have a good night, and I go to hug him. He gives very sweet hugs. =)
We stop by to meet Gavin, and head outside to find Andy. He's talking to a few people and smoking (FAIL), so we wait around in a little group beside theirs, awkwardly, I might add. He looks over a few times, wondering what we want, but it isn't until he parts ways with them that we rush over to get pictures. One with my mom, of course because she loves him so much! She even gets a hug out of him! (That lucky bitch! XD) Dan Young ends up with us, too, and while we take turns getting a picture with Andy, Caleigh starts talking to him. About what, not even she knows, but she likes it. He tells Mom Happy Mother's Day again, and that's when it clicks in Andy's head, and he wishes her a happy day as well.
We leave soon after that and head home. Overall, it was a pretty successful night, and I know even my mom was glad that she made the effort to drive all the way down there. ;)
1 comment:
OMG LOL GAVIN. Once upon a time we were in the little this providence chat room they had going on while they were recording, and we were being really mean to him. Of course, he was only talking to us. XD Everyone else was like OMG NO I LOVE GAVIN. GAVIN'S SO HAWT. GAVIN LALALA. XD
Uhmmm, tell your mom she can't have Andy, because I'm in love with him. LOL :D
And don't make fun of dan dan the australian man. EVER. hahahahaha
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