As it turns out, we weren't able to buy tickets to actually go inside the AP Tour because they sold out about 30 minutes after they went on sale, I kid you not. I was so bummed out at first: I had really wanted to see A Rocket to the Moon and the Maine because they are two of my favourite bands, and I love them to death. But once the day actually rolled around, I realized that I actually DIDN'T want to be inside of a venue in 3OH!3's hometown. I imagine it would have been hell, and things wouldn't have turned out as great as they did if we had gone in. I really think God was doing us a favor by having the shows sell out, now that I really think about it. We take this opportunity, however, to head down to the Fox Theatre anyway just to see if we can find John O, and I AM NOT LEAVING UNTIL I MEET NICK SANTINO.
The doors are pretty much open by the time we arrive in Boulder, so Nora, my mom, and I decide to explore the surrounding area, which wraps in a rectangular formation and we even go into the alley where the backstage exit is (awkward) and end up waiting right at the end of the alley by this weird fence. It's a little awkward and obnoxious standing there, but I am determined to meet Nick Santino one way or another. The sun is beginning to go down after about a half hour of waiting. We hear that A Rocket to the Moon has finished their set, and Hit the Lights is making their way onstage as we continue waiting. We finally see Nick Santino walking up in our direction, BUT HE'S ON HIS PHONE. We watch as he makes his way up the sidewalk and turns in our direction, but I don't want to walk up to him while he's on his phone, I think it's rude, nor do I want to miss the opportunity. However, we let him go, but he walks around behind the fence - we can see his fedora - and wanders for a little bit as we still around awkwardly.
That's when a group of five dudes all synchronized in black come walking towards us - it's the Maine! And they all look so beautiful; really, they do. So beautiful, they have all three of us gaping. John O(h my God) waves at us and says hi. I think Kennedy and Pat sort of smile at us, too, but I could totally be wrong about this. In response we just smile as politely as we can without freaking out. He keeps walking because he has to go onstage soon, but he tells us that he'll see us in there. Right.
All three of us have a miniature freak out. Did John Oh (HOW DO YOU EVEN SPELL THAT?!) really just say hi to us? Hells yeah he did! So we keep on waiting for Nick Santino, and now John Oh because we can't just walk off without talking to him after what just happened. Nora leaves to go to the bathroom in one of the surrounding restaurants, and when she comes back, she tells us that she can see the Maine performing from right in front of the venue. I hesitate to go over there because I don't want to get yelled at nor do I want to miss meeting Nick Santino, but I'm eventually persuaded to go over there, and we watch the Maine perform the rest of their set from outside. It's pretty funny how you can actually see into the venue, and completely awesome at the same time.
Afterward, we head back to our stalker positions and keep on waiting. It's pretty dark outside now, and you can barely make out the people in the darkness. But there are a group of guys huddled around the Maine's van as it loads its gear from backstage in the alley. A couple minutes later, three guys come walking up all dressed in black, and it's Kennedy, Pat, and Jared from the Maine! Hooray! Our group and theirs sort of falter when we make eye contact, unsure of what to do, but I guess we both make some sort of gesture that causes them to come toward and us and say hello and ask us if we enjoyed the show. Ha. It is all truly quite priceless. I can't help but tell them that I really liked the coordination of their clothes. I tell them I know it's kind of weird, but they all look really good. They says thanks, and Pat says, "We thought of you two when we picked it out." Okay, odd child. Jared walks off at some point, which makes me very sad, but Nora and I get pictures with Kennedy and Pat anyways. Pat makes a joke with Nora saying how he never shows up in pictures, which confuses us both, but we just nod and laugh. (Flirting, maybe?!) After a little more chit chat, they head off to their van, but it was quite a nice, unexpected experience.
What is even more priceless is when another group of three guys come walking in our direction. Even in the dark, Nora and I can tell it's Nick Santino AND John Oh walking together towards. I have a little mental freak-out as I'm unsure of what to do, but spotting us again, John Oh steps back from the group, which includes Garrett (bleh), to come say hi to us. I don't want John Oh, I think, I want Nick, so I make this weird outstretching movement with my arms towards Nick so we won't walk away. He turns to me and says, "Oh, you want a hug?" He comes over toward me and hugs me (score!), but I blurt out, "No, I just want a picture." My bad. "Oh," he answers, "Well that's okay because I'm cold." Good cover, dear Santino, and we take a very cute picture together. Nora gets a picture also, but afterward, I occupy myself with talking to Nick only, and ignoring poor John Oh while Nora's stuck in between listening to me talk to Nick and listening to John Oh talk to my mom! Ha ha ha. We also take pictures with John Oh, and as I'm taking the one of him and Nora, Nick Santino comes to stand behind me to watch me take the picture through the viewfinder, and makes fun of John Oh. He didn't do this to Nora, oh no, odd child.
Nick starts to talk to me about my hoodie, and how he likes it. I look at John Oh, and he smiles at me because I think he remembers the last time that I wore that hoodie and the little joke I made. Well, at least I hope he does. Nick goes on and on about the hoodie. He asks me if I got it online or at a show. Online, I tell him, and he adds that a lot of the online merchandise is better because the printing is better. I agree with him. He tells me about the one they're selling inside. It's purple and the print is smaller, but he says he likes the one I have on better. "Was I in there?" he asks. I don't want to lie to him, but quickly he continues, "Have you seen it?" The hoodie, he means, and I can answer yes to this without lying, so I do. He really does not ever shut up about the hoodie. "Is it just red and yellow?" he asks, "Or does it have green in it, too." It's your hoodie, you should know, I think, but he doesn't even give me time to answer. Instead he tells me to step into the light so he can see it. (;]) "No, it's just red and yellow," I try to answer, but for some reason, I step towards the streetlight with him anyway. It was kind of weird, but we step back into the group after a few seconds.
My mom and sister are asking John Oh about how they thought the fans were, and he says that they were a lot better than they expected, but Nick adds that they tend to get worse with the neighboring states (of Colorado). "Yeah," I agree, turning to John Oh, "Like them chanting 3Oh!3 during your set." Laughing, John Oh nods. "Did you read that on my Twitter?" Nick asks me. "Noooo," I say, and turn my eyes away, which means, yes, and he knows this. A little more chitter chatter goes on, but finally they both say they need to go and find some place to eat. I mention that this area is great because there are so many good surroundings food locations. I reach out my hand toward Nick to introduce myself, "My name is Sarah-" but I have to pull my hand away quickly as he wraps his arms around me yet again. "Nick," he answers, and goes around to give half hugs. John Oh also goes around to give everyone a hug. "Thanks for following my Twitter," Nick adds, and I just nod.
They take off, and we go back to the front of the venue to watch what we can of Family Force 5. I wish we had been inside for their set at least, but if we had been, things wouldn't have worked out so perfectly, and ultimately, I'm thankful that the show sold out.
hahaha man, I love kennedy. I just had to get that out.
LOL YOUR CONVERSATION WITH NICK WINS AT LIFE. If it had it's own life...which...I'm sure would have been like being famous if it did... Does that make any sense ?
Ha ha ha, you definitely make sense!
I<3you, just so you know. Ha ha ha ha.
haha you can just reply in my blog ! like myspace comments you know ? and then if you have something else to say about my blog, you can say that too !
anyways, haha I <3 you too
AND ! my mom looooves matthew, so we had to go see it XD
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