VENUE: Marquis Theater
This was the first show I had been to in a long time where I knew hardly any songs by any of the bands. I knew who they all were, and most of the songs by the Morning Light, but otherwise, these are bands I should probably listen to but don't. Anyhow.
My sister and I are the only ones going to the show - going without my mom is scary! - and we get there pretty much as doors open. We go to sit on the stools and wait for the show to start as we watch Nate Flynn from Sing it Loud wander in and out of the crowd to converse with the people and promote his band. It's kind of cute to watch. And it's pretty awesome that they keep passing this awesome dance music while we're waiting, almost as if it's preparing us for prom. They even threw in some Jonas Brothers's Burnin' Up. That made the day quite a bit more lovely.
The Summer Set has a badass girl drummer, and they perform really well live. I didn't particular enjoy their music on Myspace, but live, they got me really interested in their music. Artist vs. Poet is also a fantastic band to see live. Their music, sometimes, strikes me as a little generic at times, and the singer reminds me OF SINGER, but Nora thinks the guitarist (whose name I don't know) has a really amazing smile, so I hop off my stool with my camera, run off to the side of the stage, and snap some pictures of him just for my darling sister. She, too, finds this amusing.
The Morning Light, on the other hand, perform for a ridiculously short time, which bums me out because I love them a lot! It was weird seeing them without Harrison, but overall, they were really great! After their set, Nora and I venture back into the merch area to see who we can scope out and meet. We find the bassist of the Morning Light (name?) and get a picture. Nate walks up to us and introduces himself after asking our names. He tries to see his CD - we already have it - and tells Nora he likes her shirt (purple Sing it Loud). Did she get it the last time? he asks. Yes. With Forever the Sickest Kids, right at the Gothic? Yes! Excellent memory, dear child. Well, they have new bracelets, he points out, but Nora tells him she hates those bracelets (the thick rubber kind) , while I tell him I like them, so I'll keep them in mind. I tell him I like his sweater, he says thanks, and hopes that we enjoy the show before walking off.
We linger for a moment, but find no one else and decide to head back to watch the Friday Night Boys, which... I'm sorry... weren't that impressive. I bought their EP because I thought they were good, but if you want to see a band that's full of cliche hooks and lines, it's them. Maybe I'm being over judgmental, but I really didn't think they were that great. Maybe next time around, it'll be better. At least I'm hoping they will be.
Nora and I go back to the merch area and meet the singer of the Morning Light. We spot Nick, the drummer, a little while later, so we go and ask him for a picture. He tells us he remembers us from all the past shows we've been to. What a sweetie! And Nora tells him he's her favorite drummer, and humbly, he thanks her. (He's so cute!) I tell him that I was really bummed out that they only played, like, negative seven songs at which he laughs but explains that Bobby hadn't been feeling well; his vocals weren't at their best, so they weren't able to play for too long, unfortunately. It's understandable, I tell him. I think that's about it for the conversation with Nick, but he is a very thoughtful individual.
We head back to the stage as Sing it Loud takes the stage. We watch, and even though, I rarely listen to them on the record (yes, I know I should, and I've started) I enjoy watching them. The singer is kind of weird to watch because he has this sad, sad look in his eyes, but he's still a good musician. They don't perform too long, which is good because I have school the next day, so we head back out to the merch to scope out whoever we can. We meet Jess from the Summer Set, and she's super, super sweet and adorable! She asks us our names and tells us they'll be back sometimes in the summer, but she can't tell us with who. She's a freaking badass! We also meet the guitarist, John, of the Summer Set, who is equally sweet and polite. He, too, asks us our names, and I tell him I like his glasses. He was very cute. =)
My sister and I also meet two other members from Sing it Loud and the guitarist Nora finds pretty in Artist vs. Poet. He's also very nice. We get a picture with another member of AVP and with Nate. We had been trying to avoid the singer of the Friday Night Boys all night long because something inside the both of us just KNEW we wouldn't even have to go up to him to talk to him. Lo and behold, he approaches us, and asks if we enjoyed the show. Of course. Do we want to buy the EP? he asks. No, we already have it, we answer, AND HE FREAKIN' HUGS US. =/ We unintentionally relay really short answers, but he doesn't catch the hint. I feel bad and ask him for a picture just to make him feel better. Poor guy. He tells us they'll be back in June with Hey Monday, and finally, Nora and I show a little enthusiasm and excitement. We'll be there, we says, and he gives us yet another hug. Ew.
We don't stay excruciatingly long after the show like we normally do. There's no one really to stay behind for, but it was still a really fun night, overall, and I'm glad we ended up going. =D
I'm completely bummed you don't have a picture with Andy ! (bassist for TML ;)) He's seriously the nicest, most down to earth dude ever. Haha he even danced with my dad ! XD (long story) Man I love him.
Anyways, I'm still heartbroken Harrison left. :'(
We find the bassist of the Morning Light (name?) and get a picture.I see no picture !
haha and yeah :( I know. She just kept going on and on about how she's getting her apartment but she might have to go to school in this high class school instead of our borderline ghetto school. haha idk, I didn't really care about that though. I was like WHATEVER, bring me back some hot guys. hahaha. I mean I do appreciate what I have, but who doesn't want more than what they have ? I mean she gets that, and she still likes to rub it in my face. *shrugs*
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