VENUE: Fillmore Auditorium
I hated how we had to choose between this show and the Devil Wears Prada. TDWP are SO incredible to see live; neither my sister nor I wanted to give up the opportunity to go see them, but alas, Fall Out Boy is one of Nora's ultimate favorite bands and we chose to see them instead, which was absolutely fine with me, despite the show being at my least favorite venue. At least it wasn't in an arena, so we seized the opportunity.
Like crazy-ass fanatics, but not the maximum extreme, we get down to the venue at about 7 in the morning, whip out our sleeping materials and lie down on the pavement behind only five or so people (which DO multiply by the end) to sleep and wait and wait and wait. Way later into the day, as I'm laying on the pavement, I glance up to see a guy on a scooter with a Glamour Kills shirt. I find this funny and decide to check him out, then I see a girl behind him. IT'S HEY MONDAY. (FYI, I love Cassadee, and she's my theoretical girlfriend... but I don't swing that way.) I freak out a little bit on the inside as I watch them ride away on scooters. How darling.
The ten hours of waiting actually go by pretty fast. Despite all the early-entry assholes and line-cutters, Nora and I make it about second row, in theory inside the venue. I start to feel really, REALLY sick and don't know if I can make it through the hour wait. I want to so badly, but I feel so ridiculously ill that ten minutes before Hey Monday comes out, I have to bolt to the bathroom and forfeit my spot. I am so, SO sad about this but feel a whole lot better afterward and venture back into the crowd. I make it about "fifth row" and I can see really, really well. Cassadee can't see me, but that's okay. They open with Run, Don't Walk (badass, I tell you, badass!) and only play a few songs, but my girlfriend looks damn good and sings SO well! Pete Wentz even comes on stage to sing with them and people go crazy! I even go crazy!
All Time Low comes on next, and they of course, perform they're typical-ass songs, but despite this, they perform well. They always do. They keep the inappropriate comments to a minimum (probably because Alex knew Nora was there!), which is actually quite nice. After their set, I leave, and meet up with Nora at the merch area, miraculously. We wander around for a little while, looking for someone to meet, but we find no one. Instead, we find the Summer Set standing around in the middle of the pit. A day off, we figured, and decide to venture near them when Jess is alone. She says hi to us and confirms that we were at their show the night before. We reintroduce ourselves, and she tells us that they had gotten in free, but didn't get to see Hey Monday or All Time Low, even though she wanted to because they had just arrived. Sad day. We part ways, saying we'll see her next time.
Even though Gabe Saporta can't shut his mouth, Cobra Starship is still a really fun band to see live. I like his morals and speeches; they move me, and they're good for a dance. Gabe starts talking shit about Cassadee and how she had agreed to sing Snake on a Plane with them until Fall Out Boy asked her to sing a song with them. "Fuck you, Gabe!" he quotes. He then says that they asked Alex Gaskarth the same thing. He, too, agreed, until Fall Out Boy snatched him up, too. "Fuck you, Gabe!" he says again, "But you know what? That's okay because WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT." I find this hilarious, but in the middle of Snakes on a Plane, Alex runs on stage out of nowhere to sing William Beckett's part. "I heard you talking shit about me from downstairs," Alex tells Gabe. It's all quite a sight to see.
Both Nora and I are dreading the moment Metro Station comes on stage. And I really don't give a rat's ass if you say you like them, because THEY SUCK. They're horrible. There's nothing good about them. Sometimes, yes, they have decent beats, but those needs dudes who actually know how to sing if they want to turn it into a good song. They're SO nasty. At one point, Trace Cyrus takes his shirt off "because it's so hot", girls scream, and I almost throw up on myself. I kid you not. He is the epitome of disgusting, but luckily, their set is over soon before I go through with suicide. Thank God.
We go and stand with my mom a level up on the side of the stage to watch Fall Out Boy. It may not be in the pit, but it provides a really good view. And let me tell you, I don't really go out of my way to listen to Fall Out Boy, but seeing them live is always so amazing! Plus it doesn't hurt that I can see Cassadee sitting on the side of the stage watching and waiting for her turn to come out. They start with an introduction projected on the screen and come out in business attire and wigs. A little later on, they do another segue way video and change into another set of unified outfits. In total, I believe they play about an hour and a half, almost. They perform some songs from Take This To Your Grave (definitely Saturday and Grand Theft Autumn) and my favourite song from the news record: Headfirst Slide in Cooperstown. I was so thrilled when they played it; Alex came out during Grand Theft Autumn, and after, when they perform What A Catch, Donnie (which was really awesome, especially when Gabe came out to sing and the other members who sing in the song were projected on a screen; that was pretty BA), Alex leaves the stage, and I try to hunt him down from the back, but I don't find him. Not a big deal.
I head back to my mother and sister and continue to watch Fall Out Boy. They really are amazing performers; even that silly little Pete Wentz that drives me crazy sometimes (in a negative manner). Cassadee also comes out and performs a song with them towards the end... but I don't remember what it was. I have the worst memory ever! After Fall Out Boy's spectacular performance, we head back to the merch and spot Gabe Saporta off to the side being hounded by girls who have no idea who the hell he is! Fun! I decide that I want a picture with him just for memory's sake, so after a good while of waiting we get our pics. We also see Alex Suarez from Cobra, but we don't talk to him and instead head outside to the back where all the buses are.
We find Alex Suarez again and a shitload of people against the wire barricade waiting for someone "famous" to come that they could hound. Alex has a badass necklace of a Pokeball around his next, so I decide to get a picture with him at this time (my pictures with him always turn out so cute!) and ask him, "Where do you get necklaces like that?" He tells me that a fan had just given it to him. It was such a cool necklace; I couldn't even tell you. At that same moment, Alex Gaskarth hops off his tour bus and people freak out, so we freak out, too and head against the mob of people to get our turn. We hadn't realized it until then, but Rian, Jack, and Zack had all been out there meeting people already, and we missed out opportunity. Oh well.
Instead we have to focus on getting our time with Alex. We trace him back and forth behind the line of people, trying to find an empty space against the wire too jump in and talk to him. Eventually we make our way through, and after girls hound him for a good while, he turns in our direction, comes over - ignoring everyone else, mind you - and says hey... to Nora, mostly, but I'm trying to get over that. Way to remind myself. And I'm such a douchebag because I can't remember any of the conversation! =( I do remember that he was talking to Nora for a good while (maybe I'm just trying to block it), and I just stood there, only half listening. Randomly, Alex says to Nora, "I love you," all sincerely, which takes us both aback a little bit, but of course, she replies with, "I hate you." "Why?" He basically whimpers, but laughing, he adds, "I didn't do anything."
I know my mom joined in, he asked her how she was. I was standing there awkwardly, but Alex realized that I was with my sister, so he smiles, does a polite little wave, and says hi. We do all get pictures, but I really wish I remember more of what we talked about. =/ I know he gives Nora a farewell hug, then proceeds to hug my mother and I. He asks us if we're coming tomorrow, but we say that we don't know, but we'd definitely be going to the in-store at the Park Meadows Mall. He's glad we'll be going and says he doesn't know how many people are actually going to be there so they could hang out, but it'll be a good time. =) Content, we leave a little bit after, just as Trace Cyrus is walking off his bus (good timing) and head home.
That was basically the majority of the night. I didn't get to meet Cassadee, but it was okay because Alex knows who my sister is. Heh.
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