Once inside the venue, Nora and I do our best to shimmy our way as close to the front as we can, and eventually, we make it to about second/third row, theoretically, which is really impressive for only having to wait fifteen or so minutes for the show to start. Hey Monday, as usual, does an amazing performance. The day before they had performed Candles like they always do, but because they were playing the same city twice in a row, they decide to switch that song out for 6 Months! I start freaking out because I never expected to ever hear that song live because it's so soft and slow, but it doesn't even change the mood of the performance and Cassadee sings so beautifully! That song right there was worth going into the show a second time. Pete Wentz comes out on stage again during Homecoming, and Nora snaps some really sick shots of Cassadee throughout their set.
As the next band is setting up, Nora and I become all confused. The mother-fuckers changed the line-up on us! Instead of All Time Low playing second, like we had hoped so we could get out of the pit, Cobra Starship is playing next. I don't mind that part at all because Cobra is a whole ton of fun to see live, and I was actually forced to pay attention. During Snakes on a Plane, Cassadee comes out - a tad too late, but she makes it works even though Gabe's glare at Victoria during the first chorus pretty much screamed, 'Where the fuck is she?' - to sing with them. Cobra Starship, despite my initial protest and hate, is badass.
The worst part of the line-up change is the fact that in order to stay up front for All Time Low, we have to sit through Metro Station up close! Noooooooo! I don't know how we do it, but somehow, Nora and I manage to survive, even though this is the point where we almost made it to the second row. I try to distract myself as much as I can, avoiding Trace Cyrus as he takes his shirt of yet again, and before I'm driven to the brink of suicide, their set is over. THANK GOD.
All Time Low comes out and plays next. It's pretty much a repeat of the day before, but I still enjoy it. Nora and I decide that it's not going to be worth it to stay up front for Fall Out Boy and get pummeled by idiotic fans, so we leave after All Time Low and venture the back of the venue for awhile. Nora sees Cassadee with a security guard, but we don't stop because I hadn't even seen her come down the stairs, and we were afraid one or the other would have gotten yelled at. We should have just gone for it, though. Eventually we just go stand where we stood the day before to watch Fall Out Boy, who again, do amazing! After What A Catch, Donnie, Nora and I bolt it behind the stage and find Alex, but he's occupied with a few other fans. Security, surprisingly, is not kicking us out, but Alex ignores and eventually lingers toward the bar area where we're not allowed. We decide it's okay to not talk to him right then and there and head back to where we were standing originally. From there, we can see Alex, Jack, and Vicky T on the other side, drinking and watching Fall Out Boy. That keeps me occupied for a good while.
Right as Fall Out Boy's set comes to a close, Nora and I leave to the merch area, scan it for a few seconds, and head outside to the back where the buses are again after finding no one. Our mom is here to pick us up at this point, so she gets off the car to come meet All Time Low with us, who is already out by the wire. Just Rian, Zack, and Jack, though. We manage to find a crack in the crowd at the very end, which enables us to get a picture with Zack and Rian. Yay!
I don't know what comes over me, but I decide that we should get pictures with Jack just for the hell of it. A spot opens up perfectly for us, so we got for it and wait a little bit while he takes picture with other people until his attention is directed toward us. Nora asks if we could get a picture with him. He says yes, takes the camera from Nora's hands, (WTF?!?!? Nora and I totally freak out because that camera is everything to her XD.) and decides to take the picture for us. "It's more professional that way," Jack says. Again, WTF?! I step out of the picture because I want my own, but I ask for one afterward, so he takes Nora's camera again, and I don't know how he does, but he angles the picture perfectly and it turns out to be one of the most adorable pictures I have ever taken in my life. No joke. Really, WHAT THE FUCK?!
Alex comes out of the bus not too long afterward and stops for a few minutes to talk to a girl he knows loading her car. After that, he comes over to the crowd and yells something. He starts not too far from where we are and makes his way over to us in no time. He smiles, asks us how we are while complaining about how cold he is. Again, I am absolutely horrible at this, and I forget half of what was said. I do remember that some guy comes up behind us and hands a phone to Alex, telling him his biggest fan, Molly, is on the phone because she couldn't make it tonight because she was at another show. Biggest fan, my ass. After totally shit-talking him like she always does, Nora tells Alex that she's a writer, and when she writes a sentence, she always asks herself, "Could Alex Gaskarth have written this better?" "That's cool!" he laughs. "Whenever I write a lyric, I always ask myself, 'Could Jesus have written this better'? And the answer is 'no'." Meanwhile, I am completely ignored and practically shoved to the side, yay me. ='(
Alex tells Nora to email some of her stories to him and he'll grade them - red pen teacher marks! Okay, really? I think, I was a writer first. Thanks Nora, not everything is about you. My whole jealously rage gets worse: "Oh by the way," Nora says after we both get pictures, "I'm Nora." Alex shakes her hand, laughing, "I'm Alex." And of course, I'm offered no introduction, so on my own I decide to introduce myself, too. I get to shake his hand and all, but I can tell he doesn't care. His face was just, like, "Ohhhkay." Nora tells him we're going to be heading off - what I hadn't realized until now was that he completely shut out all the other fans to talk to us, err, Nora and no one else - so I say, "Could we pull off doing a hug?" STUPID ME. "I don't know if we can pull it off, but we'll do it," he says, hugging me, then Nora and my mom.
I don't mean to take things to heart so much or get so overly sensitive about stupid things, but I couldn't help but feel so ignored the entire time, even by my own sister. It was like she didn't even care that I'm pretty much in love with the asshole and didn't pay any mind to the fact that I was standing right there. I really never was involved any of the times we've met him. Story of my life.