I have been way to fucking busy for my own good!
I miss writing about all my shows!
Need. to find. more. time....
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
taking back sunday, 26.05.2009
LINE-UP: Envy on the Coast, Anberlin, Taking Back Sunday @ The Boulder Theater
As much as I love Envy on the Coast, twenty-five dollars for four people for one band is a little damaging to my sister's wallet, so ultimately, we decided not to go into the show, =(. It ended up selling out anyway, but we do decide to hang out around the venue before and after the show. For a very long time. We do, however, see Matt from TBS outside their bus, talking on his phone. Nora gets super excited, but we don't approach him. It's more fun to just admire from afar.
Eventually the doors open and everyone goes inside. We stand directly outside of the venue's doors as Envy starts performing, and we can actually hear them play, which is a nice treat seeing as how we couldn't get in at all. They play two new songs, I think, and they seemed pretty good from what I could hear. After their set, Jeremy comes into view right inside the venue's doors because that's where their merch is set up. My mom hopes that if we just stand there, he'll see us and come out and say hi. Nope. But he does see my mom and waves at her.
We round the outside of the venue afterward and see the rest of the guys taking their gear out from the venue to put it into their van which is across the street. The security guard there is getting suspicious of us, for some reason, so we just walk away instead of forcing our way into the alley and getting yelled at by some asshole.
We wait around by the front of the venue for a little while until we decide to cross the street to where Envy's van is to see if they're there. They are, so we walk towards them. I get all ansy, thinking this is awkward, but I'm forced forward. It's really dark by their van, but somehow, Sal sees us, says hi, and asks us how we are. It's a very sweet gesture since we were never sure if he knew who we were. Ryan sees us, too, and says hi. He finishes loading up the van and comes over to talk to us. He asks us how we are about two times, I'm pretty sure, and gives everyone a hug. Well, a half hug; Nora is the only one who gets a full one. ;) We do a little small talk, we ask how the tour's been going, and he tells us that touring with Taking Back Sunday is the greatest and that it's weird touring without them. When they had a day off, Ryan tells us, they felt so lost, so both bands were texting each other, all, "I miss you guys, man!" It's funny.
During the midst of this all Adam Lazzara (ADAM LAZZARA, OH MY GOD!) comes over and hands Ryan a guitar he had left behind, and I start freaking out. Adam Lazzara is standing practically two feet from me, but he leaves, and I calm down. Ryan then asks us if we liked the new songs, and Nora (stupid little Nora) says she hasn't heard them. "We played them tonight," Ryan clarifies. Duh Nora. "We... weren't in there," she says. None of us could lie to them if our lives depended on it. We weren't in there?! Oh no! "It sold out..." Nora adds, trying to ease her guilt. Did we not think it was going to sell out?" Ryan asks. We say that we weren't sure. We didn't know what TBS's fan base was like here, so we decided to just wait it out, and lo and behold, it sold out. Oh well. That's okay, at least we came afterward, he says. He tells us that he's gotta go and get food, so he gives us all hugs and says he'll see us next time. Love him.
Conveniently as we round the corner to the front of the venue, Jeremy is outside! He's talking with a girl holding a camera and smoking. Yay. He sees us and says hi very enthusiastically. He asks us how we are and such, and we talk for a good long while. He asks Daniel and I what grades we're going into, and if my brother still won't talk. Nope, he won't. My mom mentions how long his hair has gotten, and he likes it, still, and points out that Daniel used to have longer, so he would know what it's like. My mom wasn't sure if he had been waving to from inside earlier, but he was, and he hadn't thought anything of it until we tell him that we actually weren't in the show. He's super bummed out about this, but still thinks it's awesome of my mom to bring us down her to hang out anyway. My mom rules!
It suddenly hits Jeremy that he's been talking the entire time without introducing us to his lady friend. Her name is Emily, and she's Envy's photographer. She goes around the circle and introduces herself as we offer our hands and do the same. She, too, joins the conversation. She is very nice, and Nora tells her she wishes she had her job. (My sister loves photography.) Emily, however, doesn't think the touring photographer life is so fabulous, but if she wants it...
(Okay, so this happened so fucking long ago, so I've nearly forgotten everything that's happened. I feel like a failure!) I do remember, however, that Envy's new drummer, whom I do not know the name of (failure x2), comes out to talk to Jeremy, and Jeremy introduce us to him. It's so sweet! We go around, shakes hands, and tell him our names, except Daniel, ha ha, and he calls my mom and Nora "Nora Squared", so it wouldn't be too hard to remember.It's really funny, and actually quite clever! I've never heard that one before. The end of the conversation rolls around, and by this time, we've gotten a couple of people into the circle, i.e. Eddie from TBS. (Holy shit!) So Jeremy goes around and gives us all hugs.
"She gives the best hugs," he says about me as he walks off. "You should take lessons." Fuck yeah.
As much as I love Envy on the Coast, twenty-five dollars for four people for one band is a little damaging to my sister's wallet, so ultimately, we decided not to go into the show, =(. It ended up selling out anyway, but we do decide to hang out around the venue before and after the show. For a very long time. We do, however, see Matt from TBS outside their bus, talking on his phone. Nora gets super excited, but we don't approach him. It's more fun to just admire from afar.
Eventually the doors open and everyone goes inside. We stand directly outside of the venue's doors as Envy starts performing, and we can actually hear them play, which is a nice treat seeing as how we couldn't get in at all. They play two new songs, I think, and they seemed pretty good from what I could hear. After their set, Jeremy comes into view right inside the venue's doors because that's where their merch is set up. My mom hopes that if we just stand there, he'll see us and come out and say hi. Nope. But he does see my mom and waves at her.
We round the outside of the venue afterward and see the rest of the guys taking their gear out from the venue to put it into their van which is across the street. The security guard there is getting suspicious of us, for some reason, so we just walk away instead of forcing our way into the alley and getting yelled at by some asshole.
We wait around by the front of the venue for a little while until we decide to cross the street to where Envy's van is to see if they're there. They are, so we walk towards them. I get all ansy, thinking this is awkward, but I'm forced forward. It's really dark by their van, but somehow, Sal sees us, says hi, and asks us how we are. It's a very sweet gesture since we were never sure if he knew who we were. Ryan sees us, too, and says hi. He finishes loading up the van and comes over to talk to us. He asks us how we are about two times, I'm pretty sure, and gives everyone a hug. Well, a half hug; Nora is the only one who gets a full one. ;) We do a little small talk, we ask how the tour's been going, and he tells us that touring with Taking Back Sunday is the greatest and that it's weird touring without them. When they had a day off, Ryan tells us, they felt so lost, so both bands were texting each other, all, "I miss you guys, man!" It's funny.
During the midst of this all Adam Lazzara (ADAM LAZZARA, OH MY GOD!) comes over and hands Ryan a guitar he had left behind, and I start freaking out. Adam Lazzara is standing practically two feet from me, but he leaves, and I calm down. Ryan then asks us if we liked the new songs, and Nora (stupid little Nora) says she hasn't heard them. "We played them tonight," Ryan clarifies. Duh Nora. "We... weren't in there," she says. None of us could lie to them if our lives depended on it. We weren't in there?! Oh no! "It sold out..." Nora adds, trying to ease her guilt. Did we not think it was going to sell out?" Ryan asks. We say that we weren't sure. We didn't know what TBS's fan base was like here, so we decided to just wait it out, and lo and behold, it sold out. Oh well. That's okay, at least we came afterward, he says. He tells us that he's gotta go and get food, so he gives us all hugs and says he'll see us next time. Love him.
Conveniently as we round the corner to the front of the venue, Jeremy is outside! He's talking with a girl holding a camera and smoking. Yay. He sees us and says hi very enthusiastically. He asks us how we are and such, and we talk for a good long while. He asks Daniel and I what grades we're going into, and if my brother still won't talk. Nope, he won't. My mom mentions how long his hair has gotten, and he likes it, still, and points out that Daniel used to have longer, so he would know what it's like. My mom wasn't sure if he had been waving to from inside earlier, but he was, and he hadn't thought anything of it until we tell him that we actually weren't in the show. He's super bummed out about this, but still thinks it's awesome of my mom to bring us down her to hang out anyway. My mom rules!
It suddenly hits Jeremy that he's been talking the entire time without introducing us to his lady friend. Her name is Emily, and she's Envy's photographer. She goes around the circle and introduces herself as we offer our hands and do the same. She, too, joins the conversation. She is very nice, and Nora tells her she wishes she had her job. (My sister loves photography.) Emily, however, doesn't think the touring photographer life is so fabulous, but if she wants it...
(Okay, so this happened so fucking long ago, so I've nearly forgotten everything that's happened. I feel like a failure!) I do remember, however, that Envy's new drummer, whom I do not know the name of (failure x2), comes out to talk to Jeremy, and Jeremy introduce us to him. It's so sweet! We go around, shakes hands, and tell him our names, except Daniel, ha ha, and he calls my mom and Nora "Nora Squared", so it wouldn't be too hard to remember.It's really funny, and actually quite clever! I've never heard that one before. The end of the conversation rolls around, and by this time, we've gotten a couple of people into the circle, i.e. Eddie from TBS. (Holy shit!) So Jeremy goes around and gives us all hugs.
"She gives the best hugs," he says about me as he walks off. "You should take lessons." Fuck yeah.
Monday, June 15, 2009
danger radio, 19.05.2009
LINE-UP: Roe, Stereo Skyline, My Favorite Highway, Danger Radio @ Marquis
WHY DOES DANGER RADIO ALWAYS HAVE TO PLAY ON DAYS WHEN I HAVE OTHER THINGS GOING ON, HUH?!?! The Cab and This Providence were playing the same as them two times before that; sad, sad day, and this time, it was my older brother's birthday, so we weren't able to go to the actual show. FML. Instead, we decide to go to see if we can meet them afterward, but we don't end up heading down there until about 11 at night.
Because it's my brother's birthday, I'm still wearing this super awesome, very Demi Lovato like, black dress with a black and red checkered bottom from Forever 21 that looks super good on me, let me tell ya. My mom, Nora, and I wait around awkwardly as we see Andrew with his plate of pizza talking to a bunch of other people, among them Molly and her gang, who take it upon themselves to shoot us nasty glares for absolutely no reason at all.
Andrew spots us, and suddenly it hits him that we weren't there. (So sweet that he noticed.) He yells at us and asks, jokingly, if This Providence was playing. No, they weren't, we answer. So what kept us away? he walks over to us. It was our brother's birthday, we explain, and he accepts it as a valid reason for missing his show. My mom asks him if he actually notices that we're gone, and he says, he didn't think of it at first, but now that he sees us, of course he realized that we hadn't been inside the entire time.
We go off on a bunch of random conversations, but there's a point where Andrew full on pauses and looks me up and down (in a kind of inappropriate way) at least three times, and just jumps right back into what he was saying as if he hadn't just done anything awkward. Nora and I glance at each other and have to hold back laughter. This was probably the most memorable part of the night.
A couple of homeless people walk by and ask us for money. A woman asks if Andrew will share his food, and he gives all of it to her. "I wish I was that nice," I say; I really was. This reminds him about wanting to become healthier on the road, and so far, he's started to work out and run. That day, when he was running, he was listening to new Taking Back Sunday and totally jamming out while he was jogging. A man on a cyclist goes past him from behind and just stares at him as he goes by. Apologies for the self-expression.
Andrew says he also walked all the way to 7-11, where other homeless folks asked him for money, and he gave whoever it was two dollars, which was all he had. A few blocks down another person asks for money, but he apologizes and says he already gave it to someone else. But then the same person offers him some drugs that he's on, and Andrew's like, "Really, I don't have any money." He makes a joke about how you can't really trust anything they sell, even if you do do drugs. They're homeless, for God's sake! "It's probably rat poison, or something."
Funny story.
Where this next subject comes from I have no idea, but he starts telling us about his divine love for Scrubs and Zach Braff. He asks if we watch the show, which we unfortunately don't, but goes off describing an episode he really loves. He says that the producer for the Scene Aesthetic's album personally knows Zach Braff, so he's going to try to get her to "hook them up", in theory, so they can meet. And hopefully, through Zach Braff, he can meet Natalie Portman because he's totally in love with her. So is my sister. =) She adores her. They off on their "I love Natalie Portman" rant and Nora informs him that she's actually really short, so she's actually not taller than Andrew, like he thought. Hooray for him!
They bring up that rap she did on SNL, and I say, "I was like 13 when that premiered, I was like, 'What is this'," hoping he gets the hint THAT I'M REALLY YOUNG. Nada. My mom says she thought that he loved Ellen Page. Andrew says he does also love Ellen Page, but Natalie Portman would have to come first, then Ellen in a close second.
A little later on, we get pictures when it's about van call, so he says he has to go and gives us all hugs, but he ends up talking to us for a lot longer. I know Elan got involved for a quick minute because he needed a Sharpie, but that was about it. Andrew gives us another set of hugs and heads off. We, unfortunately, don't get to meet anyone else. I had really wanted to talk to Nico, but Andrew wouldn't shut the eff up, which was really okay because he's such a character. I love Danger Radio very, very much. Hopefully they next time they play it doesn't coincide with anything else that's important, but we'll just have to see.
WHY DOES DANGER RADIO ALWAYS HAVE TO PLAY ON DAYS WHEN I HAVE OTHER THINGS GOING ON, HUH?!?! The Cab and This Providence were playing the same as them two times before that; sad, sad day, and this time, it was my older brother's birthday, so we weren't able to go to the actual show. FML. Instead, we decide to go to see if we can meet them afterward, but we don't end up heading down there until about 11 at night.
Because it's my brother's birthday, I'm still wearing this super awesome, very Demi Lovato like, black dress with a black and red checkered bottom from Forever 21 that looks super good on me, let me tell ya. My mom, Nora, and I wait around awkwardly as we see Andrew with his plate of pizza talking to a bunch of other people, among them Molly and her gang, who take it upon themselves to shoot us nasty glares for absolutely no reason at all.
Andrew spots us, and suddenly it hits him that we weren't there. (So sweet that he noticed.) He yells at us and asks, jokingly, if This Providence was playing. No, they weren't, we answer. So what kept us away? he walks over to us. It was our brother's birthday, we explain, and he accepts it as a valid reason for missing his show. My mom asks him if he actually notices that we're gone, and he says, he didn't think of it at first, but now that he sees us, of course he realized that we hadn't been inside the entire time.
We go off on a bunch of random conversations, but there's a point where Andrew full on pauses and looks me up and down (in a kind of inappropriate way) at least three times, and just jumps right back into what he was saying as if he hadn't just done anything awkward. Nora and I glance at each other and have to hold back laughter. This was probably the most memorable part of the night.
A couple of homeless people walk by and ask us for money. A woman asks if Andrew will share his food, and he gives all of it to her. "I wish I was that nice," I say; I really was. This reminds him about wanting to become healthier on the road, and so far, he's started to work out and run. That day, when he was running, he was listening to new Taking Back Sunday and totally jamming out while he was jogging. A man on a cyclist goes past him from behind and just stares at him as he goes by. Apologies for the self-expression.
Andrew says he also walked all the way to 7-11, where other homeless folks asked him for money, and he gave whoever it was two dollars, which was all he had. A few blocks down another person asks for money, but he apologizes and says he already gave it to someone else. But then the same person offers him some drugs that he's on, and Andrew's like, "Really, I don't have any money." He makes a joke about how you can't really trust anything they sell, even if you do do drugs. They're homeless, for God's sake! "It's probably rat poison, or something."
Funny story.
Where this next subject comes from I have no idea, but he starts telling us about his divine love for Scrubs and Zach Braff. He asks if we watch the show, which we unfortunately don't, but goes off describing an episode he really loves. He says that the producer for the Scene Aesthetic's album personally knows Zach Braff, so he's going to try to get her to "hook them up", in theory, so they can meet. And hopefully, through Zach Braff, he can meet Natalie Portman because he's totally in love with her. So is my sister. =) She adores her. They off on their "I love Natalie Portman" rant and Nora informs him that she's actually really short, so she's actually not taller than Andrew, like he thought. Hooray for him!
They bring up that rap she did on SNL, and I say, "I was like 13 when that premiered, I was like, 'What is this'," hoping he gets the hint THAT I'M REALLY YOUNG. Nada. My mom says she thought that he loved Ellen Page. Andrew says he does also love Ellen Page, but Natalie Portman would have to come first, then Ellen in a close second.
A little later on, we get pictures when it's about van call, so he says he has to go and gives us all hugs, but he ends up talking to us for a lot longer. I know Elan got involved for a quick minute because he needed a Sharpie, but that was about it. Andrew gives us another set of hugs and heads off. We, unfortunately, don't get to meet anyone else. I had really wanted to talk to Nico, but Andrew wouldn't shut the eff up, which was really okay because he's such a character. I love Danger Radio very, very much. Hopefully they next time they play it doesn't coincide with anything else that's important, but we'll just have to see.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
this providence, 10.05.2009
LINE-UP: A bunch of local bands, This Providence @ The Depot
Even though the show was in Greeley and on Mother's Day, we convince our mom to take us up there and take Caleigh with us. The venue is not really a venue at all, it's a tiny warehouse with two separate sections: one a lighted gathering area with games and a food place, the other through a door that's dark where the stage is set up. It even has a wall that opens when the bands need to set-up! It's so cute! We get up there after the first band is finished playing their set, and we walk straight into the stage area. We watch the first band, who are actually quite decent (The Analog Reason, maybe they were called). The singer reminded me of Brendon Urie at times; it was amusing.
We head back out to the gathering area (it's a Jesus place) and sit around while Regret Night plays because we can't stand them - no offense-, leaving my mom behind in the other room. Finally, finally I spot David Blaise in the opposite corner of the room on his laptop. We sit around, order a delicious Ice Chai beverage for under two dollars and a pretzel (XD), and watch David Blaise make weird motions at his laptop. It's kind of cute, actually, and I'm quite entranced.
"Is he watching something?" I ask Caleigh. She answers, "He might be talking to someone. Probably Cass," she adds jokingly, as in Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday. (It pretty much destroyed me when I found out they were dating... not really.) I decide to take the ballsy move and "discreetly" walk by to see what he's doing. Right there, on his laptop screen IS CASSADEE! I was going to keep walking by on down to my mother, but I totally freak out and bolt backwards back to my sister and Caleigh. "I thought you were just kidding!" I tell Caleigh as I explain to them that David Blaise is, in fact, talking to Cassadee. That pretty much tears my heart in two (She's my girlfriend!) and I totally freak out, hence why I couldn't keep going forward. It was too much.
I go to get my mom so she doesn't have to sit by herself anymore, and I explain to her what happened because she was wondering why I had run away like I did. I'm totally freaking out because I really didn't think Caleigh could have been right. The image of her on the screen is forever burned into my mind. Ha ha ha ha. It really is, though.
Even then we continue to watch David Blaise as he finishes his virtual chat with Cassadee, gawk at Andy Horst when we see him (my mom loves him), and make fun of Dan Young and his silly accent. One of the guys from Regret Night - the least obnoxious one - comes over to talk to us, God only knows why. He asks us if we like Saving Verona, the band currently playing, and we all just shrug. He tells us that he actually really likes them and misses seeing them play. "So why don't you go watch them?" Nora says. "Oh I didn't mean it like that," she adds when he shamefully leaves us alone, realizing we don't actually want to talk to him. Poor kid.
Towards the end of Saving Verona's set, we go back into the stage area to watch the last few songs. We pass Andy on the way in, and my mom totally freaks out. Internally, that is. Saving Verona is actually really good, but I don't think I'd go out of my way to listen them. Dan Young is sitting on one of the couches, so my mom goes to sit next to him while Caleigh is pushing me to stand closer to where David Blaise is standing. Dan young eventually leave, though, but I find it really funny. Finally, it's This Providence's turn, so we get closer to the stage.
Dan Young is really interesting to watch on stage: he kind of squirms and twists like he has to go to the bathroom, but that's just my observation. Caleigh liked it, but I don't know what's wrong with her. They don't perform for very long at all, but pretty much divide their set with half of the songs from the new album and the other half from the one before. And overall, it was a really good time.
Afterward, we actually decide to brave it and meet Dan Young. He tells me he likes the coordination I have with my gold vest and the gold print on my "This ProviDANCE" shirt, and I politely tell him thanks you and that I was glad he noticed. We get pictures (Caleigh gets two because she didn't like the first one. Lame-o.), and my mom says something about having gone to sit next to him. He says something along the lines of how he liked that she was confident enough to do so. Strange. Very strange. He does tell her Happy Mother's Day, though, which is nice.
We meet David Blaise next after hesitating to approach him and take some pics. I "blink" in the first one, so I get another one. (I really didn't blink; I don't know what Nora's talking about.) "It's your birthday in 8 days, isn't it?" I say to him to start a conversation. "Yeah," he answers, "The big 21, but I still look really young." "My sister has the same problem," I tell him. "People always say she looks like she's 14, but she's really 20." Don't you hate that? he asks her, she agrees, and they go off on a quick conversation about their ages. There's another girl butting into our conversation (which is okay, because I actually like her, and I think she's nice), Kay, I think her name is, who also look like she's 12 because she's super short. She becomes part of the conversation, too.
David goes one to say how sometimes people take his youth ridiculously far. "Are you 10?" he quotes, and I make a comment about how yes, he's 10, he's tall, and he has a tattoo. "Yeah, my mom let me get this." He goes along with my joke, "I got it out of the 25 cent dispenser," which is the most hilarious part. He asks for our names, and we introduce ourselves. It's totally sweet, and I love him even more. He tells us to have a good night, and I go to hug him. He gives very sweet hugs. =)
We stop by to meet Gavin, and head outside to find Andy. He's talking to a few people and smoking (FAIL), so we wait around in a little group beside theirs, awkwardly, I might add. He looks over a few times, wondering what we want, but it isn't until he parts ways with them that we rush over to get pictures. One with my mom, of course because she loves him so much! She even gets a hug out of him! (That lucky bitch! XD) Dan Young ends up with us, too, and while we take turns getting a picture with Andy, Caleigh starts talking to him. About what, not even she knows, but she likes it. He tells Mom Happy Mother's Day again, and that's when it clicks in Andy's head, and he wishes her a happy day as well.
We leave soon after that and head home. Overall, it was a pretty successful night, and I know even my mom was glad that she made the effort to drive all the way down there. ;)

Even though the show was in Greeley and on Mother's Day, we convince our mom to take us up there and take Caleigh with us. The venue is not really a venue at all, it's a tiny warehouse with two separate sections: one a lighted gathering area with games and a food place, the other through a door that's dark where the stage is set up. It even has a wall that opens when the bands need to set-up! It's so cute! We get up there after the first band is finished playing their set, and we walk straight into the stage area. We watch the first band, who are actually quite decent (The Analog Reason, maybe they were called). The singer reminded me of Brendon Urie at times; it was amusing.
We head back out to the gathering area (it's a Jesus place) and sit around while Regret Night plays because we can't stand them - no offense-, leaving my mom behind in the other room. Finally, finally I spot David Blaise in the opposite corner of the room on his laptop. We sit around, order a delicious Ice Chai beverage for under two dollars and a pretzel (XD), and watch David Blaise make weird motions at his laptop. It's kind of cute, actually, and I'm quite entranced.
"Is he watching something?" I ask Caleigh. She answers, "He might be talking to someone. Probably Cass," she adds jokingly, as in Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday. (It pretty much destroyed me when I found out they were dating... not really.) I decide to take the ballsy move and "discreetly" walk by to see what he's doing. Right there, on his laptop screen IS CASSADEE! I was going to keep walking by on down to my mother, but I totally freak out and bolt backwards back to my sister and Caleigh. "I thought you were just kidding!" I tell Caleigh as I explain to them that David Blaise is, in fact, talking to Cassadee. That pretty much tears my heart in two (She's my girlfriend!) and I totally freak out, hence why I couldn't keep going forward. It was too much.
I go to get my mom so she doesn't have to sit by herself anymore, and I explain to her what happened because she was wondering why I had run away like I did. I'm totally freaking out because I really didn't think Caleigh could have been right. The image of her on the screen is forever burned into my mind. Ha ha ha ha. It really is, though.
Even then we continue to watch David Blaise as he finishes his virtual chat with Cassadee, gawk at Andy Horst when we see him (my mom loves him), and make fun of Dan Young and his silly accent. One of the guys from Regret Night - the least obnoxious one - comes over to talk to us, God only knows why. He asks us if we like Saving Verona, the band currently playing, and we all just shrug. He tells us that he actually really likes them and misses seeing them play. "So why don't you go watch them?" Nora says. "Oh I didn't mean it like that," she adds when he shamefully leaves us alone, realizing we don't actually want to talk to him. Poor kid.
Towards the end of Saving Verona's set, we go back into the stage area to watch the last few songs. We pass Andy on the way in, and my mom totally freaks out. Internally, that is. Saving Verona is actually really good, but I don't think I'd go out of my way to listen them. Dan Young is sitting on one of the couches, so my mom goes to sit next to him while Caleigh is pushing me to stand closer to where David Blaise is standing. Dan young eventually leave, though, but I find it really funny. Finally, it's This Providence's turn, so we get closer to the stage.
Dan Young is really interesting to watch on stage: he kind of squirms and twists like he has to go to the bathroom, but that's just my observation. Caleigh liked it, but I don't know what's wrong with her. They don't perform for very long at all, but pretty much divide their set with half of the songs from the new album and the other half from the one before. And overall, it was a really good time.
Afterward, we actually decide to brave it and meet Dan Young. He tells me he likes the coordination I have with my gold vest and the gold print on my "This ProviDANCE" shirt, and I politely tell him thanks you and that I was glad he noticed. We get pictures (Caleigh gets two because she didn't like the first one. Lame-o.), and my mom says something about having gone to sit next to him. He says something along the lines of how he liked that she was confident enough to do so. Strange. Very strange. He does tell her Happy Mother's Day, though, which is nice.
We meet David Blaise next after hesitating to approach him and take some pics. I "blink" in the first one, so I get another one. (I really didn't blink; I don't know what Nora's talking about.) "It's your birthday in 8 days, isn't it?" I say to him to start a conversation. "Yeah," he answers, "The big 21, but I still look really young." "My sister has the same problem," I tell him. "People always say she looks like she's 14, but she's really 20." Don't you hate that? he asks her, she agrees, and they go off on a quick conversation about their ages. There's another girl butting into our conversation (which is okay, because I actually like her, and I think she's nice), Kay, I think her name is, who also look like she's 12 because she's super short. She becomes part of the conversation, too.
David goes one to say how sometimes people take his youth ridiculously far. "Are you 10?" he quotes, and I make a comment about how yes, he's 10, he's tall, and he has a tattoo. "Yeah, my mom let me get this." He goes along with my joke, "I got it out of the 25 cent dispenser," which is the most hilarious part. He asks for our names, and we introduce ourselves. It's totally sweet, and I love him even more. He tells us to have a good night, and I go to hug him. He gives very sweet hugs. =)
We stop by to meet Gavin, and head outside to find Andy. He's talking to a few people and smoking (FAIL), so we wait around in a little group beside theirs, awkwardly, I might add. He looks over a few times, wondering what we want, but it isn't until he parts ways with them that we rush over to get pictures. One with my mom, of course because she loves him so much! She even gets a hug out of him! (That lucky bitch! XD) Dan Young ends up with us, too, and while we take turns getting a picture with Andy, Caleigh starts talking to him. About what, not even she knows, but she likes it. He tells Mom Happy Mother's Day again, and that's when it clicks in Andy's head, and he wishes her a happy day as well.
We leave soon after that and head home. Overall, it was a pretty successful night, and I know even my mom was glad that she made the effort to drive all the way down there. ;)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
fall out boy, 15.04.2009
LINE-UP: Hey Monday, Cobra Starship, Metro Station, All Time Low, Fall Out Boy @ the Fillmore
Once inside the venue, Nora and I do our best to shimmy our way as close to the front as we can, and eventually, we make it to about second/third row, theoretically, which is really impressive for only having to wait fifteen or so minutes for the show to start. Hey Monday, as usual, does an amazing performance. The day before they had performed Candles like they always do, but because they were playing the same city twice in a row, they decide to switch that song out for 6 Months! I start freaking out because I never expected to ever hear that song live because it's so soft and slow, but it doesn't even change the mood of the performance and Cassadee sings so beautifully! That song right there was worth going into the show a second time. Pete Wentz comes out on stage again during Homecoming, and Nora snaps some really sick shots of Cassadee throughout their set.
As the next band is setting up, Nora and I become all confused. The mother-fuckers changed the line-up on us! Instead of All Time Low playing second, like we had hoped so we could get out of the pit, Cobra Starship is playing next. I don't mind that part at all because Cobra is a whole ton of fun to see live, and I was actually forced to pay attention. During Snakes on a Plane, Cassadee comes out - a tad too late, but she makes it works even though Gabe's glare at Victoria during the first chorus pretty much screamed, 'Where the fuck is she?' - to sing with them. Cobra Starship, despite my initial protest and hate, is badass.
The worst part of the line-up change is the fact that in order to stay up front for All Time Low, we have to sit through Metro Station up close! Noooooooo! I don't know how we do it, but somehow, Nora and I manage to survive, even though this is the point where we almost made it to the second row. I try to distract myself as much as I can, avoiding Trace Cyrus as he takes his shirt of yet again, and before I'm driven to the brink of suicide, their set is over. THANK GOD.
All Time Low comes out and plays next. It's pretty much a repeat of the day before, but I still enjoy it. Nora and I decide that it's not going to be worth it to stay up front for Fall Out Boy and get pummeled by idiotic fans, so we leave after All Time Low and venture the back of the venue for awhile. Nora sees Cassadee with a security guard, but we don't stop because I hadn't even seen her come down the stairs, and we were afraid one or the other would have gotten yelled at. We should have just gone for it, though. Eventually we just go stand where we stood the day before to watch Fall Out Boy, who again, do amazing! After What A Catch, Donnie, Nora and I bolt it behind the stage and find Alex, but he's occupied with a few other fans. Security, surprisingly, is not kicking us out, but Alex ignores and eventually lingers toward the bar area where we're not allowed. We decide it's okay to not talk to him right then and there and head back to where we were standing originally. From there, we can see Alex, Jack, and Vicky T on the other side, drinking and watching Fall Out Boy. That keeps me occupied for a good while.
Right as Fall Out Boy's set comes to a close, Nora and I leave to the merch area, scan it for a few seconds, and head outside to the back where the buses are again after finding no one. Our mom is here to pick us up at this point, so she gets off the car to come meet All Time Low with us, who is already out by the wire. Just Rian, Zack, and Jack, though. We manage to find a crack in the crowd at the very end, which enables us to get a picture with Zack and Rian. Yay!
I don't know what comes over me, but I decide that we should get pictures with Jack just for the hell of it. A spot opens up perfectly for us, so we got for it and wait a little bit while he takes picture with other people until his attention is directed toward us. Nora asks if we could get a picture with him. He says yes, takes the camera from Nora's hands, (WTF?!?!? Nora and I totally freak out because that camera is everything to her XD.) and decides to take the picture for us. "It's more professional that way," Jack says. Again, WTF?! I step out of the picture because I want my own, but I ask for one afterward, so he takes Nora's camera again, and I don't know how he does, but he angles the picture perfectly and it turns out to be one of the most adorable pictures I have ever taken in my life. No joke. Really, WHAT THE FUCK?!
Alex comes out of the bus not too long afterward and stops for a few minutes to talk to a girl he knows loading her car. After that, he comes over to the crowd and yells something. He starts not too far from where we are and makes his way over to us in no time. He smiles, asks us how we are while complaining about how cold he is. Again, I am absolutely horrible at this, and I forget half of what was said. I do remember that some guy comes up behind us and hands a phone to Alex, telling him his biggest fan, Molly, is on the phone because she couldn't make it tonight because she was at another show. Biggest fan, my ass. After totally shit-talking him like she always does, Nora tells Alex that she's a writer, and when she writes a sentence, she always asks herself, "Could Alex Gaskarth have written this better?" "That's cool!" he laughs. "Whenever I write a lyric, I always ask myself, 'Could Jesus have written this better'? And the answer is 'no'." Meanwhile, I am completely ignored and practically shoved to the side, yay me. ='(
Alex tells Nora to email some of her stories to him and he'll grade them - red pen teacher marks! Okay, really? I think, I was a writer first. Thanks Nora, not everything is about you. My whole jealously rage gets worse: "Oh by the way," Nora says after we both get pictures, "I'm Nora." Alex shakes her hand, laughing, "I'm Alex." And of course, I'm offered no introduction, so on my own I decide to introduce myself, too. I get to shake his hand and all, but I can tell he doesn't care. His face was just, like, "Ohhhkay." Nora tells him we're going to be heading off - what I hadn't realized until now was that he completely shut out all the other fans to talk to us, err, Nora and no one else - so I say, "Could we pull off doing a hug?" STUPID ME. "I don't know if we can pull it off, but we'll do it," he says, hugging me, then Nora and my mom.
I don't mean to take things to heart so much or get so overly sensitive about stupid things, but I couldn't help but feel so ignored the entire time, even by my own sister. It was like she didn't even care that I'm pretty much in love with the asshole and didn't pay any mind to the fact that I was standing right there. I really never was involved any of the times we've met him. Story of my life.

Once inside the venue, Nora and I do our best to shimmy our way as close to the front as we can, and eventually, we make it to about second/third row, theoretically, which is really impressive for only having to wait fifteen or so minutes for the show to start. Hey Monday, as usual, does an amazing performance. The day before they had performed Candles like they always do, but because they were playing the same city twice in a row, they decide to switch that song out for 6 Months! I start freaking out because I never expected to ever hear that song live because it's so soft and slow, but it doesn't even change the mood of the performance and Cassadee sings so beautifully! That song right there was worth going into the show a second time. Pete Wentz comes out on stage again during Homecoming, and Nora snaps some really sick shots of Cassadee throughout their set.
As the next band is setting up, Nora and I become all confused. The mother-fuckers changed the line-up on us! Instead of All Time Low playing second, like we had hoped so we could get out of the pit, Cobra Starship is playing next. I don't mind that part at all because Cobra is a whole ton of fun to see live, and I was actually forced to pay attention. During Snakes on a Plane, Cassadee comes out - a tad too late, but she makes it works even though Gabe's glare at Victoria during the first chorus pretty much screamed, 'Where the fuck is she?' - to sing with them. Cobra Starship, despite my initial protest and hate, is badass.
The worst part of the line-up change is the fact that in order to stay up front for All Time Low, we have to sit through Metro Station up close! Noooooooo! I don't know how we do it, but somehow, Nora and I manage to survive, even though this is the point where we almost made it to the second row. I try to distract myself as much as I can, avoiding Trace Cyrus as he takes his shirt of yet again, and before I'm driven to the brink of suicide, their set is over. THANK GOD.
All Time Low comes out and plays next. It's pretty much a repeat of the day before, but I still enjoy it. Nora and I decide that it's not going to be worth it to stay up front for Fall Out Boy and get pummeled by idiotic fans, so we leave after All Time Low and venture the back of the venue for awhile. Nora sees Cassadee with a security guard, but we don't stop because I hadn't even seen her come down the stairs, and we were afraid one or the other would have gotten yelled at. We should have just gone for it, though. Eventually we just go stand where we stood the day before to watch Fall Out Boy, who again, do amazing! After What A Catch, Donnie, Nora and I bolt it behind the stage and find Alex, but he's occupied with a few other fans. Security, surprisingly, is not kicking us out, but Alex ignores and eventually lingers toward the bar area where we're not allowed. We decide it's okay to not talk to him right then and there and head back to where we were standing originally. From there, we can see Alex, Jack, and Vicky T on the other side, drinking and watching Fall Out Boy. That keeps me occupied for a good while.
Right as Fall Out Boy's set comes to a close, Nora and I leave to the merch area, scan it for a few seconds, and head outside to the back where the buses are again after finding no one. Our mom is here to pick us up at this point, so she gets off the car to come meet All Time Low with us, who is already out by the wire. Just Rian, Zack, and Jack, though. We manage to find a crack in the crowd at the very end, which enables us to get a picture with Zack and Rian. Yay!
I don't know what comes over me, but I decide that we should get pictures with Jack just for the hell of it. A spot opens up perfectly for us, so we got for it and wait a little bit while he takes picture with other people until his attention is directed toward us. Nora asks if we could get a picture with him. He says yes, takes the camera from Nora's hands, (WTF?!?!? Nora and I totally freak out because that camera is everything to her XD.) and decides to take the picture for us. "It's more professional that way," Jack says. Again, WTF?! I step out of the picture because I want my own, but I ask for one afterward, so he takes Nora's camera again, and I don't know how he does, but he angles the picture perfectly and it turns out to be one of the most adorable pictures I have ever taken in my life. No joke. Really, WHAT THE FUCK?!
Alex comes out of the bus not too long afterward and stops for a few minutes to talk to a girl he knows loading her car. After that, he comes over to the crowd and yells something. He starts not too far from where we are and makes his way over to us in no time. He smiles, asks us how we are while complaining about how cold he is. Again, I am absolutely horrible at this, and I forget half of what was said. I do remember that some guy comes up behind us and hands a phone to Alex, telling him his biggest fan, Molly, is on the phone because she couldn't make it tonight because she was at another show. Biggest fan, my ass. After totally shit-talking him like she always does, Nora tells Alex that she's a writer, and when she writes a sentence, she always asks herself, "Could Alex Gaskarth have written this better?" "That's cool!" he laughs. "Whenever I write a lyric, I always ask myself, 'Could Jesus have written this better'? And the answer is 'no'." Meanwhile, I am completely ignored and practically shoved to the side, yay me. ='(
Alex tells Nora to email some of her stories to him and he'll grade them - red pen teacher marks! Okay, really? I think, I was a writer first. Thanks Nora, not everything is about you. My whole jealously rage gets worse: "Oh by the way," Nora says after we both get pictures, "I'm Nora." Alex shakes her hand, laughing, "I'm Alex." And of course, I'm offered no introduction, so on my own I decide to introduce myself, too. I get to shake his hand and all, but I can tell he doesn't care. His face was just, like, "Ohhhkay." Nora tells him we're going to be heading off - what I hadn't realized until now was that he completely shut out all the other fans to talk to us, err, Nora and no one else - so I say, "Could we pull off doing a hug?" STUPID ME. "I don't know if we can pull it off, but we'll do it," he says, hugging me, then Nora and my mom.
I don't mean to take things to heart so much or get so overly sensitive about stupid things, but I couldn't help but feel so ignored the entire time, even by my own sister. It was like she didn't even care that I'm pretty much in love with the asshole and didn't pay any mind to the fact that I was standing right there. I really never was involved any of the times we've met him. Story of my life.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
all time low in-store, 15.04.2009
I'm pretty sure God loves us, ha ha, because out of all the states All Time Low could have done an in-store at, they miraculously are able to do one in Colorado at the Apple Store in the Park Meadows Mall. An exciting idea, but nonetheless intimidating.
We get to the Apple Store about two, three hours before the in-store is supposed to begin, but there was only three people waiting outside. It's weird. So my little brother and I venture off into the mall to go "exploring" while Mom and Nora wait behind. We come back, and Nora and I take off to the Forever 21 there. While we're there, Daniel informs us that All Time Low is physically inside the store, but there still aren't many people, so we're still safe. We head to the Hot Topic across the ways next, and as I'm trying on a shoe - one. single. shoe. - my little brother sends us another text telling us that all four members of All Time Low left right through the entrance of the Apple Store in front of all the people and are heading in the direction we are. We bolt it out of the Hot Topic as fast as we can. It's quite a hilarious sight, I imagine, to see me throw the shoe I was trying on off and struggle to put my boot back on. This is all done while trying to book it out of the store, mind you.
Nora suggests we head up to the food court; where else would they be, right? Yeah, bingo. We head to the left side and spot them on the right at Chik-Fil-A, Alex in his beanie and sunglasses, everyone else in plain view. Great disguise, huh? We're unsure of what to do at this point. We feel like being stupid and going over there to buy an ice cream, but realize that's too obvious. After a few minutes of deliberation, we decide to leave them and go to Urban Outfitters while we wait for them to finish eating. Yeah, yeah, it totally sounds creepy, I know, but we were all freaking out at the same time because we just thought it was soooo funny. Don't ask us why.
We spend adequate time at Urban, and as we head back upstairs to the food court, I spy Jack, Rian, and Zack in the Sunglass Hut, but no Alex. They couldn't have left him alone, so we head back to the food court, and he's still there with Matt Flyzik. We decide to take the idiotic plunge and buy an ice cream at Chik-Fil-A (stupid, stupid!) Just as we're walking up there, so does Alex to get a refill (I don't know how I actually remember all of this), and I can't keep the cheesy grin off my face, so I imagine we looked absolutely stupid! We really weren't trying that hard... that just sort of happens. We stand awkwardly in line, and we know that Alex sees Nora, but he can't say anything, of course, and he heads off right after. A girl says, "I love you, Alex!" and I feel really bad for himself. Really, I feel bad for myself for being such a moron.
We actually DO get the ice cream and run back down to get back to the Apple Store. Conveniently as we're running down and obnoxiously out of the way set of stairs we make it to the first floor just as Alex is passing by. We end up walking behind him and the same girls who said they loved him before, laughing and feeling awkward yet again. The girls are telling Alex to tell the people they got there first, so he does, absent-mindedly, and I get pissed. The three kids from the beginning had been there since 9 in the morning! Outside, there are a ton of people now, so we squeeze in with my mom and brother. No worker has told them to form a line, which is absolutely dumb because we're all crowded around awkwardly. Eventually they push us along the side of the door, but it's still so ridiculously unorganized. The three kids from the beginning DO end up getting in first, thankfully, and we bolt in right behind them despite the mob of girls in front of us. We get to the front little barricade thing beside them on "Alex's side of the stage", in theory. We're so incredibly thankful we were actually able to make it in correctly. Whew!
Alex comes out with his Chik-Fil-A cup and Zack with an acoustic guitar. Rian and Jack aren't performing with them, but instead sit behind them on two stools, which is nice that they had everyone show up to do the signing. At one point, Alex spills his drink, and it's quite funny. Don't know how that was relevant at all. Anyhow... Alex is such an amazing singer! Each time I hear him sing, he gets better and better and every time I am more and more impressed. They perform Six Feet Under the Stars, Jasey Rae (go figure), Weightless (which everyone screwed up, except for me, fuckers), and Dear, Maria. We snap some pretty decent shots, and I feel strange when Alex watches Nora sing along. Heh.
Afterward, they form us into a line so we can "meet" them, and we even get a free poster to get signed, yay! Nora goes first, then Daniel; me, and lastly my mother. Zack is first at the little counter-type thing. Nora tells him she likes his sweater vest-type thing, which is exactly what I was going to tell him! "She stole my line!" I say to my mom, but she doesn't really understand why I just said that. (She's pretty absent-minded, but I love her.) Then it's Alex, and he starts talking to Nora, asking her how she is. She tells him that she really doesn't hate him, at least not all of the time anyway. "I've come to terms with it," Alex tells her, WTF?! I scurry on by to get my poster signed by him, too, but he really doesn't pay much mind to me. Yeah, okay.
Here comes the embarrassing part (for me anyways): Because I am feeling oh so kind today, I decide to tell Jack - even though I hate him - that I like the plaid that he is wearing, God only knows why. He doesn't hear me, so he leans in closer to me to have me repeat it. Then he goes, "Oh, is that a Camp Rock necklace?" "Yes," I answer. "I have a um..." He fumbles for a second. "Camp Rock bed sheet." I can feel my face heating up already, but some God forsaken reason I blurt out, "Me, too!" But I take my poster (Rian had already signed it, and I felt bad for not being able to pay attention to him) and take off toward my sister. I almost got my Camp Rock coin purse signed by them if they didn't have poster, but thank God I didn't! My face is beet red, and I am legit crying because I have never been so embarrassed in my life. Something weird had happened between me and Jack the last time All Time Low played (it really wasn't that weird, but I'm kind of traumatized), and I had pretty much walked into something I was always trying to avoid; therefore I now think Jack thinks that I have a crush on him. Great.
My mom gets finished about a second later, and she asks what's going on with me and what I had said to Jack because while I was talking to him, she told me that my face was turning completely red. EVEN BETTER. I am so ashamed of myself.
My mom later tells us that Alex asked her if we were going to the show again that night, and she told him that Nora and I were, implying that he wanted us there. Nora, I should say, but whatever.
We wait around in the Apple Store for everyone else to get through the signing, but All Time Low doesn't have time to take pictures with everyone like they thought they would, so they take off, and we do too shortly thereafter and head back down to the Fillmore for yet another late night adventure. Weeee!
We get to the Apple Store about two, three hours before the in-store is supposed to begin, but there was only three people waiting outside. It's weird. So my little brother and I venture off into the mall to go "exploring" while Mom and Nora wait behind. We come back, and Nora and I take off to the Forever 21 there. While we're there, Daniel informs us that All Time Low is physically inside the store, but there still aren't many people, so we're still safe. We head to the Hot Topic across the ways next, and as I'm trying on a shoe - one. single. shoe. - my little brother sends us another text telling us that all four members of All Time Low left right through the entrance of the Apple Store in front of all the people and are heading in the direction we are. We bolt it out of the Hot Topic as fast as we can. It's quite a hilarious sight, I imagine, to see me throw the shoe I was trying on off and struggle to put my boot back on. This is all done while trying to book it out of the store, mind you.
Nora suggests we head up to the food court; where else would they be, right? Yeah, bingo. We head to the left side and spot them on the right at Chik-Fil-A, Alex in his beanie and sunglasses, everyone else in plain view. Great disguise, huh? We're unsure of what to do at this point. We feel like being stupid and going over there to buy an ice cream, but realize that's too obvious. After a few minutes of deliberation, we decide to leave them and go to Urban Outfitters while we wait for them to finish eating. Yeah, yeah, it totally sounds creepy, I know, but we were all freaking out at the same time because we just thought it was soooo funny. Don't ask us why.
We spend adequate time at Urban, and as we head back upstairs to the food court, I spy Jack, Rian, and Zack in the Sunglass Hut, but no Alex. They couldn't have left him alone, so we head back to the food court, and he's still there with Matt Flyzik. We decide to take the idiotic plunge and buy an ice cream at Chik-Fil-A (stupid, stupid!) Just as we're walking up there, so does Alex to get a refill (I don't know how I actually remember all of this), and I can't keep the cheesy grin off my face, so I imagine we looked absolutely stupid! We really weren't trying that hard... that just sort of happens. We stand awkwardly in line, and we know that Alex sees Nora, but he can't say anything, of course, and he heads off right after. A girl says, "I love you, Alex!" and I feel really bad for himself. Really, I feel bad for myself for being such a moron.
We actually DO get the ice cream and run back down to get back to the Apple Store. Conveniently as we're running down and obnoxiously out of the way set of stairs we make it to the first floor just as Alex is passing by. We end up walking behind him and the same girls who said they loved him before, laughing and feeling awkward yet again. The girls are telling Alex to tell the people they got there first, so he does, absent-mindedly, and I get pissed. The three kids from the beginning had been there since 9 in the morning! Outside, there are a ton of people now, so we squeeze in with my mom and brother. No worker has told them to form a line, which is absolutely dumb because we're all crowded around awkwardly. Eventually they push us along the side of the door, but it's still so ridiculously unorganized. The three kids from the beginning DO end up getting in first, thankfully, and we bolt in right behind them despite the mob of girls in front of us. We get to the front little barricade thing beside them on "Alex's side of the stage", in theory. We're so incredibly thankful we were actually able to make it in correctly. Whew!
Alex comes out with his Chik-Fil-A cup and Zack with an acoustic guitar. Rian and Jack aren't performing with them, but instead sit behind them on two stools, which is nice that they had everyone show up to do the signing. At one point, Alex spills his drink, and it's quite funny. Don't know how that was relevant at all. Anyhow... Alex is such an amazing singer! Each time I hear him sing, he gets better and better and every time I am more and more impressed. They perform Six Feet Under the Stars, Jasey Rae (go figure), Weightless (which everyone screwed up, except for me, fuckers), and Dear, Maria. We snap some pretty decent shots, and I feel strange when Alex watches Nora sing along. Heh.
Afterward, they form us into a line so we can "meet" them, and we even get a free poster to get signed, yay! Nora goes first, then Daniel; me, and lastly my mother. Zack is first at the little counter-type thing. Nora tells him she likes his sweater vest-type thing, which is exactly what I was going to tell him! "She stole my line!" I say to my mom, but she doesn't really understand why I just said that. (She's pretty absent-minded, but I love her.) Then it's Alex, and he starts talking to Nora, asking her how she is. She tells him that she really doesn't hate him, at least not all of the time anyway. "I've come to terms with it," Alex tells her, WTF?! I scurry on by to get my poster signed by him, too, but he really doesn't pay much mind to me. Yeah, okay.
Here comes the embarrassing part (for me anyways): Because I am feeling oh so kind today, I decide to tell Jack - even though I hate him - that I like the plaid that he is wearing, God only knows why. He doesn't hear me, so he leans in closer to me to have me repeat it. Then he goes, "Oh, is that a Camp Rock necklace?" "Yes," I answer. "I have a um..." He fumbles for a second. "Camp Rock bed sheet." I can feel my face heating up already, but some God forsaken reason I blurt out, "Me, too!" But I take my poster (Rian had already signed it, and I felt bad for not being able to pay attention to him) and take off toward my sister. I almost got my Camp Rock coin purse signed by them if they didn't have poster, but thank God I didn't! My face is beet red, and I am legit crying because I have never been so embarrassed in my life. Something weird had happened between me and Jack the last time All Time Low played (it really wasn't that weird, but I'm kind of traumatized), and I had pretty much walked into something I was always trying to avoid; therefore I now think Jack thinks that I have a crush on him. Great.
My mom gets finished about a second later, and she asks what's going on with me and what I had said to Jack because while I was talking to him, she told me that my face was turning completely red. EVEN BETTER. I am so ashamed of myself.
My mom later tells us that Alex asked her if we were going to the show again that night, and she told him that Nora and I were, implying that he wanted us there. Nora, I should say, but whatever.
We wait around in the Apple Store for everyone else to get through the signing, but All Time Low doesn't have time to take pictures with everyone like they thought they would, so they take off, and we do too shortly thereafter and head back down to the Fillmore for yet another late night adventure. Weeee!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
fall out boy, 14.04.2008
LINE-UP: Hey Monday, All Time Low, Cobra Starship, Metro Station, Fall Out Boy
VENUE: Fillmore Auditorium
I hated how we had to choose between this show and the Devil Wears Prada. TDWP are SO incredible to see live; neither my sister nor I wanted to give up the opportunity to go see them, but alas, Fall Out Boy is one of Nora's ultimate favorite bands and we chose to see them instead, which was absolutely fine with me, despite the show being at my least favorite venue. At least it wasn't in an arena, so we seized the opportunity.
Like crazy-ass fanatics, but not the maximum extreme, we get down to the venue at about 7 in the morning, whip out our sleeping materials and lie down on the pavement behind only five or so people (which DO multiply by the end) to sleep and wait and wait and wait. Way later into the day, as I'm laying on the pavement, I glance up to see a guy on a scooter with a Glamour Kills shirt. I find this funny and decide to check him out, then I see a girl behind him. IT'S HEY MONDAY. (FYI, I love Cassadee, and she's my theoretical girlfriend... but I don't swing that way.) I freak out a little bit on the inside as I watch them ride away on scooters. How darling.
The ten hours of waiting actually go by pretty fast. Despite all the early-entry assholes and line-cutters, Nora and I make it about second row, in theory inside the venue. I start to feel really, REALLY sick and don't know if I can make it through the hour wait. I want to so badly, but I feel so ridiculously ill that ten minutes before Hey Monday comes out, I have to bolt to the bathroom and forfeit my spot. I am so, SO sad about this but feel a whole lot better afterward and venture back into the crowd. I make it about "fifth row" and I can see really, really well. Cassadee can't see me, but that's okay. They open with Run, Don't Walk (badass, I tell you, badass!) and only play a few songs, but my girlfriend looks damn good and sings SO well! Pete Wentz even comes on stage to sing with them and people go crazy! I even go crazy!
All Time Low comes on next, and they of course, perform they're typical-ass songs, but despite this, they perform well. They always do. They keep the inappropriate comments to a minimum (probably because Alex knew Nora was there!), which is actually quite nice. After their set, I leave, and meet up with Nora at the merch area, miraculously. We wander around for a little while, looking for someone to meet, but we find no one. Instead, we find the Summer Set standing around in the middle of the pit. A day off, we figured, and decide to venture near them when Jess is alone. She says hi to us and confirms that we were at their show the night before. We reintroduce ourselves, and she tells us that they had gotten in free, but didn't get to see Hey Monday or All Time Low, even though she wanted to because they had just arrived. Sad day. We part ways, saying we'll see her next time.
Even though Gabe Saporta can't shut his mouth, Cobra Starship is still a really fun band to see live. I like his morals and speeches; they move me, and they're good for a dance. Gabe starts talking shit about Cassadee and how she had agreed to sing Snake on a Plane with them until Fall Out Boy asked her to sing a song with them. "Fuck you, Gabe!" he quotes. He then says that they asked Alex Gaskarth the same thing. He, too, agreed, until Fall Out Boy snatched him up, too. "Fuck you, Gabe!" he says again, "But you know what? That's okay because WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT." I find this hilarious, but in the middle of Snakes on a Plane, Alex runs on stage out of nowhere to sing William Beckett's part. "I heard you talking shit about me from downstairs," Alex tells Gabe. It's all quite a sight to see.
Both Nora and I are dreading the moment Metro Station comes on stage. And I really don't give a rat's ass if you say you like them, because THEY SUCK. They're horrible. There's nothing good about them. Sometimes, yes, they have decent beats, but those needs dudes who actually know how to sing if they want to turn it into a good song. They're SO nasty. At one point, Trace Cyrus takes his shirt off "because it's so hot", girls scream, and I almost throw up on myself. I kid you not. He is the epitome of disgusting, but luckily, their set is over soon before I go through with suicide. Thank God.
We go and stand with my mom a level up on the side of the stage to watch Fall Out Boy. It may not be in the pit, but it provides a really good view. And let me tell you, I don't really go out of my way to listen to Fall Out Boy, but seeing them live is always so amazing! Plus it doesn't hurt that I can see Cassadee sitting on the side of the stage watching and waiting for her turn to come out. They start with an introduction projected on the screen and come out in business attire and wigs. A little later on, they do another segue way video and change into another set of unified outfits. In total, I believe they play about an hour and a half, almost. They perform some songs from Take This To Your Grave (definitely Saturday and Grand Theft Autumn) and my favourite song from the news record: Headfirst Slide in Cooperstown. I was so thrilled when they played it; Alex came out during Grand Theft Autumn, and after, when they perform What A Catch, Donnie (which was really awesome, especially when Gabe came out to sing and the other members who sing in the song were projected on a screen; that was pretty BA), Alex leaves the stage, and I try to hunt him down from the back, but I don't find him. Not a big deal.
I head back to my mother and sister and continue to watch Fall Out Boy. They really are amazing performers; even that silly little Pete Wentz that drives me crazy sometimes (in a negative manner). Cassadee also comes out and performs a song with them towards the end... but I don't remember what it was. I have the worst memory ever! After Fall Out Boy's spectacular performance, we head back to the merch and spot Gabe Saporta off to the side being hounded by girls who have no idea who the hell he is! Fun! I decide that I want a picture with him just for memory's sake, so after a good while of waiting we get our pics. We also see Alex Suarez from Cobra, but we don't talk to him and instead head outside to the back where all the buses are.
We find Alex Suarez again and a shitload of people against the wire barricade waiting for someone "famous" to come that they could hound. Alex has a badass necklace of a Pokeball around his next, so I decide to get a picture with him at this time (my pictures with him always turn out so cute!) and ask him, "Where do you get necklaces like that?" He tells me that a fan had just given it to him. It was such a cool necklace; I couldn't even tell you. At that same moment, Alex Gaskarth hops off his tour bus and people freak out, so we freak out, too and head against the mob of people to get our turn. We hadn't realized it until then, but Rian, Jack, and Zack had all been out there meeting people already, and we missed out opportunity. Oh well.
Instead we have to focus on getting our time with Alex. We trace him back and forth behind the line of people, trying to find an empty space against the wire too jump in and talk to him. Eventually we make our way through, and after girls hound him for a good while, he turns in our direction, comes over - ignoring everyone else, mind you - and says hey... to Nora, mostly, but I'm trying to get over that. Way to remind myself. And I'm such a douchebag because I can't remember any of the conversation! =( I do remember that he was talking to Nora for a good while (maybe I'm just trying to block it), and I just stood there, only half listening. Randomly, Alex says to Nora, "I love you," all sincerely, which takes us both aback a little bit, but of course, she replies with, "I hate you." "Why?" He basically whimpers, but laughing, he adds, "I didn't do anything."
I know my mom joined in, he asked her how she was. I was standing there awkwardly, but Alex realized that I was with my sister, so he smiles, does a polite little wave, and says hi. We do all get pictures, but I really wish I remember more of what we talked about. =/ I know he gives Nora a farewell hug, then proceeds to hug my mother and I. He asks us if we're coming tomorrow, but we say that we don't know, but we'd definitely be going to the in-store at the Park Meadows Mall. He's glad we'll be going and says he doesn't know how many people are actually going to be there so they could hang out, but it'll be a good time. =) Content, we leave a little bit after, just as Trace Cyrus is walking off his bus (good timing) and head home.
That was basically the majority of the night. I didn't get to meet Cassadee, but it was okay because Alex knows who my sister is. Heh.

VENUE: Fillmore Auditorium
I hated how we had to choose between this show and the Devil Wears Prada. TDWP are SO incredible to see live; neither my sister nor I wanted to give up the opportunity to go see them, but alas, Fall Out Boy is one of Nora's ultimate favorite bands and we chose to see them instead, which was absolutely fine with me, despite the show being at my least favorite venue. At least it wasn't in an arena, so we seized the opportunity.
Like crazy-ass fanatics, but not the maximum extreme, we get down to the venue at about 7 in the morning, whip out our sleeping materials and lie down on the pavement behind only five or so people (which DO multiply by the end) to sleep and wait and wait and wait. Way later into the day, as I'm laying on the pavement, I glance up to see a guy on a scooter with a Glamour Kills shirt. I find this funny and decide to check him out, then I see a girl behind him. IT'S HEY MONDAY. (FYI, I love Cassadee, and she's my theoretical girlfriend... but I don't swing that way.) I freak out a little bit on the inside as I watch them ride away on scooters. How darling.
The ten hours of waiting actually go by pretty fast. Despite all the early-entry assholes and line-cutters, Nora and I make it about second row, in theory inside the venue. I start to feel really, REALLY sick and don't know if I can make it through the hour wait. I want to so badly, but I feel so ridiculously ill that ten minutes before Hey Monday comes out, I have to bolt to the bathroom and forfeit my spot. I am so, SO sad about this but feel a whole lot better afterward and venture back into the crowd. I make it about "fifth row" and I can see really, really well. Cassadee can't see me, but that's okay. They open with Run, Don't Walk (badass, I tell you, badass!) and only play a few songs, but my girlfriend looks damn good and sings SO well! Pete Wentz even comes on stage to sing with them and people go crazy! I even go crazy!
All Time Low comes on next, and they of course, perform they're typical-ass songs, but despite this, they perform well. They always do. They keep the inappropriate comments to a minimum (probably because Alex knew Nora was there!), which is actually quite nice. After their set, I leave, and meet up with Nora at the merch area, miraculously. We wander around for a little while, looking for someone to meet, but we find no one. Instead, we find the Summer Set standing around in the middle of the pit. A day off, we figured, and decide to venture near them when Jess is alone. She says hi to us and confirms that we were at their show the night before. We reintroduce ourselves, and she tells us that they had gotten in free, but didn't get to see Hey Monday or All Time Low, even though she wanted to because they had just arrived. Sad day. We part ways, saying we'll see her next time.
Even though Gabe Saporta can't shut his mouth, Cobra Starship is still a really fun band to see live. I like his morals and speeches; they move me, and they're good for a dance. Gabe starts talking shit about Cassadee and how she had agreed to sing Snake on a Plane with them until Fall Out Boy asked her to sing a song with them. "Fuck you, Gabe!" he quotes. He then says that they asked Alex Gaskarth the same thing. He, too, agreed, until Fall Out Boy snatched him up, too. "Fuck you, Gabe!" he says again, "But you know what? That's okay because WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT." I find this hilarious, but in the middle of Snakes on a Plane, Alex runs on stage out of nowhere to sing William Beckett's part. "I heard you talking shit about me from downstairs," Alex tells Gabe. It's all quite a sight to see.
Both Nora and I are dreading the moment Metro Station comes on stage. And I really don't give a rat's ass if you say you like them, because THEY SUCK. They're horrible. There's nothing good about them. Sometimes, yes, they have decent beats, but those needs dudes who actually know how to sing if they want to turn it into a good song. They're SO nasty. At one point, Trace Cyrus takes his shirt off "because it's so hot", girls scream, and I almost throw up on myself. I kid you not. He is the epitome of disgusting, but luckily, their set is over soon before I go through with suicide. Thank God.
We go and stand with my mom a level up on the side of the stage to watch Fall Out Boy. It may not be in the pit, but it provides a really good view. And let me tell you, I don't really go out of my way to listen to Fall Out Boy, but seeing them live is always so amazing! Plus it doesn't hurt that I can see Cassadee sitting on the side of the stage watching and waiting for her turn to come out. They start with an introduction projected on the screen and come out in business attire and wigs. A little later on, they do another segue way video and change into another set of unified outfits. In total, I believe they play about an hour and a half, almost. They perform some songs from Take This To Your Grave (definitely Saturday and Grand Theft Autumn) and my favourite song from the news record: Headfirst Slide in Cooperstown. I was so thrilled when they played it; Alex came out during Grand Theft Autumn, and after, when they perform What A Catch, Donnie (which was really awesome, especially when Gabe came out to sing and the other members who sing in the song were projected on a screen; that was pretty BA), Alex leaves the stage, and I try to hunt him down from the back, but I don't find him. Not a big deal.
I head back to my mother and sister and continue to watch Fall Out Boy. They really are amazing performers; even that silly little Pete Wentz that drives me crazy sometimes (in a negative manner). Cassadee also comes out and performs a song with them towards the end... but I don't remember what it was. I have the worst memory ever! After Fall Out Boy's spectacular performance, we head back to the merch and spot Gabe Saporta off to the side being hounded by girls who have no idea who the hell he is! Fun! I decide that I want a picture with him just for memory's sake, so after a good while of waiting we get our pics. We also see Alex Suarez from Cobra, but we don't talk to him and instead head outside to the back where all the buses are.
We find Alex Suarez again and a shitload of people against the wire barricade waiting for someone "famous" to come that they could hound. Alex has a badass necklace of a Pokeball around his next, so I decide to get a picture with him at this time (my pictures with him always turn out so cute!) and ask him, "Where do you get necklaces like that?" He tells me that a fan had just given it to him. It was such a cool necklace; I couldn't even tell you. At that same moment, Alex Gaskarth hops off his tour bus and people freak out, so we freak out, too and head against the mob of people to get our turn. We hadn't realized it until then, but Rian, Jack, and Zack had all been out there meeting people already, and we missed out opportunity. Oh well.
Instead we have to focus on getting our time with Alex. We trace him back and forth behind the line of people, trying to find an empty space against the wire too jump in and talk to him. Eventually we make our way through, and after girls hound him for a good while, he turns in our direction, comes over - ignoring everyone else, mind you - and says hey... to Nora, mostly, but I'm trying to get over that. Way to remind myself. And I'm such a douchebag because I can't remember any of the conversation! =( I do remember that he was talking to Nora for a good while (maybe I'm just trying to block it), and I just stood there, only half listening. Randomly, Alex says to Nora, "I love you," all sincerely, which takes us both aback a little bit, but of course, she replies with, "I hate you." "Why?" He basically whimpers, but laughing, he adds, "I didn't do anything."
I know my mom joined in, he asked her how she was. I was standing there awkwardly, but Alex realized that I was with my sister, so he smiles, does a polite little wave, and says hi. We do all get pictures, but I really wish I remember more of what we talked about. =/ I know he gives Nora a farewell hug, then proceeds to hug my mother and I. He asks us if we're coming tomorrow, but we say that we don't know, but we'd definitely be going to the in-store at the Park Meadows Mall. He's glad we'll be going and says he doesn't know how many people are actually going to be there so they could hang out, but it'll be a good time. =) Content, we leave a little bit after, just as Trace Cyrus is walking off his bus (good timing) and head home.
That was basically the majority of the night. I didn't get to meet Cassadee, but it was okay because Alex knows who my sister is. Heh.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
guys, guys, guys tour, 13.04.2009
LINE-UP: The Summer Set, Artist vs. Poet, the Morning Light, The Friday Night Boys, Sing it Loud
VENUE: Marquis Theater
This was the first show I had been to in a long time where I knew hardly any songs by any of the bands. I knew who they all were, and most of the songs by the Morning Light, but otherwise, these are bands I should probably listen to but don't. Anyhow.
My sister and I are the only ones going to the show - going without my mom is scary! - and we get there pretty much as doors open. We go to sit on the stools and wait for the show to start as we watch Nate Flynn from Sing it Loud wander in and out of the crowd to converse with the people and promote his band. It's kind of cute to watch. And it's pretty awesome that they keep passing this awesome dance music while we're waiting, almost as if it's preparing us for prom. They even threw in some Jonas Brothers's Burnin' Up. That made the day quite a bit more lovely.
The Summer Set has a badass girl drummer, and they perform really well live. I didn't particular enjoy their music on Myspace, but live, they got me really interested in their music. Artist vs. Poet is also a fantastic band to see live. Their music, sometimes, strikes me as a little generic at times, and the singer reminds me OF SINGER, but Nora thinks the guitarist (whose name I don't know) has a really amazing smile, so I hop off my stool with my camera, run off to the side of the stage, and snap some pictures of him just for my darling sister. She, too, finds this amusing.
The Morning Light, on the other hand, perform for a ridiculously short time, which bums me out because I love them a lot! It was weird seeing them without Harrison, but overall, they were really great! After their set, Nora and I venture back into the merch area to see who we can scope out and meet. We find the bassist of the Morning Light (name?) and get a picture. Nate walks up to us and introduces himself after asking our names. He tries to see his CD - we already have it - and tells Nora he likes her shirt (purple Sing it Loud). Did she get it the last time? he asks. Yes. With Forever the Sickest Kids, right at the Gothic? Yes! Excellent memory, dear child. Well, they have new bracelets, he points out, but Nora tells him she hates those bracelets (the thick rubber kind) , while I tell him I like them, so I'll keep them in mind. I tell him I like his sweater, he says thanks, and hopes that we enjoy the show before walking off.
We linger for a moment, but find no one else and decide to head back to watch the Friday Night Boys, which... I'm sorry... weren't that impressive. I bought their EP because I thought they were good, but if you want to see a band that's full of cliche hooks and lines, it's them. Maybe I'm being over judgmental, but I really didn't think they were that great. Maybe next time around, it'll be better. At least I'm hoping they will be.
Nora and I go back to the merch area and meet the singer of the Morning Light. We spot Nick, the drummer, a little while later, so we go and ask him for a picture. He tells us he remembers us from all the past shows we've been to. What a sweetie! And Nora tells him he's her favorite drummer, and humbly, he thanks her. (He's so cute!) I tell him that I was really bummed out that they only played, like, negative seven songs at which he laughs but explains that Bobby hadn't been feeling well; his vocals weren't at their best, so they weren't able to play for too long, unfortunately. It's understandable, I tell him. I think that's about it for the conversation with Nick, but he is a very thoughtful individual.
We head back to the stage as Sing it Loud takes the stage. We watch, and even though, I rarely listen to them on the record (yes, I know I should, and I've started) I enjoy watching them. The singer is kind of weird to watch because he has this sad, sad look in his eyes, but he's still a good musician. They don't perform too long, which is good because I have school the next day, so we head back out to the merch to scope out whoever we can. We meet Jess from the Summer Set, and she's super, super sweet and adorable! She asks us our names and tells us they'll be back sometimes in the summer, but she can't tell us with who. She's a freaking badass! We also meet the guitarist, John, of the Summer Set, who is equally sweet and polite. He, too, asks us our names, and I tell him I like his glasses. He was very cute. =)
My sister and I also meet two other members from Sing it Loud and the guitarist Nora finds pretty in Artist vs. Poet. He's also very nice. We get a picture with another member of AVP and with Nate. We had been trying to avoid the singer of the Friday Night Boys all night long because something inside the both of us just KNEW we wouldn't even have to go up to him to talk to him. Lo and behold, he approaches us, and asks if we enjoyed the show. Of course. Do we want to buy the EP? he asks. No, we already have it, we answer, AND HE FREAKIN' HUGS US. =/ We unintentionally relay really short answers, but he doesn't catch the hint. I feel bad and ask him for a picture just to make him feel better. Poor guy. He tells us they'll be back in June with Hey Monday, and finally, Nora and I show a little enthusiasm and excitement. We'll be there, we says, and he gives us yet another hug. Ew.
We don't stay excruciatingly long after the show like we normally do. There's no one really to stay behind for, but it was still a really fun night, overall, and I'm glad we ended up going. =D

VENUE: Marquis Theater
This was the first show I had been to in a long time where I knew hardly any songs by any of the bands. I knew who they all were, and most of the songs by the Morning Light, but otherwise, these are bands I should probably listen to but don't. Anyhow.
My sister and I are the only ones going to the show - going without my mom is scary! - and we get there pretty much as doors open. We go to sit on the stools and wait for the show to start as we watch Nate Flynn from Sing it Loud wander in and out of the crowd to converse with the people and promote his band. It's kind of cute to watch. And it's pretty awesome that they keep passing this awesome dance music while we're waiting, almost as if it's preparing us for prom. They even threw in some Jonas Brothers's Burnin' Up. That made the day quite a bit more lovely.
The Summer Set has a badass girl drummer, and they perform really well live. I didn't particular enjoy their music on Myspace, but live, they got me really interested in their music. Artist vs. Poet is also a fantastic band to see live. Their music, sometimes, strikes me as a little generic at times, and the singer reminds me OF SINGER, but Nora thinks the guitarist (whose name I don't know) has a really amazing smile, so I hop off my stool with my camera, run off to the side of the stage, and snap some pictures of him just for my darling sister. She, too, finds this amusing.
The Morning Light, on the other hand, perform for a ridiculously short time, which bums me out because I love them a lot! It was weird seeing them without Harrison, but overall, they were really great! After their set, Nora and I venture back into the merch area to see who we can scope out and meet. We find the bassist of the Morning Light (name?) and get a picture. Nate walks up to us and introduces himself after asking our names. He tries to see his CD - we already have it - and tells Nora he likes her shirt (purple Sing it Loud). Did she get it the last time? he asks. Yes. With Forever the Sickest Kids, right at the Gothic? Yes! Excellent memory, dear child. Well, they have new bracelets, he points out, but Nora tells him she hates those bracelets (the thick rubber kind) , while I tell him I like them, so I'll keep them in mind. I tell him I like his sweater, he says thanks, and hopes that we enjoy the show before walking off.
We linger for a moment, but find no one else and decide to head back to watch the Friday Night Boys, which... I'm sorry... weren't that impressive. I bought their EP because I thought they were good, but if you want to see a band that's full of cliche hooks and lines, it's them. Maybe I'm being over judgmental, but I really didn't think they were that great. Maybe next time around, it'll be better. At least I'm hoping they will be.
Nora and I go back to the merch area and meet the singer of the Morning Light. We spot Nick, the drummer, a little while later, so we go and ask him for a picture. He tells us he remembers us from all the past shows we've been to. What a sweetie! And Nora tells him he's her favorite drummer, and humbly, he thanks her. (He's so cute!) I tell him that I was really bummed out that they only played, like, negative seven songs at which he laughs but explains that Bobby hadn't been feeling well; his vocals weren't at their best, so they weren't able to play for too long, unfortunately. It's understandable, I tell him. I think that's about it for the conversation with Nick, but he is a very thoughtful individual.
We head back to the stage as Sing it Loud takes the stage. We watch, and even though, I rarely listen to them on the record (yes, I know I should, and I've started) I enjoy watching them. The singer is kind of weird to watch because he has this sad, sad look in his eyes, but he's still a good musician. They don't perform too long, which is good because I have school the next day, so we head back out to the merch to scope out whoever we can. We meet Jess from the Summer Set, and she's super, super sweet and adorable! She asks us our names and tells us they'll be back sometimes in the summer, but she can't tell us with who. She's a freaking badass! We also meet the guitarist, John, of the Summer Set, who is equally sweet and polite. He, too, asks us our names, and I tell him I like his glasses. He was very cute. =)
My sister and I also meet two other members from Sing it Loud and the guitarist Nora finds pretty in Artist vs. Poet. He's also very nice. We get a picture with another member of AVP and with Nate. We had been trying to avoid the singer of the Friday Night Boys all night long because something inside the both of us just KNEW we wouldn't even have to go up to him to talk to him. Lo and behold, he approaches us, and asks if we enjoyed the show. Of course. Do we want to buy the EP? he asks. No, we already have it, we answer, AND HE FREAKIN' HUGS US. =/ We unintentionally relay really short answers, but he doesn't catch the hint. I feel bad and ask him for a picture just to make him feel better. Poor guy. He tells us they'll be back in June with Hey Monday, and finally, Nora and I show a little enthusiasm and excitement. We'll be there, we says, and he gives us yet another hug. Ew.
We don't stay excruciatingly long after the show like we normally do. There's no one really to stay behind for, but it was still a really fun night, overall, and I'm glad we ended up going. =D
Monday, May 4, 2009
the ap tour, 08.04.2009
LINE-UP: A Rocket to the Moon, Hit the Lights, the Maine, Family Force 5, 3OH!3
As it turns out, we weren't able to buy tickets to actually go inside the AP Tour because they sold out about 30 minutes after they went on sale, I kid you not. I was so bummed out at first: I had really wanted to see A Rocket to the Moon and the Maine because they are two of my favourite bands, and I love them to death. But once the day actually rolled around, I realized that I actually DIDN'T want to be inside of a venue in 3OH!3's hometown. I imagine it would have been hell, and things wouldn't have turned out as great as they did if we had gone in. I really think God was doing us a favor by having the shows sell out, now that I really think about it. We take this opportunity, however, to head down to the Fox Theatre anyway just to see if we can find John O, and I AM NOT LEAVING UNTIL I MEET NICK SANTINO.
The doors are pretty much open by the time we arrive in Boulder, so Nora, my mom, and I decide to explore the surrounding area, which wraps in a rectangular formation and we even go into the alley where the backstage exit is (awkward) and end up waiting right at the end of the alley by this weird fence. It's a little awkward and obnoxious standing there, but I am determined to meet Nick Santino one way or another. The sun is beginning to go down after about a half hour of waiting. We hear that A Rocket to the Moon has finished their set, and Hit the Lights is making their way onstage as we continue waiting. We finally see Nick Santino walking up in our direction, BUT HE'S ON HIS PHONE. We watch as he makes his way up the sidewalk and turns in our direction, but I don't want to walk up to him while he's on his phone, I think it's rude, nor do I want to miss the opportunity. However, we let him go, but he walks around behind the fence - we can see his fedora - and wanders for a little bit as we still around awkwardly.
That's when a group of five dudes all synchronized in black come walking towards us - it's the Maine! And they all look so beautiful; really, they do. So beautiful, they have all three of us gaping. John O(h my God) waves at us and says hi. I think Kennedy and Pat sort of smile at us, too, but I could totally be wrong about this. In response we just smile as politely as we can without freaking out. He keeps walking because he has to go onstage soon, but he tells us that he'll see us in there. Right.
All three of us have a miniature freak out. Did John Oh (HOW DO YOU EVEN SPELL THAT?!) really just say hi to us? Hells yeah he did! So we keep on waiting for Nick Santino, and now John Oh because we can't just walk off without talking to him after what just happened. Nora leaves to go to the bathroom in one of the surrounding restaurants, and when she comes back, she tells us that she can see the Maine performing from right in front of the venue. I hesitate to go over there because I don't want to get yelled at nor do I want to miss meeting Nick Santino, but I'm eventually persuaded to go over there, and we watch the Maine perform the rest of their set from outside. It's pretty funny how you can actually see into the venue, and completely awesome at the same time.
Afterward, we head back to our stalker positions and keep on waiting. It's pretty dark outside now, and you can barely make out the people in the darkness. But there are a group of guys huddled around the Maine's van as it loads its gear from backstage in the alley. A couple minutes later, three guys come walking up all dressed in black, and it's Kennedy, Pat, and Jared from the Maine! Hooray! Our group and theirs sort of falter when we make eye contact, unsure of what to do, but I guess we both make some sort of gesture that causes them to come toward and us and say hello and ask us if we enjoyed the show. Ha. It is all truly quite priceless. I can't help but tell them that I really liked the coordination of their clothes. I tell them I know it's kind of weird, but they all look really good. They says thanks, and Pat says, "We thought of you two when we picked it out." Okay, odd child. Jared walks off at some point, which makes me very sad, but Nora and I get pictures with Kennedy and Pat anyways. Pat makes a joke with Nora saying how he never shows up in pictures, which confuses us both, but we just nod and laugh. (Flirting, maybe?!) After a little more chit chat, they head off to their van, but it was quite a nice, unexpected experience.
What is even more priceless is when another group of three guys come walking in our direction. Even in the dark, Nora and I can tell it's Nick Santino AND John Oh walking together towards. I have a little mental freak-out as I'm unsure of what to do, but spotting us again, John Oh steps back from the group, which includes Garrett (bleh), to come say hi to us. I don't want John Oh, I think, I want Nick, so I make this weird outstretching movement with my arms towards Nick so we won't walk away. He turns to me and says, "Oh, you want a hug?" He comes over toward me and hugs me (score!), but I blurt out, "No, I just want a picture." My bad. "Oh," he answers, "Well that's okay because I'm cold." Good cover, dear Santino, and we take a very cute picture together. Nora gets a picture also, but afterward, I occupy myself with talking to Nick only, and ignoring poor John Oh while Nora's stuck in between listening to me talk to Nick and listening to John Oh talk to my mom! Ha ha ha. We also take pictures with John Oh, and as I'm taking the one of him and Nora, Nick Santino comes to stand behind me to watch me take the picture through the viewfinder, and makes fun of John Oh. He didn't do this to Nora, oh no, odd child.
Nick starts to talk to me about my hoodie, and how he likes it. I look at John Oh, and he smiles at me because I think he remembers the last time that I wore that hoodie and the little joke I made. Well, at least I hope he does. Nick goes on and on about the hoodie. He asks me if I got it online or at a show. Online, I tell him, and he adds that a lot of the online merchandise is better because the printing is better. I agree with him. He tells me about the one they're selling inside. It's purple and the print is smaller, but he says he likes the one I have on better. "Was I in there?" he asks. I don't want to lie to him, but quickly he continues, "Have you seen it?" The hoodie, he means, and I can answer yes to this without lying, so I do. He really does not ever shut up about the hoodie. "Is it just red and yellow?" he asks, "Or does it have green in it, too." It's your hoodie, you should know, I think, but he doesn't even give me time to answer. Instead he tells me to step into the light so he can see it. (;]) "No, it's just red and yellow," I try to answer, but for some reason, I step towards the streetlight with him anyway. It was kind of weird, but we step back into the group after a few seconds.
My mom and sister are asking John Oh about how they thought the fans were, and he says that they were a lot better than they expected, but Nick adds that they tend to get worse with the neighboring states (of Colorado). "Yeah," I agree, turning to John Oh, "Like them chanting 3Oh!3 during your set." Laughing, John Oh nods. "Did you read that on my Twitter?" Nick asks me. "Noooo," I say, and turn my eyes away, which means, yes, and he knows this. A little more chitter chatter goes on, but finally they both say they need to go and find some place to eat. I mention that this area is great because there are so many good surroundings food locations. I reach out my hand toward Nick to introduce myself, "My name is Sarah-" but I have to pull my hand away quickly as he wraps his arms around me yet again. "Nick," he answers, and goes around to give half hugs. John Oh also goes around to give everyone a hug. "Thanks for following my Twitter," Nick adds, and I just nod.
They take off, and we go back to the front of the venue to watch what we can of Family Force 5. I wish we had been inside for their set at least, but if we had been, things wouldn't have worked out so perfectly, and ultimately, I'm thankful that the show sold out.

As it turns out, we weren't able to buy tickets to actually go inside the AP Tour because they sold out about 30 minutes after they went on sale, I kid you not. I was so bummed out at first: I had really wanted to see A Rocket to the Moon and the Maine because they are two of my favourite bands, and I love them to death. But once the day actually rolled around, I realized that I actually DIDN'T want to be inside of a venue in 3OH!3's hometown. I imagine it would have been hell, and things wouldn't have turned out as great as they did if we had gone in. I really think God was doing us a favor by having the shows sell out, now that I really think about it. We take this opportunity, however, to head down to the Fox Theatre anyway just to see if we can find John O, and I AM NOT LEAVING UNTIL I MEET NICK SANTINO.
The doors are pretty much open by the time we arrive in Boulder, so Nora, my mom, and I decide to explore the surrounding area, which wraps in a rectangular formation and we even go into the alley where the backstage exit is (awkward) and end up waiting right at the end of the alley by this weird fence. It's a little awkward and obnoxious standing there, but I am determined to meet Nick Santino one way or another. The sun is beginning to go down after about a half hour of waiting. We hear that A Rocket to the Moon has finished their set, and Hit the Lights is making their way onstage as we continue waiting. We finally see Nick Santino walking up in our direction, BUT HE'S ON HIS PHONE. We watch as he makes his way up the sidewalk and turns in our direction, but I don't want to walk up to him while he's on his phone, I think it's rude, nor do I want to miss the opportunity. However, we let him go, but he walks around behind the fence - we can see his fedora - and wanders for a little bit as we still around awkwardly.
That's when a group of five dudes all synchronized in black come walking towards us - it's the Maine! And they all look so beautiful; really, they do. So beautiful, they have all three of us gaping. John O(h my God) waves at us and says hi. I think Kennedy and Pat sort of smile at us, too, but I could totally be wrong about this. In response we just smile as politely as we can without freaking out. He keeps walking because he has to go onstage soon, but he tells us that he'll see us in there. Right.
All three of us have a miniature freak out. Did John Oh (HOW DO YOU EVEN SPELL THAT?!) really just say hi to us? Hells yeah he did! So we keep on waiting for Nick Santino, and now John Oh because we can't just walk off without talking to him after what just happened. Nora leaves to go to the bathroom in one of the surrounding restaurants, and when she comes back, she tells us that she can see the Maine performing from right in front of the venue. I hesitate to go over there because I don't want to get yelled at nor do I want to miss meeting Nick Santino, but I'm eventually persuaded to go over there, and we watch the Maine perform the rest of their set from outside. It's pretty funny how you can actually see into the venue, and completely awesome at the same time.
Afterward, we head back to our stalker positions and keep on waiting. It's pretty dark outside now, and you can barely make out the people in the darkness. But there are a group of guys huddled around the Maine's van as it loads its gear from backstage in the alley. A couple minutes later, three guys come walking up all dressed in black, and it's Kennedy, Pat, and Jared from the Maine! Hooray! Our group and theirs sort of falter when we make eye contact, unsure of what to do, but I guess we both make some sort of gesture that causes them to come toward and us and say hello and ask us if we enjoyed the show. Ha. It is all truly quite priceless. I can't help but tell them that I really liked the coordination of their clothes. I tell them I know it's kind of weird, but they all look really good. They says thanks, and Pat says, "We thought of you two when we picked it out." Okay, odd child. Jared walks off at some point, which makes me very sad, but Nora and I get pictures with Kennedy and Pat anyways. Pat makes a joke with Nora saying how he never shows up in pictures, which confuses us both, but we just nod and laugh. (Flirting, maybe?!) After a little more chit chat, they head off to their van, but it was quite a nice, unexpected experience.
What is even more priceless is when another group of three guys come walking in our direction. Even in the dark, Nora and I can tell it's Nick Santino AND John Oh walking together towards. I have a little mental freak-out as I'm unsure of what to do, but spotting us again, John Oh steps back from the group, which includes Garrett (bleh), to come say hi to us. I don't want John Oh, I think, I want Nick, so I make this weird outstretching movement with my arms towards Nick so we won't walk away. He turns to me and says, "Oh, you want a hug?" He comes over toward me and hugs me (score!), but I blurt out, "No, I just want a picture." My bad. "Oh," he answers, "Well that's okay because I'm cold." Good cover, dear Santino, and we take a very cute picture together. Nora gets a picture also, but afterward, I occupy myself with talking to Nick only, and ignoring poor John Oh while Nora's stuck in between listening to me talk to Nick and listening to John Oh talk to my mom! Ha ha ha. We also take pictures with John Oh, and as I'm taking the one of him and Nora, Nick Santino comes to stand behind me to watch me take the picture through the viewfinder, and makes fun of John Oh. He didn't do this to Nora, oh no, odd child.
Nick starts to talk to me about my hoodie, and how he likes it. I look at John Oh, and he smiles at me because I think he remembers the last time that I wore that hoodie and the little joke I made. Well, at least I hope he does. Nick goes on and on about the hoodie. He asks me if I got it online or at a show. Online, I tell him, and he adds that a lot of the online merchandise is better because the printing is better. I agree with him. He tells me about the one they're selling inside. It's purple and the print is smaller, but he says he likes the one I have on better. "Was I in there?" he asks. I don't want to lie to him, but quickly he continues, "Have you seen it?" The hoodie, he means, and I can answer yes to this without lying, so I do. He really does not ever shut up about the hoodie. "Is it just red and yellow?" he asks, "Or does it have green in it, too." It's your hoodie, you should know, I think, but he doesn't even give me time to answer. Instead he tells me to step into the light so he can see it. (;]) "No, it's just red and yellow," I try to answer, but for some reason, I step towards the streetlight with him anyway. It was kind of weird, but we step back into the group after a few seconds.
My mom and sister are asking John Oh about how they thought the fans were, and he says that they were a lot better than they expected, but Nick adds that they tend to get worse with the neighboring states (of Colorado). "Yeah," I agree, turning to John Oh, "Like them chanting 3Oh!3 during your set." Laughing, John Oh nods. "Did you read that on my Twitter?" Nick asks me. "Noooo," I say, and turn my eyes away, which means, yes, and he knows this. A little more chitter chatter goes on, but finally they both say they need to go and find some place to eat. I mention that this area is great because there are so many good surroundings food locations. I reach out my hand toward Nick to introduce myself, "My name is Sarah-" but I have to pull my hand away quickly as he wraps his arms around me yet again. "Nick," he answers, and goes around to give half hugs. John Oh also goes around to give everyone a hug. "Thanks for following my Twitter," Nick adds, and I just nod.
They take off, and we go back to the front of the venue to watch what we can of Family Force 5. I wish we had been inside for their set at least, but if we had been, things wouldn't have worked out so perfectly, and ultimately, I'm thankful that the show sold out.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
craig owens, 01.04.2009
LINE-UP: VersaEmerge, Ace Enders, the Color Fred, Craig Owens
IT'S A FUCKING BLIZZARD OUTSIDE THIS DAY, NO FREAKIN' JOKE. It's terrible outside, the roads look bad, but we pray that the bands will still brave the frontier and make it to the show. Nothing is looking up as we wait in the car for a very long time. Finally, ONE van drives by, it's fifteen minutes past door time, so we get off of the car and go inside the venue. Craig Owens and the Color Fred have arrived, but that's it. They make us wait for freaking forever before they get this guy to play a couple of his songs for everyone acoustically. He wasn't terrible, just not what I wanted to hear.
At this point, we're still waiting and I'm freakin' pissed. No one's announced what's going on and I'm getting more and more upset by the minute. Fred finally comes and stage and tells us that Ace Enders canceled on them, and VersaEmerge was stuck in a 30 car pile-up about an hour away from venue. No April's Fools Joke here. He plays well, and I enjoy his performance as he jokes about losing the windshield wiper and calling VersaEmerge wusses for not pressing onward for the show. They almost had to cancel, but they made. It made me feel a little better when he performed my favorite Taking Back Sunday song, New American Classic. But even then, I was beyond sad.
When Craig Owens and his posse come on stage, Nick from Underminded announces that they will not be using any electronics or microphones, so everyone must close in around the stage and sit if they want to hear the performance. Craig sits on the edge of the middle of the stage, Brian and Nick on either of his sides as he starts singing and talking to everyone. It's so ridiculously intimate, it's almost unbearable. He performs for a good while, moving from his spot only twice, and even sings us a song about his beautiful girlfriend, Joanna. The entire experience was absolutely incredible, SO incredible I can't even describe it to you in words. Everyone sits silent and attentive, it's wonderful. I wish more musicians were like Craig Owens and willing to pull such an experience.
I wish it could say it made up for VersaEmerge cancelling, but it didn't. The entire thing was so lovely and unexplainable, but I really had mainly gone to see VersaEmerge and I don't know why they had to cancel like that. It still hurts me to this day every time I think about it. Afterward, however, we meet Fred, who is super genuinely sweet, and I buy an "I heart Craig Owens" t-shirt, and we shoot a fast picture with Craig when we spot him. Unfortunately, I don't get to tell him what an amazing musician and person he was because he says he is super tired and wants to leave, but is still amazingly genuine about it. Still, I can honestly say I was glad I went to the show; I've never experienced something like that in my life, but I am still really upset, so I can't write about anything else in a positive matter. Dear, dear me.

IT'S A FUCKING BLIZZARD OUTSIDE THIS DAY, NO FREAKIN' JOKE. It's terrible outside, the roads look bad, but we pray that the bands will still brave the frontier and make it to the show. Nothing is looking up as we wait in the car for a very long time. Finally, ONE van drives by, it's fifteen minutes past door time, so we get off of the car and go inside the venue. Craig Owens and the Color Fred have arrived, but that's it. They make us wait for freaking forever before they get this guy to play a couple of his songs for everyone acoustically. He wasn't terrible, just not what I wanted to hear.
At this point, we're still waiting and I'm freakin' pissed. No one's announced what's going on and I'm getting more and more upset by the minute. Fred finally comes and stage and tells us that Ace Enders canceled on them, and VersaEmerge was stuck in a 30 car pile-up about an hour away from venue. No April's Fools Joke here. He plays well, and I enjoy his performance as he jokes about losing the windshield wiper and calling VersaEmerge wusses for not pressing onward for the show. They almost had to cancel, but they made. It made me feel a little better when he performed my favorite Taking Back Sunday song, New American Classic. But even then, I was beyond sad.
When Craig Owens and his posse come on stage, Nick from Underminded announces that they will not be using any electronics or microphones, so everyone must close in around the stage and sit if they want to hear the performance. Craig sits on the edge of the middle of the stage, Brian and Nick on either of his sides as he starts singing and talking to everyone. It's so ridiculously intimate, it's almost unbearable. He performs for a good while, moving from his spot only twice, and even sings us a song about his beautiful girlfriend, Joanna. The entire experience was absolutely incredible, SO incredible I can't even describe it to you in words. Everyone sits silent and attentive, it's wonderful. I wish more musicians were like Craig Owens and willing to pull such an experience.
I wish it could say it made up for VersaEmerge cancelling, but it didn't. The entire thing was so lovely and unexplainable, but I really had mainly gone to see VersaEmerge and I don't know why they had to cancel like that. It still hurts me to this day every time I think about it. Afterward, however, we meet Fred, who is super genuinely sweet, and I buy an "I heart Craig Owens" t-shirt, and we shoot a fast picture with Craig when we spot him. Unfortunately, I don't get to tell him what an amazing musician and person he was because he says he is super tired and wants to leave, but is still amazingly genuine about it. Still, I can honestly say I was glad I went to the show; I've never experienced something like that in my life, but I am still really upset, so I can't write about anything else in a positive matter. Dear, dear me.
cute is what we aim for, 25.03.2009
LINE-UP: Anarbor, Meg & Dia, Every Avenue, Breathe Carolina, Cute is What We Aim For
Shaant, I fucking hate you.
None of us, and I mean NONE of us want to go to the show at all. But for some stupid reason, we had already bought tickets and couldn't let them go to waste. Ughhhhh. We get to the venue an hour or two before doors are supposed to open. There's hardly any line, but frankly, we don't give a shit and decided we want to wait it out in the car the entire time. We get there early, and sit in the car; that's how much we really don't care.
But since there is a KingSoopers only about half a block down from the Gothic we decide to head on down there to waste time. Our worst fears come true as we turn the corner at the end of the street and run into none other than our good ol' buddy Shaant Hacikyan. All of us, including Shaant, just stare at one another awkwardly as we all halt in our tracks, unsure of what to do. "Hi," he says, "How are you guys?" We all give him short, simple answers and continue to glare, but we return the gesture, he tells us that he honestly wants to go home. He's going to record a new record as soon as he's back. (Oh cool, douche.) He asks what we're doing, and tell him we're heading down the KingSoopers. "Oh right, the pharmaceutical store!" He snaps. "It's a grocery store," Nora clarifies, and proceeds to ask how he is because, "We didn't get to see you last time." He doesn't answer to this, but decides it's time for him to head off. I guess even he sensed the awkward tension. He tells us that we have to meet Sebastian, his dog, stating, "I'll probably see you guys afterward." BULLSHIT. Shaant waves off, and we just stand around for another minute, asking ourselves what the hell had just happened. The entire conversation had pretty much consisted of, "Huh? What? Huh?" on both ends, and it was really fucking awkward; there's no other word to describe it.
After our trek to KingSoopers, trying to erase from our minds what had just happened, we come back to the venue and wait in the car until doors open. We get in and wait for Anarbor to play. They were the only band that I DID want to see, and were probably the only upside the entire night. It felt like I had been waiting years to see that band, and my finally the chance was handed to me, and they were SO amazing live! I can't even begin to describe it to you, but it was absolutely fantastic!
Meg and Dia are up next, and poor, poor Dia has an obnoxiously high pitched voice when she talks, and surprisingly, despite the fact that we hate Meg's guts (I KNOW WHO YOU'VE DONE!) they performed really well! Their "Halloween" song totally gave me goosebumps; it was great. Every Avenue, whom I don't really like, almost don't make it to the show due to van troubles, but unfortunately, they show up, and we have to sit through them playing. We have to sit through Breathe Caroline, too, which was absolutely horrible and practically unbearable! Like seriously, learn how to sing and make real music. I don't know what people see in them.
Cute is What We Aim for actually perform really well! (I still hate them, nonetheless). Shaant goes off on this monologue, explaining how no matter what anybody said, we could do whatever we wanted with our live as long as we had a dream, a heart, and the willpower to accomplish even the most obscure dreams. It was actually really touching, and it hit pretty close to home, but I don't really have much else to say. He talked in a "gay" voice for the first time, and it was pretty freakin' hilarious, to be honest.
Afterward, we try not to press the matter too far, but we end up meeting 3/4 of Anarbor, and they were all very genuinely sweet. I bought their newest EP, too, finally. We meet Jeff, as well, but that's it. We go outside in hopes of scouting out Shaant, but we get nothing, only serious doubt that we should just let go of the friendship. We ask their merch guy (who let us in last time, he points out) if he could get him for us. He tries, but tells us he's on the phone with their tour manager, and won't budge. We wait. And we wait, and we wait pointlessly. FINALLY, he comes out of the bus to meet a couple of girls, and he sees us; HE FREAKIN' SEES US, but ignores us, goes off behind the bus, comes back, despite the knowledge we are standing right there, and goes back on the bus. Here, all of us are asking ourselves, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Dave Melillo comes off the bus to meet the same girls, and after they leave he tells us we look like we need something. We ask him for pictures and brave it, asking him if he can go get Shaant for us. "No fucking way," he says. Later, as to avoid hurt feelings or something, he explains to us that one, he didn't want to go waste his time looking for somebody who was most likely not even going to come and meet his fans, which was his problem and his fault, not ours. He goes off a little longer on his tangent, sort of offending us, sort of just offending Shaant BECAUSE HE'S AN ASSHOLE, and eventually heads off. I wish I remember more of what Dave said because he's my new hero because of it. =)
I can honestly say, I owe a lot to Shaant. Many, many times he has restored my faith in human beings, despite shattering it that very night, and introduced to me music I would have never opened my ears to if he hadn't pointed it out. He made me realize that making friendships with random, far off people was possible, and for the first few years of our so-called relationship, he was practically my brother. But now, he's just blown that all aside and acts like we're nothing to him, so fuck you, Shaant, I'm done with you.

Shaant, I fucking hate you.
None of us, and I mean NONE of us want to go to the show at all. But for some stupid reason, we had already bought tickets and couldn't let them go to waste. Ughhhhh. We get to the venue an hour or two before doors are supposed to open. There's hardly any line, but frankly, we don't give a shit and decided we want to wait it out in the car the entire time. We get there early, and sit in the car; that's how much we really don't care.
But since there is a KingSoopers only about half a block down from the Gothic we decide to head on down there to waste time. Our worst fears come true as we turn the corner at the end of the street and run into none other than our good ol' buddy Shaant Hacikyan. All of us, including Shaant, just stare at one another awkwardly as we all halt in our tracks, unsure of what to do. "Hi," he says, "How are you guys?" We all give him short, simple answers and continue to glare, but we return the gesture, he tells us that he honestly wants to go home. He's going to record a new record as soon as he's back. (Oh cool, douche.) He asks what we're doing, and tell him we're heading down the KingSoopers. "Oh right, the pharmaceutical store!" He snaps. "It's a grocery store," Nora clarifies, and proceeds to ask how he is because, "We didn't get to see you last time." He doesn't answer to this, but decides it's time for him to head off. I guess even he sensed the awkward tension. He tells us that we have to meet Sebastian, his dog, stating, "I'll probably see you guys afterward." BULLSHIT. Shaant waves off, and we just stand around for another minute, asking ourselves what the hell had just happened. The entire conversation had pretty much consisted of, "Huh? What? Huh?" on both ends, and it was really fucking awkward; there's no other word to describe it.
After our trek to KingSoopers, trying to erase from our minds what had just happened, we come back to the venue and wait in the car until doors open. We get in and wait for Anarbor to play. They were the only band that I DID want to see, and were probably the only upside the entire night. It felt like I had been waiting years to see that band, and my finally the chance was handed to me, and they were SO amazing live! I can't even begin to describe it to you, but it was absolutely fantastic!
Meg and Dia are up next, and poor, poor Dia has an obnoxiously high pitched voice when she talks, and surprisingly, despite the fact that we hate Meg's guts (I KNOW WHO YOU'VE DONE!) they performed really well! Their "Halloween" song totally gave me goosebumps; it was great. Every Avenue, whom I don't really like, almost don't make it to the show due to van troubles, but unfortunately, they show up, and we have to sit through them playing. We have to sit through Breathe Caroline, too, which was absolutely horrible and practically unbearable! Like seriously, learn how to sing and make real music. I don't know what people see in them.
Cute is What We Aim for actually perform really well! (I still hate them, nonetheless). Shaant goes off on this monologue, explaining how no matter what anybody said, we could do whatever we wanted with our live as long as we had a dream, a heart, and the willpower to accomplish even the most obscure dreams. It was actually really touching, and it hit pretty close to home, but I don't really have much else to say. He talked in a "gay" voice for the first time, and it was pretty freakin' hilarious, to be honest.
Afterward, we try not to press the matter too far, but we end up meeting 3/4 of Anarbor, and they were all very genuinely sweet. I bought their newest EP, too, finally. We meet Jeff, as well, but that's it. We go outside in hopes of scouting out Shaant, but we get nothing, only serious doubt that we should just let go of the friendship. We ask their merch guy (who let us in last time, he points out) if he could get him for us. He tries, but tells us he's on the phone with their tour manager, and won't budge. We wait. And we wait, and we wait pointlessly. FINALLY, he comes out of the bus to meet a couple of girls, and he sees us; HE FREAKIN' SEES US, but ignores us, goes off behind the bus, comes back, despite the knowledge we are standing right there, and goes back on the bus. Here, all of us are asking ourselves, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Dave Melillo comes off the bus to meet the same girls, and after they leave he tells us we look like we need something. We ask him for pictures and brave it, asking him if he can go get Shaant for us. "No fucking way," he says. Later, as to avoid hurt feelings or something, he explains to us that one, he didn't want to go waste his time looking for somebody who was most likely not even going to come and meet his fans, which was his problem and his fault, not ours. He goes off a little longer on his tangent, sort of offending us, sort of just offending Shaant BECAUSE HE'S AN ASSHOLE, and eventually heads off. I wish I remember more of what Dave said because he's my new hero because of it. =)
I can honestly say, I owe a lot to Shaant. Many, many times he has restored my faith in human beings, despite shattering it that very night, and introduced to me music I would have never opened my ears to if he hadn't pointed it out. He made me realize that making friendships with random, far off people was possible, and for the first few years of our so-called relationship, he was practically my brother. But now, he's just blown that all aside and acts like we're nothing to him, so fuck you, Shaant, I'm done with you.
Friday, March 27, 2009
valencia, 11.03.2009
LINE-UP: Regret Night, Saving Verona, Houston Calls, Valencia <3
Not only is Valencia one of the greatest bands to see live, they are also some of the nicest dudes I have ever met before in my life! I love seeing them! And thanks to Brendan, we decide, as soon as we get down to the Marquis, to go to Illegal Pete's for the first time and experience its greatness. It truly is fantastic, to say the least. It's about four hours before doors are supposed to open and there are still no people in line when Nora and I finally head back from our grand food adventure. We have to go back and get Caleigh from tennis practice, so we all leave, pick her up, get her Qdoba, and when we come back to the venue, it's still pretty much empty except for those two Saving Verona girl who are on the "buy tickets" side of the line. We only have about two hours now before doors open and Valencia has just barely arrived.
"Look who it is," George says when he sees us after walking out of the venue. Nora and I just giggle while he asks Caleigh what she has. "Chicken nachos. Do you want some?" "No," he answers, but it's like he can't stop staring at them. (I know, I know, he's really awkward.) Then Caleigh feels like an idiot for offering him that because we thought he was a vegan. (He's not, just a vegetarian, though.) Not much else goes on until Brendan walks out of the venue, says hi, and asks how we are. We're all pretty much speechless, but not in a starstruck way; we just don't know what to say. He tells us they're heading down to Illegal Pete's because we know how much he loves it. We sure do.
We get inside the venue soon after, sit around, and wait for the show to start while scoping out George and Brendan at the merch area and laughing about it. Regret Night performs a lot better than I remember, but they have so many clapping parts in their songs, it got a little annoying. And Saving Verona... they're just terrible. I'm sorry. They had good orchestration, but that was about it. We don't need two New Found Glory's, alright? Houston Calls, however, is always a blast to see live. I don't really listen to them, nor do I really like them, but they know how to put on a live show. Even I can admit that.
And finally, the moment we had all been waiting for... wait, Maris the Great? He appears out of nowhere, and despite having seen him a million times, he still scares the shit out of me. He comes on stage and introduces Valencia while advertising his own band alongside his drag queen. Ha. It is actually quite amusing, especially watching Max sitting at his drum set ready to destroy his band mates because they're taking so long and the lights have already been off for a good while. He cracks me up.
As usual, Valencia performs brilliantly. I even know some of the old songs! Just two, but that's good enough for me, really. George always comes to my side of the stage and stands right in front of me to sing to the crowd; not cool, man, not cool. At one point, even, I'm trying to take a picture of Brendan (who does look at me a few times while I'm ACTUALLY singing along) and George gets in the way. Realizing this, he jumps back and makes an apologetic face at me. Hilarious. And of course, just as I was expecting, he crowd surfs on MY side of the stage, which causes us to miss Brendan singing to Nora during the Space Between because we're all so afraid I'm gonna get a black eye again. Luckily, I don't, and George makes it back to the stage from the opposite side (with his shirt all the way unbuttoned; way to go crowd!). Still, I LIVE!
Afterward, we head on down to the merch area to find Valencia, but it's pretty crowded, so we wait around on the ramp. I end up buying a hoodie, Nora a t-shirt, and we get a free b-side, yay! George is sitting by himself on the merch stand thing, so I decide to go over - Caleigh trailing behind me - and attempt talk to him. I say hi, awkwardly, and he gives me a high-five. I try to talk to him about the show, but it doesn't really work, and eventually, he just hops off and walks away. Caleigh and I head back to Mom and Nora where we continue waiting until Brendan makes his way towards us. He asks us how we are and make small talk. (Again, if I had written this a lot sooner, I probably would have remembered more.) I do remember that he talks to EVERYONE; he always does, which is one of the many reasons as to why I love him so dearly. He points out the trash can right next to me, and I tell him it's placed very awkwardly and pretend to sit on it. He mockingly calls Caleigh "Qdoba girl" throughout the conversation and we all get pictures. I ask Brendan how he liked Australia, and he says it was one of his favourite places and he really wants to go back.
Nora decides to steal my topic starter and asks Brendan what kind of camera he uses for all his photoblogs because she really likes all his pictures. (One, that was my idea. Two, she's seen about one of his blogs. >|) He tells her the SLR type, and she says she think she has the same one. (Yay!) So then I tell him that I loved looking at his pictures because they were so awesome. He thanks me. =) My mom asks him when he's coming back, and he says they're playing the second half of Warped Tour, which included our date, and that was when we'd probably see him next, if not sooner. "April... 8th?" he asks. "April 9th," I answer, "It's a week before my birthday!" Really? he says, You should bring cakes, and I'll celebrate, "I like it." Ha ha. I think he was afraid to ask how old I was turning for George's sake. O_O
Security is trying to kick us out at this point, so we follow Brendan outside to continue our conversation. It's slightly chilly outside, which he points out. But I tell him I'm fine because I had bought this super awesome hoodie, but I had no idea what band it was. He goes along with it, and agrees, but I say that if they made such a great hoodie, then they had to be a great band. Again, he agrees, "I would assume so." Eventually, he says bye, gives us hugs, and he takes off while we stay around so we can talk to George.
It takes a little awhile, but he comes outside. I just barely walk up to him and he wraps his arms around me. I'm a little weirded out by this, but I hug him back. I really can't say no to a hug. He says he's going to the van, but he'll back right as I'm asking him for a picture. Oh, a picture? he says, and stays behind to take pictures with us all. Caleigh, for some reason is on the phone, so he's all, Let's go take the picture with her while she's on the phone! We got a pretty priceless picture out of that one. =)
George heads off across the street to retrieve the van, but I feel awkward if we were to just leave without saying goodbye. So we wait. And we wait. We meet JD, WHO LOOKED SO DAMN FINE. XD. And we still wait for George to come back. It got really awkward at one point, too, because Brendan had already said goodbye to us and he was standing just a few feet ahead of us loading the van as soon as George had returned. I try to approach him, but he just smiles at me, making a weird "bop" sounds as he points to my nose humorously, and goes back in the venue. I'm thinking, "What the eff is wrong with this kid?" but we keep on waiting until FINALLY he comes back out to the van, practically ignoring me, and I have to run up to him to tell him that I had wanted to say goodbye! "Oh!" IDIOT. He hugs me, goes to hug the rest of my family and says he'll see us at Warped Tour.
George is a freaking weird, socially awkward kid, but I, for some reason, I still love, and I love Brendan, too! He's probably one of the nicest kids I have ever met before in my life! Unfortunately, we weren't able to meet Shane or Max (who's my favourite!) but I'd say it was a pretty successful night.

Not only is Valencia one of the greatest bands to see live, they are also some of the nicest dudes I have ever met before in my life! I love seeing them! And thanks to Brendan, we decide, as soon as we get down to the Marquis, to go to Illegal Pete's for the first time and experience its greatness. It truly is fantastic, to say the least. It's about four hours before doors are supposed to open and there are still no people in line when Nora and I finally head back from our grand food adventure. We have to go back and get Caleigh from tennis practice, so we all leave, pick her up, get her Qdoba, and when we come back to the venue, it's still pretty much empty except for those two Saving Verona girl who are on the "buy tickets" side of the line. We only have about two hours now before doors open and Valencia has just barely arrived.
"Look who it is," George says when he sees us after walking out of the venue. Nora and I just giggle while he asks Caleigh what she has. "Chicken nachos. Do you want some?" "No," he answers, but it's like he can't stop staring at them. (I know, I know, he's really awkward.) Then Caleigh feels like an idiot for offering him that because we thought he was a vegan. (He's not, just a vegetarian, though.) Not much else goes on until Brendan walks out of the venue, says hi, and asks how we are. We're all pretty much speechless, but not in a starstruck way; we just don't know what to say. He tells us they're heading down to Illegal Pete's because we know how much he loves it. We sure do.
We get inside the venue soon after, sit around, and wait for the show to start while scoping out George and Brendan at the merch area and laughing about it. Regret Night performs a lot better than I remember, but they have so many clapping parts in their songs, it got a little annoying. And Saving Verona... they're just terrible. I'm sorry. They had good orchestration, but that was about it. We don't need two New Found Glory's, alright? Houston Calls, however, is always a blast to see live. I don't really listen to them, nor do I really like them, but they know how to put on a live show. Even I can admit that.
And finally, the moment we had all been waiting for... wait, Maris the Great? He appears out of nowhere, and despite having seen him a million times, he still scares the shit out of me. He comes on stage and introduces Valencia while advertising his own band alongside his drag queen. Ha. It is actually quite amusing, especially watching Max sitting at his drum set ready to destroy his band mates because they're taking so long and the lights have already been off for a good while. He cracks me up.
As usual, Valencia performs brilliantly. I even know some of the old songs! Just two, but that's good enough for me, really. George always comes to my side of the stage and stands right in front of me to sing to the crowd; not cool, man, not cool. At one point, even, I'm trying to take a picture of Brendan (who does look at me a few times while I'm ACTUALLY singing along) and George gets in the way. Realizing this, he jumps back and makes an apologetic face at me. Hilarious. And of course, just as I was expecting, he crowd surfs on MY side of the stage, which causes us to miss Brendan singing to Nora during the Space Between because we're all so afraid I'm gonna get a black eye again. Luckily, I don't, and George makes it back to the stage from the opposite side (with his shirt all the way unbuttoned; way to go crowd!). Still, I LIVE!
Afterward, we head on down to the merch area to find Valencia, but it's pretty crowded, so we wait around on the ramp. I end up buying a hoodie, Nora a t-shirt, and we get a free b-side, yay! George is sitting by himself on the merch stand thing, so I decide to go over - Caleigh trailing behind me - and attempt talk to him. I say hi, awkwardly, and he gives me a high-five. I try to talk to him about the show, but it doesn't really work, and eventually, he just hops off and walks away. Caleigh and I head back to Mom and Nora where we continue waiting until Brendan makes his way towards us. He asks us how we are and make small talk. (Again, if I had written this a lot sooner, I probably would have remembered more.) I do remember that he talks to EVERYONE; he always does, which is one of the many reasons as to why I love him so dearly. He points out the trash can right next to me, and I tell him it's placed very awkwardly and pretend to sit on it. He mockingly calls Caleigh "Qdoba girl" throughout the conversation and we all get pictures. I ask Brendan how he liked Australia, and he says it was one of his favourite places and he really wants to go back.
Nora decides to steal my topic starter and asks Brendan what kind of camera he uses for all his photoblogs because she really likes all his pictures. (One, that was my idea. Two, she's seen about one of his blogs. >|) He tells her the SLR type, and she says she think she has the same one. (Yay!) So then I tell him that I loved looking at his pictures because they were so awesome. He thanks me. =) My mom asks him when he's coming back, and he says they're playing the second half of Warped Tour, which included our date, and that was when we'd probably see him next, if not sooner. "April... 8th?" he asks. "April 9th," I answer, "It's a week before my birthday!" Really? he says, You should bring cakes, and I'll celebrate, "I like it." Ha ha. I think he was afraid to ask how old I was turning for George's sake. O_O
Security is trying to kick us out at this point, so we follow Brendan outside to continue our conversation. It's slightly chilly outside, which he points out. But I tell him I'm fine because I had bought this super awesome hoodie, but I had no idea what band it was. He goes along with it, and agrees, but I say that if they made such a great hoodie, then they had to be a great band. Again, he agrees, "I would assume so." Eventually, he says bye, gives us hugs, and he takes off while we stay around so we can talk to George.
It takes a little awhile, but he comes outside. I just barely walk up to him and he wraps his arms around me. I'm a little weirded out by this, but I hug him back. I really can't say no to a hug. He says he's going to the van, but he'll back right as I'm asking him for a picture. Oh, a picture? he says, and stays behind to take pictures with us all. Caleigh, for some reason is on the phone, so he's all, Let's go take the picture with her while she's on the phone! We got a pretty priceless picture out of that one. =)
George heads off across the street to retrieve the van, but I feel awkward if we were to just leave without saying goodbye. So we wait. And we wait. We meet JD, WHO LOOKED SO DAMN FINE. XD. And we still wait for George to come back. It got really awkward at one point, too, because Brendan had already said goodbye to us and he was standing just a few feet ahead of us loading the van as soon as George had returned. I try to approach him, but he just smiles at me, making a weird "bop" sounds as he points to my nose humorously, and goes back in the venue. I'm thinking, "What the eff is wrong with this kid?" but we keep on waiting until FINALLY he comes back out to the van, practically ignoring me, and I have to run up to him to tell him that I had wanted to say goodbye! "Oh!" IDIOT. He hugs me, goes to hug the rest of my family and says he'll see us at Warped Tour.
George is a freaking weird, socially awkward kid, but I, for some reason, I still love, and I love Brendan, too! He's probably one of the nicest kids I have ever met before in my life! Unfortunately, we weren't able to meet Shane or Max (who's my favourite!) but I'd say it was a pretty successful night.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
we the kings, 24.02.2009
LINE UP: VersaEmerge, There for Tomorrow, The Cab, The Maine, We the Kings
Because my little brother has a band concert, we can't go up to Colorado Springs to see the show, but even as sad as that is, the show sells out about a week before the date, which kind of, in a backwards sort of way, works out in our favor. After his band concert, we head up to Colorado Springs to see what we can catch of the Maine and/or We the Kings.
The Maine is just ending once we get up there. People are filing in and out of the venue, and we're just standing there, not knowing what to do because the security guards don't seem to be checking anybody. This idiot with black hair and a lip piercing comes out and asks us what we're doing. He's talking to us about the show and the bands we went to see. Overall, he's just an annoying dumbass; I would explain, but it's really worth the paragraph. As We the Kings begins, he leaves and goes back inside. He doesn't get checked by the security guards, either, so tentatively, we decide to just try our luck and walk in. And it works! We get watch all of We the Kings, so at least that part was worth the drive up. As they play, we see part of VersaEmerge, walk in and out here and there. Blake stands a few people away from us to watch the show, and it's absolutely hilarious to see him, watching them with his mouth gaping open; the way I look when I'm watching Demi Lovato on TV. Ha ha ha ha.
After We the Kings ends, we venture over to the merch so that Nora can buy her WTK hoodie she wanted the night before, and then we head off to VersaEmerge's side. Blake sees me, smiles, and offers his arm. He gives me a nice hug and asks how I am. I ask him how they played because I missed it. (I shouldn't have said that!) He makes a face, but says they did fine. And that was pretty much it. Nora and I stand around awkwardly, not sure what to say or do, or who to approach for another picture. Blake is applying Chapstick - that I remember - which I find humourous because Nora is addicted to ChapStick and this causes her to definitely approve of him. Finally, we ask him for another picture and find Sierra afterward. She asks us how we are, "You guys were here last night, right?" Yes. And I believe she asks us how we thought they performed, and I unfortunately have to be honest and tell her we missed their set. "Yeah... a lot of people did," Sierra says sadly. We didn't do it on purpose, though! Excitedly, however, she adds that they're about to perform acousticly "Right now" so "Follow me!"
We literally follow her outside, she runs out to the van for something with Blake and they come back with a guitar and sit down on the curb to play. IT'S OUR LUCKY DAY! I'm so happy about this! Sierra tells us to sing a long if we know the words, and eventually she stands up. She glances in our direction a few times when she hears us singing (every fucking word), and I love it. There's this girl there, and she doesn't bother me at all or anything, but every single time she requested for them to play a song, she would sing the first few lines and then stop. I found it humorous, no offense to her. I believe that they perform In Pursuing Design, The Authors, Past Praying For, and Whisperer (at Nora's request!) At one point Blake loses his pick and can't find it in the dark, so Nora, using the flash on her camera takes a picture of the ground, finds it, and hands it to him while he flashes her his winning Brendon Urie smile. Ha. Nobody really pays attention to Blake after the performance; everyone pretty much hounds Sierra. =(
This entire time, we had pretty much forgotten one of main purposes in coming here (Alex Marshall!) until we hear his name being called by the entrance of The Black Sheep. Girls have spotted him and hounded him, providing us with enough time to venture off and meet other kids before having to hit him up. Sierra is still occupied and runs off to go to the bathroom, which scares me a little because I don't want to leave or get tied up with Alex Marshall before SHE leaves. Alex Marshall, I think, makes it back into the venue, so we go and meet the Ginger again, and he remembers Mom. Yay!
Surprisingly, John Oh has become unoccupied, so we run over to him. He says hey to Nora, "Sharpie girl", and to all of us out of common courtesy. (Score!) Nora goes, "So you know how you said you owed me something..." She has this plan that we don't expect to work at all where she asks him to get us into the AP Tour for free. John Oh pulls eyeliner out of his pocket (the kind that I used to use!) and gives it to Nora. "Here," he says. It's like a souvenir, he explains... that's empty. Nora accepts it, however, and proceeds to talk about the AP Tour and how it's sold out and all. Two guys jump into the conversation, saying how it pretty much sold out in 30 minutes because of 3OH!3 and how if they played at the Fillmore, it probably would have sold out, too. I am so bummed out because of this, but Nora doesn't even get to ask John Oh about getting us in, which is okay, actually because he thanks Mom again for offering them a place to stay to which she says that whenever they need anything, they'd be happy to help. (Once again, score!) We get some pictures with him, and while he's taking a picture with Nora, he asks me if that says A Rocket to the Moon on my hoodie. "What?" I say, "Oh, yeah, it does!" He says that he needs to get himself one of those. "35 dollars, Fueled by Ramen." I snap the picture while he's laughing and capture an amazing shot of him in Nora's picture. Nora asks him if they can just settle with a hug, and he gladly accepts. And because of this, Mom and I get half hugs, too. Even though Nora got a full one, the association was still nice. Plus, we get a picture with Kennedy afterward, also. The poor kid, despite his beauty, is hardly ever bombarded.
We wait right outside the venue longer because we spot Blake and Alex Marshall still inside, packing up merch. Blake comes out first, but he's carrying the merch display and he's on the phone, and eventually, Alex Marshall, with his hood on, comes out in a group of people, attempting to disguise himself and get through unnoticed, but someone stops him and gives him this freakin' awesome painting of a piano, and he's done for! While we wait around for him, I see Blake is off his phone, but he ventures to the dark part of the van. I run off to find him and I tell him it was nice seeing him and I couldn't wait to see them next time. I give him a hug, and he's off. I go back to Nora, content while a bunch of girls still surround Marshall. There's this girl taking a ton of pictures with him, and he turns to side and says, "What, are we doing a photoshoot or something?" Apparently, he had also told Nora when he saw her, "You! You said you weren't coming!" "No I didn't," Nora answers, "We said we were going to come afterward." (Idiot!)
At some point or another, I'm not really sure when, Sierra finally comes out of the venue, so Nora and I practically run after her. We don't want her to get away this time. We ask her for a picture. "You ran away," I say sadly. "Sorry," she apologizes, "I had to pee," and that's quite alright with me. We tell her we'll see her next time (April 1st with Craig Owens.), but she's afraid it was one of the canceled tour dates, and it's not! Still, Sierra tells Nora and I that she love us and gives us a group hug. "Aw, we love you, too." Finally, we head back to Alex Marshall now that the most important things have been taken care of. It's funny to watch him interact with the other girls. When one of them does or says something stupid, he'll always look at us and make a face. It's priceless.
He's still busy, however, and has to walk off to do something for some girl, but he tell us, directly, that he'll be right back. (Aw, how sweet.) He comes back, and while he takes turns hugging us, he tells me, "You're blunt, but I like it, and we all talk a little bit. (Honestly, I forget half of the conversations with him.) I tell him that the painting is amazing. "Do you paint?" he asks me. "No," I say. BUT I DO, and I should have said yes. I'm such a dumbass. Nora talks about how amazing her camera is because of the aperture and shutter speed, but he tells her he has no idea what she's talking about. "I love photography," she explains. Gotcha. How far do we actually live from here, he asks again because yesterday we confused him. "You confused me, and I even know where we live," I laugh. "An hour and a hour, typically, or two hours if Mom's driving," she answers. If I remember anymore of the conversation, I'll come back and add it, but right now, I really can't remember shit. As we're about to leave, he gives us all hugs, and once again, he tells me, "Stay blunt." "Maybe I'll soften it for you next time," I say, but I don't think he hears me. And with that, we're off for another hour and a half long drive home. Even though we didn't actually get into the show, I'd have to say it was a pretty successful night, and the drive was well worth it.

Because my little brother has a band concert, we can't go up to Colorado Springs to see the show, but even as sad as that is, the show sells out about a week before the date, which kind of, in a backwards sort of way, works out in our favor. After his band concert, we head up to Colorado Springs to see what we can catch of the Maine and/or We the Kings.
The Maine is just ending once we get up there. People are filing in and out of the venue, and we're just standing there, not knowing what to do because the security guards don't seem to be checking anybody. This idiot with black hair and a lip piercing comes out and asks us what we're doing. He's talking to us about the show and the bands we went to see. Overall, he's just an annoying dumbass; I would explain, but it's really worth the paragraph. As We the Kings begins, he leaves and goes back inside. He doesn't get checked by the security guards, either, so tentatively, we decide to just try our luck and walk in. And it works! We get watch all of We the Kings, so at least that part was worth the drive up. As they play, we see part of VersaEmerge, walk in and out here and there. Blake stands a few people away from us to watch the show, and it's absolutely hilarious to see him, watching them with his mouth gaping open; the way I look when I'm watching Demi Lovato on TV. Ha ha ha ha.
After We the Kings ends, we venture over to the merch so that Nora can buy her WTK hoodie she wanted the night before, and then we head off to VersaEmerge's side. Blake sees me, smiles, and offers his arm. He gives me a nice hug and asks how I am. I ask him how they played because I missed it. (I shouldn't have said that!) He makes a face, but says they did fine. And that was pretty much it. Nora and I stand around awkwardly, not sure what to say or do, or who to approach for another picture. Blake is applying Chapstick - that I remember - which I find humourous because Nora is addicted to ChapStick and this causes her to definitely approve of him. Finally, we ask him for another picture and find Sierra afterward. She asks us how we are, "You guys were here last night, right?" Yes. And I believe she asks us how we thought they performed, and I unfortunately have to be honest and tell her we missed their set. "Yeah... a lot of people did," Sierra says sadly. We didn't do it on purpose, though! Excitedly, however, she adds that they're about to perform acousticly "Right now" so "Follow me!"
We literally follow her outside, she runs out to the van for something with Blake and they come back with a guitar and sit down on the curb to play. IT'S OUR LUCKY DAY! I'm so happy about this! Sierra tells us to sing a long if we know the words, and eventually she stands up. She glances in our direction a few times when she hears us singing (every fucking word), and I love it. There's this girl there, and she doesn't bother me at all or anything, but every single time she requested for them to play a song, she would sing the first few lines and then stop. I found it humorous, no offense to her. I believe that they perform In Pursuing Design, The Authors, Past Praying For, and Whisperer (at Nora's request!) At one point Blake loses his pick and can't find it in the dark, so Nora, using the flash on her camera takes a picture of the ground, finds it, and hands it to him while he flashes her his winning Brendon Urie smile. Ha. Nobody really pays attention to Blake after the performance; everyone pretty much hounds Sierra. =(
This entire time, we had pretty much forgotten one of main purposes in coming here (Alex Marshall!) until we hear his name being called by the entrance of The Black Sheep. Girls have spotted him and hounded him, providing us with enough time to venture off and meet other kids before having to hit him up. Sierra is still occupied and runs off to go to the bathroom, which scares me a little because I don't want to leave or get tied up with Alex Marshall before SHE leaves. Alex Marshall, I think, makes it back into the venue, so we go and meet the Ginger again, and he remembers Mom. Yay!
Surprisingly, John Oh has become unoccupied, so we run over to him. He says hey to Nora, "Sharpie girl", and to all of us out of common courtesy. (Score!) Nora goes, "So you know how you said you owed me something..." She has this plan that we don't expect to work at all where she asks him to get us into the AP Tour for free. John Oh pulls eyeliner out of his pocket (the kind that I used to use!) and gives it to Nora. "Here," he says. It's like a souvenir, he explains... that's empty. Nora accepts it, however, and proceeds to talk about the AP Tour and how it's sold out and all. Two guys jump into the conversation, saying how it pretty much sold out in 30 minutes because of 3OH!3 and how if they played at the Fillmore, it probably would have sold out, too. I am so bummed out because of this, but Nora doesn't even get to ask John Oh about getting us in, which is okay, actually because he thanks Mom again for offering them a place to stay to which she says that whenever they need anything, they'd be happy to help. (Once again, score!) We get some pictures with him, and while he's taking a picture with Nora, he asks me if that says A Rocket to the Moon on my hoodie. "What?" I say, "Oh, yeah, it does!" He says that he needs to get himself one of those. "35 dollars, Fueled by Ramen." I snap the picture while he's laughing and capture an amazing shot of him in Nora's picture. Nora asks him if they can just settle with a hug, and he gladly accepts. And because of this, Mom and I get half hugs, too. Even though Nora got a full one, the association was still nice. Plus, we get a picture with Kennedy afterward, also. The poor kid, despite his beauty, is hardly ever bombarded.
We wait right outside the venue longer because we spot Blake and Alex Marshall still inside, packing up merch. Blake comes out first, but he's carrying the merch display and he's on the phone, and eventually, Alex Marshall, with his hood on, comes out in a group of people, attempting to disguise himself and get through unnoticed, but someone stops him and gives him this freakin' awesome painting of a piano, and he's done for! While we wait around for him, I see Blake is off his phone, but he ventures to the dark part of the van. I run off to find him and I tell him it was nice seeing him and I couldn't wait to see them next time. I give him a hug, and he's off. I go back to Nora, content while a bunch of girls still surround Marshall. There's this girl taking a ton of pictures with him, and he turns to side and says, "What, are we doing a photoshoot or something?" Apparently, he had also told Nora when he saw her, "You! You said you weren't coming!" "No I didn't," Nora answers, "We said we were going to come afterward." (Idiot!)
At some point or another, I'm not really sure when, Sierra finally comes out of the venue, so Nora and I practically run after her. We don't want her to get away this time. We ask her for a picture. "You ran away," I say sadly. "Sorry," she apologizes, "I had to pee," and that's quite alright with me. We tell her we'll see her next time (April 1st with Craig Owens.), but she's afraid it was one of the canceled tour dates, and it's not! Still, Sierra tells Nora and I that she love us and gives us a group hug. "Aw, we love you, too." Finally, we head back to Alex Marshall now that the most important things have been taken care of. It's funny to watch him interact with the other girls. When one of them does or says something stupid, he'll always look at us and make a face. It's priceless.
He's still busy, however, and has to walk off to do something for some girl, but he tell us, directly, that he'll be right back. (Aw, how sweet.) He comes back, and while he takes turns hugging us, he tells me, "You're blunt, but I like it, and we all talk a little bit. (Honestly, I forget half of the conversations with him.) I tell him that the painting is amazing. "Do you paint?" he asks me. "No," I say. BUT I DO, and I should have said yes. I'm such a dumbass. Nora talks about how amazing her camera is because of the aperture and shutter speed, but he tells her he has no idea what she's talking about. "I love photography," she explains. Gotcha. How far do we actually live from here, he asks again because yesterday we confused him. "You confused me, and I even know where we live," I laugh. "An hour and a hour, typically, or two hours if Mom's driving," she answers. If I remember anymore of the conversation, I'll come back and add it, but right now, I really can't remember shit. As we're about to leave, he gives us all hugs, and once again, he tells me, "Stay blunt." "Maybe I'll soften it for you next time," I say, but I don't think he hears me. And with that, we're off for another hour and a half long drive home. Even though we didn't actually get into the show, I'd have to say it was a pretty successful night, and the drive was well worth it.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
we the kings, 23.02.2009
LINE-UP: VERSAEMERGE, There for Tomorrow, The Cab, The Maine, We the Kings
I had been so completely angry and reluctant when Nora told me that she was bring Heather along. I could go into more detail, but I just thought I would put that out there because she and I had invited Caleigh, MY SUPER BFF, to come along with us to experience her first real show, and oddly enough, I was completely fine with that, but not with taking Heather. It was hard for me to get over my selfish intuitions, but throughout the entire show, I was actually really glad we had brought Heather along. Not only was she absolutely hilarious to the point where I couldn't breathe, but she was my very own personal body guard, which was a really comforting thought. I was really nervous and scared about bring Caleigh along, too, because she's really, REALLY out there and obnoxious as compared to me, but she was fine the entire night. And in the end I was really glad we had brought her along also. Now on to the actual show! (This one is going to be a long one, so watch out!)
We get to the Aggie a little less than two hours before the doors are supposed to open. It's not too cold outside, and the line isn't too terribly long, but it's already past the building. And I stand and work on my Sudoku while Heather and Caleigh talk. The times goes by pretty fast, actually and we're inside within no time. In theory, we were about third or fourth row in front of the stage to the right. As we run in, Nora asks, "Did you see Nash [from Armor for Sleep]?" And no, I hadn't, but I think him being there is utterly weird, but we'll get to that later. We only have to wait fifteen minutes before VersaEmerge comes on stage, and I am literally jumping out of my pants with excitement. They open with Theatrics and slide right into the Hider. We're on the Brendon Urie look-a-like's side, and though they only performed for twenty minutes (wtf, right?) they did incredibly. There's a reason I call them my favorite band, and they continue to blow my mind away. I knew every single one of the songs, and I sang my heart out as best as I could the entire time. It was awesome.
There for Tomorrow comes out in a timely manner, and although the drummer and guitarist on our side were really pretty, they seemed like completely douchebags. The singer, who looks like Gerard Way but definitely doesn't act like him, makes some funky ass comments about how the crowd isn't their's, but the girls are totally attractive and some inappropriate bullshit like that. They weren't even that good, no offense, and luckily, they only played for eighteen minutes because the crowd was starting to get feisty.
The Cab was up next and like the total douchebags they are, they have other people set up for them. Singer is still stupid and creepy. He'd always come toward the crowd on our side, and the girls would eat it up. NASTY. But Alex Marshall, as usual looked really good, and they performed really well. Yeah, they performed the same songs they always do, but I still liked it. Plus, they still perform Can You Keep a Secret? which is my absolute favorite. The crowd, however, are completely idiots at this point and become all pushy and douchey. We notice that Johnson isn't there, but in his place is Nash, but we have no idea what's going on! (We'll get to that later.) I'm sweating like crazy, and I hate it, so I back up as much as I can. The Cab, also, ends pretty quickly, and the Maine are up next. I decided that I only want to watch a few songs because I know that because of stupid John Oh, people are going to be even stupider, so as soon as the start The Way We Talk, we book it out of the sweaty mob and back up to our mother who's standing and watching from her perfect spot on the balcony-type thing. Plus! It's John Johnt's good side! Haaaaa. They perform the same thing, as usual, and John still doesn't really express any emotion, but I love the Maine nonetheless.
After their set, we head to the merch so Caleigh can buy a shirt, and I can scope out Versa Emerge. I convince Caleigh to buy the Maine hoodie versus the sucky Cab one, and I buy VersaEmerge's EP. While she's buying the hoodie, Nash Breen is practically standing right next to me, so I approach him and ask, "What's going on with Armor for Sleep?" He tells me that they're on a "break" right now, so I ask if that's a good or band things. He answers, "I don't know, ask Ben," and I roll my eyes. Stupid Ben Jorgensen. "How did you wind up with the Cab?" I ask. He says that they're managed by the same people, so it kind of went hand in hand. "How did I do?" he asks. I answer with a simple "good" and feel bad afterward that I didn't expand because he is such an amazing drummer! He ends it by telling me that he has to find his sweater or something, so I give him a high-five, and we're off on our own ways.
I eventually get all of VersaEmerge to sign the EP, but the bassist, Devin, who looked bored out of his mind asks me to hand it to him so he can sign it. Weirdo. I get a picture with him, Anthony, the drummer, and the guitarist, Jerry, all in one, and finally Sierra, the singer, miraculously appears. And I don't know how to approach her! She's behind the merch table, standing on a chair, so I wait.
In the meantime, the guitarist/vocalist, Blake, of VersaEmerge appears - and in my personal opinion, he resembles Brendon Urie quite a bit - who smiles at me first, so I approach him. After getting a picture with him, I tell him that his band is absolutely amazing, and that I really love them because they are just so refreshing, especially. He is awed, apparently, and gives me a hug. (Score!) He thanks me for coming out to see him, asks me my name, we shake hands, and I tell him thanks for making music. And he says he will keep doing that then. (I always make people feel awkward with that comment, ha ha.) He asks me if I'm going to see them again, and I say, of course! I tell him that the next day I was going to miss them because it was sold out, but that they were playing with Craig Owens after that, so I was definitely going to see them at at that show! Blake then asks me if I was going to Warped Tour, and I said that if more than one good band was playing, I would go. Even though I don't offer much explanation other than that, he still says, "I can understand that," and goes on to explain that this year there are less stages - four, he thinks - so it's going to feel more like an actual versus a festival. Knowing this, I nod, and put Warped Tour into consideration as I ask him if they're playing Warped this summer. He says, of course! Then I say that if they play our date, I would consider going just for them. I don't remember how the conversation ends, but it does somewhere at this point, and I turn to my sister and totally grin. I feel bad because SHE was the one who said he was really good-looking, and I pretty much stole him right out of her grasp. But being that her personality is sometimes far from mine, she said it was okay, as long as she got association. Haaa.
We finally get our chance to talk to Sierra, and we all get pictures. I tell her that I think her band is incredible, and she says thanks. I decide to play the compliment game to see what she's really like because we all think she's really full of herself, and I tell her that I also think her voice is really unique. She gives me a sincere thank you for that one, and says that it's better than hearing "Oh you sound like Hayley," and I tell her she definitely does not sound like her. Which she doesn't. That's about it for Sierra.
We the Kings is starting, so we run back over to Mom to catch them play. They, too, pretty much play the same thing aside from a new song and Mr. Brightside, but I really can't blame them due to their lack of catalog. But they're always a lot of fun to watch, especially the Ginger with this "sexual intercourse" comments, and seeing Sierra, Blake, and Alex Marshall on the side watching We the Kings, too. It was sad, though, because Drew, their bassist, was missing, but the Ginger explains that he totally broke his arm and knee the night before and he couldn't play so they had their guitar tech, Scooter take his place. And that was about it.
After the show, we see Pat, from the Maine, first, whom Nora totally has a crush on. He's get hoarded by a bunch of girls, so we really just have to wait. That's when we see John Oh coming up, but he also gets bombarded, so it's more waiting for us, until we see Kennedy, and no one's bothering him. I take this opportunity to make him feel important by asking for a picture with him. (I told Caleigh it was Garrett, even though it wasn't. I totally got them confused, and I felt SO bad because she had wanted to meet Garrett. Oops.) Pat disappears, so we just wait around for John, pressuring Mom to offer him a place to stay. Har har.
A lot of girls ask him to sign a bunch of things, but the idiot doesn't have a Sharpie! Nora, to the rescue, lets him borrow hers over and over again, and he keeps apologizing and using it at the same time. Nora doesn't mind because this gives him the opportunity to actually look at her and take her face in; plus Mom is enjoying the view, if you know what I mean. After a pretty decent about of time, he's finally free, and he thanks Nora again for the Sharpie, and tells her he owes her something. Ha ha. We all get our pictures, and he asks Mom how she is.
Caleigh asks John Oh what his tattoo on his chest says, and he answers, "We All Will Be the Greatest". I'm praying in my head over and over again that Caleigh DOES NOT ask him where that line is from because that would be absolutely embarrassing for her, but thankfully she doesn't, and instead I say, "That's my favorite line. I love it," or something like that, and John Oh says "Thanks." (My first thought, I was saying that because I was complimenting you, buddy.) We see Cash about three seconds later, and get pictures with him before heading back up to find VersaEmerge again. Weeeee.
Nora gets a picture with all the guys I got pictures with separately, and I do, too. I tell the bassist that I think his band is incredible, and he puts his arm around me, in a half-hugging motion, but the alleged "picture arm" as well, which confuses me. Nora says something, and he goes, "Oh I was just hugging her." (He just didn't want to feel like a dumbass.) But I get another picture with him.
I tell Sierra, whose sitting on the bench with Jerry standing beside her, that I love her jacket, and ask her where she got it. She said that she honestly didn't remember. Jerry says, it's one of those jackets that you get from murdering a bum who has it on, or something like that. I really don't. The next conversation is really awkward and random. See, I think, but I'm not quite sure, I tell Sierra that I also like her key necklace, and points out that everyone has one, and it kind of represents foundations. Jerry even has a tattoo of a key on the inside of his left arm. Then she goes on to make a joke that it was some beneficial things for kid without toe nails, and I totally get lost in what's going on. Jerry agrees, and Sierra tells me that Jerry doesn't have a toenail. He asks if I want to see it, and I say no. She says the keys are for all the kids who get hot sauce, soap, and hand sanitizer on their bare toe because it stings like crazy, and for the kids without fingernails, too. I say, that she's right, that totally would hurt, but I didn't really think about it. And I mention that my sister lost one of her fingernails once. Her and Jerry ask if I want to see something I don't remember, so I say, sure, and then the conversation pretty much ended because they stood up and got distracted. Yeah, I really didn't get any of it, either.
Blake is sitting on the wall bench, pretty much doing nothing as Nora and I whip out the CD to whip out the liner notes. We want to see who writes the songs. As we stare, he looks up at Nora and she explains to him what's we're doing, so I waltz up to him and ask who writes the songs because the songs were written by both Blake and Sierra, but it said lyrics were by her, so it definitely confused me a lot of the time. He clarifies, explaining that Sierra wrote the words, but they both wrote the actual music to the songs. This makes sense. I mean, duh!
A new song in the venue begins playing, and Blake tells me that he loves Jimi Hendrix! I tell him I've never listened to him, but I knew that he was amazing. Blake also tells me, at one point, that he believes that bands these days need to listen to older music like Jimi Hendrix, and artists the existed more than five years ago in order to develop a unique sounds as opposed to sounding like every band on the scene. I take this opportunity to ask him what his influences were. "Me, personally," he says, "TREOS-" "I knew it!" I exclaim, and tell him that I could hear the TREOS in their music, but I didn't feel as though it was ripped off, and that it was really sad when they broke up because they were so amazing and epic! (Can you say kiss-ass?)
"Muse," Blake says next, and I nod. He explains that he also liked to listen to a lot of composers and drew a lot of influence from that, like Danny Elfman who doesn't all of Tim Burton's movies like Edward Scissorhands. I know this, of course. He says he also liked somebody else, and I'm not one hundred percent positive, but I think he said James Newton Howard, and he named off a movie, but I don't remember what it was. I think this is really cool, and nod frantically, explaining that I heard the theatrical aspect in the music, but I didn't think it was overdone, and I love it a lot.
It's getting pretty late at this point, so I tell Blake that I think we're going to go. I stretch out my arms, and he gives me a really nice, tight hug, and tells me it was nice meeting me. It was nice meeting HIM, really. As I walk away we run into Sierra, and I tell her the same thing. According to Nora, Blake says, "No, she wants a hug," but I didn't hear this; all I hear him say is that I'm leaving, so I stretch out my arms to Sierra, too, and she returns a very generous hug. "Just a little longer," she jokes as I'm about to let go, so I cling onto her. Ha ha. We wait around in the venue a little longer, but we realize that it's probably easier to go the back of the venue to find We the Kings and Alex Marshall.
Alex Marshall, as we figured, is surrounded by a circle of girls that I don't particularly mind, like Becky, Karina, and Laura, but I really don't want to go up to talk to him with all of them around, ears wide open and clinging onto every word we say. None of us do, so we wait around for a little, meanwhile meeting We the Kings and seeing Drew looking all drugged up and out of it. Poor kid.
The Ginger has on this shirt of a tall stick figure with blocky red hair, and it's absolutely hilarious. I laugh and ask him who made it. And he says some girl just gave it to him. I tell him I think it's hilarious. We all get pictures, and he hugs my dear old mother, saying that he really needs a mom figure away from home, or something along the lines of that. He had, also, just taken a shower, which caused his hair to become super curly, so Caleigh asks him if he had used the Ginger body wash she had given him. (Silly girl.) He says no, having no idea what she was talking about. It was kind of sad, and to be honest, I felt a little embarrassed for her, even though I really shouldn't care. Anyhow, we wait around a few meters away from Alex Marshall in hopes that he'll approach us. He keeps shooting glances in our direction, but we make no motion to come over.
Nash comes out of the back of the venue, totally wasted, and I feel so bad! I go up to him and I want to give him a hug, but instead I say, "Would it totally be weird if I asked you for a picture?" "Yeah," he answers, but we take one anyway. "Good luck with Armor for Sleep," I add. "Thanks. I'm gonna need it," the poor guy answers...
Finally, though, as we come closer, Alex Marshall extends an arm towards us and tells us to come join them because they're telling stories. Caleigh begins to skip over as none of us move, and I'm pretty sure I shoot her the death glare at this point as I turn to Alex Marshall and blurt out, "No," explaining that I didn't like big groups of people. Part lie, part fact, but whatever, it worked.
"Okay," he says, "I'll just go over there then," and makes his way towards us. (Hahahahha. Hilarious.) There's a quick hi how are you guys, I think, and he asks if we want pictures, so we take some. "I don't think we've ever been formally introduced," I say and stick out my hand. "I'm Sarah." He responds, "I'm Alex." Shakes hands. "And you go by?" I clarify. "Marshall," shakes hands again, and goes through the introduction with everyone. A good amount of chatter goes on, but I know for sure that Caleigh asks him who chose the winner for the Bounce contest. He says all of them and their manager.
I take over, accidentally (weird, huh?), and my blunt side emerges. "Yeah! Whoever chose that winner is an idiot!" "What, you didn't like it?" Alex Marshall asks. No, it was horrible. Half of them were a joke, though, he explains. I agree, and sometime I say that there were 120 or so videos that they could of chose from. Did I watch all 120, Alex asks. No, you could typically tell within the first five seconds whether it was going to be bad or not. In other words, he could have made a WAY better choice, but Mr. Defensive says that he didn't really choose the winner; it was mostly Cash, and I should ask him about it. Angry me goes, "Yeah I will ask him!" However, I see Alex's eye dart past me, and luckily, I figure out that Cash is behind me. I turn around and restart my yelling. "Whoever chose the Bounce video winner is an idiot!" I don't really feel bad for calling him out, but Cash pretty much just lifts his hands up in the air, providing hardly a rebuttal, but telling Alex that he wasn't the one pointing the fingers. Alex adds that Cash, himself, wanted to submit a video as a joke, but it'd be horrible. I say that he should have, just for the heck of it because if I was him, I would. Alex disagrees, "If you had made a video, then it'd be cool." Not that the three of us had submitted a video or anything, you know...
I think we talk a little more, but I honestly can't remember right now. I know that Nora thanks him for still coming out after the shows to meet people, and he says something about how he'll always come out to hang out. "It's chill," he says, but Nora adds, "You haven't gotten harassed yet?" laughing. Alex starts to talk about how this one time in New York, this girl... "Is this the Sharpie story?" I ask. "Yeah!" he answers. "Who told you about that?" "You did," I reply. "Oh," he goes. "You probably gave me shit about that, too," he says to Nora. We all laugh, and he goes on to explain his story about this girl decided to pull out a Sharpie and "write all over his face," to which he got angry and yelled at her, but nothing like that, thus far, has happened to him. And until it does, he would still come out. The girl next to me says, "Yeah, as long as you don't write on his face with Sharpie or grab his ass, you'll be alright." "Oh yeah, 'cause you know that's what I come here to do," I joke, "... to write on your face with Sharpie." I believe some laughing ensues.
Still, we continue talking for a little longer until, finally, we decide it's time to go (so put all your clothes on!) Alex goes around to give everyone hugs. I go first as he reaches only ONE arm out, so I make a comment, asking him what was up with the one arm hugs; they're lame. "Oh okay," Alex says all defensively and forceably hugs me with both arms. According to my mother and sister, as he is hugging me, he turns to them and makes an astonished face, mouthing, "She's so blunt!" Hehehehe. After he goes around to everyone, my mom tells him that whenever they need anything, to just give them a call, and we will totally provide them with anything that they need. "You'd have room for all five of us?" he jokes. We nod, but he agrees to it. Nora offers him her phone number, to which he offers his email because he "doesn't give out his phone number." "I don't want your number," Nora snaps. "Oh," he says. "I want to give you mine," she explains. "Okay," he answers, "Shoot 'em at me," but she shoots them too fast for him. "You said shoot them at you," she retorts. "I meant semi-automatic." "But I want automatic."
Alex gets her number into his phone as Nora with no L, or something like that, meanwhile Caleigh makes some "I"m going to make a fool out of myself by saying these things" comments. I apologize to him for being blunt, stating that next time I might be a little softer. "No, it's okay," he says, "I am, too." We say our final goodbyes and head off, spotting Kennedy from the Maine spray-painting his own van. "Don't grafitti your own van!" I yell as we walk by. I have no idea where that comment came from, or any of my lip that night. It was incredible how much I let my inhibitions go and stepped out of my box. It was incredible how much I amazed myself; plus, that show was just so fun. I love Alex Marshall... yay!

I had been so completely angry and reluctant when Nora told me that she was bring Heather along. I could go into more detail, but I just thought I would put that out there because she and I had invited Caleigh, MY SUPER BFF, to come along with us to experience her first real show, and oddly enough, I was completely fine with that, but not with taking Heather. It was hard for me to get over my selfish intuitions, but throughout the entire show, I was actually really glad we had brought Heather along. Not only was she absolutely hilarious to the point where I couldn't breathe, but she was my very own personal body guard, which was a really comforting thought. I was really nervous and scared about bring Caleigh along, too, because she's really, REALLY out there and obnoxious as compared to me, but she was fine the entire night. And in the end I was really glad we had brought her along also. Now on to the actual show! (This one is going to be a long one, so watch out!)
We get to the Aggie a little less than two hours before the doors are supposed to open. It's not too cold outside, and the line isn't too terribly long, but it's already past the building. And I stand and work on my Sudoku while Heather and Caleigh talk. The times goes by pretty fast, actually and we're inside within no time. In theory, we were about third or fourth row in front of the stage to the right. As we run in, Nora asks, "Did you see Nash [from Armor for Sleep]?" And no, I hadn't, but I think him being there is utterly weird, but we'll get to that later. We only have to wait fifteen minutes before VersaEmerge comes on stage, and I am literally jumping out of my pants with excitement. They open with Theatrics and slide right into the Hider. We're on the Brendon Urie look-a-like's side, and though they only performed for twenty minutes (wtf, right?) they did incredibly. There's a reason I call them my favorite band, and they continue to blow my mind away. I knew every single one of the songs, and I sang my heart out as best as I could the entire time. It was awesome.
There for Tomorrow comes out in a timely manner, and although the drummer and guitarist on our side were really pretty, they seemed like completely douchebags. The singer, who looks like Gerard Way but definitely doesn't act like him, makes some funky ass comments about how the crowd isn't their's, but the girls are totally attractive and some inappropriate bullshit like that. They weren't even that good, no offense, and luckily, they only played for eighteen minutes because the crowd was starting to get feisty.
The Cab was up next and like the total douchebags they are, they have other people set up for them. Singer is still stupid and creepy. He'd always come toward the crowd on our side, and the girls would eat it up. NASTY. But Alex Marshall, as usual looked really good, and they performed really well. Yeah, they performed the same songs they always do, but I still liked it. Plus, they still perform Can You Keep a Secret? which is my absolute favorite. The crowd, however, are completely idiots at this point and become all pushy and douchey. We notice that Johnson isn't there, but in his place is Nash, but we have no idea what's going on! (We'll get to that later.) I'm sweating like crazy, and I hate it, so I back up as much as I can. The Cab, also, ends pretty quickly, and the Maine are up next. I decided that I only want to watch a few songs because I know that because of stupid John Oh, people are going to be even stupider, so as soon as the start The Way We Talk, we book it out of the sweaty mob and back up to our mother who's standing and watching from her perfect spot on the balcony-type thing. Plus! It's John Johnt's good side! Haaaaa. They perform the same thing, as usual, and John still doesn't really express any emotion, but I love the Maine nonetheless.
After their set, we head to the merch so Caleigh can buy a shirt, and I can scope out Versa Emerge. I convince Caleigh to buy the Maine hoodie versus the sucky Cab one, and I buy VersaEmerge's EP. While she's buying the hoodie, Nash Breen is practically standing right next to me, so I approach him and ask, "What's going on with Armor for Sleep?" He tells me that they're on a "break" right now, so I ask if that's a good or band things. He answers, "I don't know, ask Ben," and I roll my eyes. Stupid Ben Jorgensen. "How did you wind up with the Cab?" I ask. He says that they're managed by the same people, so it kind of went hand in hand. "How did I do?" he asks. I answer with a simple "good" and feel bad afterward that I didn't expand because he is such an amazing drummer! He ends it by telling me that he has to find his sweater or something, so I give him a high-five, and we're off on our own ways.
I eventually get all of VersaEmerge to sign the EP, but the bassist, Devin, who looked bored out of his mind asks me to hand it to him so he can sign it. Weirdo. I get a picture with him, Anthony, the drummer, and the guitarist, Jerry, all in one, and finally Sierra, the singer, miraculously appears. And I don't know how to approach her! She's behind the merch table, standing on a chair, so I wait.
In the meantime, the guitarist/vocalist, Blake, of VersaEmerge appears - and in my personal opinion, he resembles Brendon Urie quite a bit - who smiles at me first, so I approach him. After getting a picture with him, I tell him that his band is absolutely amazing, and that I really love them because they are just so refreshing, especially. He is awed, apparently, and gives me a hug. (Score!) He thanks me for coming out to see him, asks me my name, we shake hands, and I tell him thanks for making music. And he says he will keep doing that then. (I always make people feel awkward with that comment, ha ha.) He asks me if I'm going to see them again, and I say, of course! I tell him that the next day I was going to miss them because it was sold out, but that they were playing with Craig Owens after that, so I was definitely going to see them at at that show! Blake then asks me if I was going to Warped Tour, and I said that if more than one good band was playing, I would go. Even though I don't offer much explanation other than that, he still says, "I can understand that," and goes on to explain that this year there are less stages - four, he thinks - so it's going to feel more like an actual versus a festival. Knowing this, I nod, and put Warped Tour into consideration as I ask him if they're playing Warped this summer. He says, of course! Then I say that if they play our date, I would consider going just for them. I don't remember how the conversation ends, but it does somewhere at this point, and I turn to my sister and totally grin. I feel bad because SHE was the one who said he was really good-looking, and I pretty much stole him right out of her grasp. But being that her personality is sometimes far from mine, she said it was okay, as long as she got association. Haaa.
We finally get our chance to talk to Sierra, and we all get pictures. I tell her that I think her band is incredible, and she says thanks. I decide to play the compliment game to see what she's really like because we all think she's really full of herself, and I tell her that I also think her voice is really unique. She gives me a sincere thank you for that one, and says that it's better than hearing "Oh you sound like Hayley," and I tell her she definitely does not sound like her. Which she doesn't. That's about it for Sierra.
We the Kings is starting, so we run back over to Mom to catch them play. They, too, pretty much play the same thing aside from a new song and Mr. Brightside, but I really can't blame them due to their lack of catalog. But they're always a lot of fun to watch, especially the Ginger with this "sexual intercourse" comments, and seeing Sierra, Blake, and Alex Marshall on the side watching We the Kings, too. It was sad, though, because Drew, their bassist, was missing, but the Ginger explains that he totally broke his arm and knee the night before and he couldn't play so they had their guitar tech, Scooter take his place. And that was about it.
After the show, we see Pat, from the Maine, first, whom Nora totally has a crush on. He's get hoarded by a bunch of girls, so we really just have to wait. That's when we see John Oh coming up, but he also gets bombarded, so it's more waiting for us, until we see Kennedy, and no one's bothering him. I take this opportunity to make him feel important by asking for a picture with him. (I told Caleigh it was Garrett, even though it wasn't. I totally got them confused, and I felt SO bad because she had wanted to meet Garrett. Oops.) Pat disappears, so we just wait around for John, pressuring Mom to offer him a place to stay. Har har.
A lot of girls ask him to sign a bunch of things, but the idiot doesn't have a Sharpie! Nora, to the rescue, lets him borrow hers over and over again, and he keeps apologizing and using it at the same time. Nora doesn't mind because this gives him the opportunity to actually look at her and take her face in; plus Mom is enjoying the view, if you know what I mean. After a pretty decent about of time, he's finally free, and he thanks Nora again for the Sharpie, and tells her he owes her something. Ha ha. We all get our pictures, and he asks Mom how she is.
Caleigh asks John Oh what his tattoo on his chest says, and he answers, "We All Will Be the Greatest". I'm praying in my head over and over again that Caleigh DOES NOT ask him where that line is from because that would be absolutely embarrassing for her, but thankfully she doesn't, and instead I say, "That's my favorite line. I love it," or something like that, and John Oh says "Thanks." (My first thought, I was saying that because I was complimenting you, buddy.) We see Cash about three seconds later, and get pictures with him before heading back up to find VersaEmerge again. Weeeee.
Nora gets a picture with all the guys I got pictures with separately, and I do, too. I tell the bassist that I think his band is incredible, and he puts his arm around me, in a half-hugging motion, but the alleged "picture arm" as well, which confuses me. Nora says something, and he goes, "Oh I was just hugging her." (He just didn't want to feel like a dumbass.) But I get another picture with him.
I tell Sierra, whose sitting on the bench with Jerry standing beside her, that I love her jacket, and ask her where she got it. She said that she honestly didn't remember. Jerry says, it's one of those jackets that you get from murdering a bum who has it on, or something like that. I really don't. The next conversation is really awkward and random. See, I think, but I'm not quite sure, I tell Sierra that I also like her key necklace, and points out that everyone has one, and it kind of represents foundations. Jerry even has a tattoo of a key on the inside of his left arm. Then she goes on to make a joke that it was some beneficial things for kid without toe nails, and I totally get lost in what's going on. Jerry agrees, and Sierra tells me that Jerry doesn't have a toenail. He asks if I want to see it, and I say no. She says the keys are for all the kids who get hot sauce, soap, and hand sanitizer on their bare toe because it stings like crazy, and for the kids without fingernails, too. I say, that she's right, that totally would hurt, but I didn't really think about it. And I mention that my sister lost one of her fingernails once. Her and Jerry ask if I want to see something I don't remember, so I say, sure, and then the conversation pretty much ended because they stood up and got distracted. Yeah, I really didn't get any of it, either.
Blake is sitting on the wall bench, pretty much doing nothing as Nora and I whip out the CD to whip out the liner notes. We want to see who writes the songs. As we stare, he looks up at Nora and she explains to him what's we're doing, so I waltz up to him and ask who writes the songs because the songs were written by both Blake and Sierra, but it said lyrics were by her, so it definitely confused me a lot of the time. He clarifies, explaining that Sierra wrote the words, but they both wrote the actual music to the songs. This makes sense. I mean, duh!
A new song in the venue begins playing, and Blake tells me that he loves Jimi Hendrix! I tell him I've never listened to him, but I knew that he was amazing. Blake also tells me, at one point, that he believes that bands these days need to listen to older music like Jimi Hendrix, and artists the existed more than five years ago in order to develop a unique sounds as opposed to sounding like every band on the scene. I take this opportunity to ask him what his influences were. "Me, personally," he says, "TREOS-" "I knew it!" I exclaim, and tell him that I could hear the TREOS in their music, but I didn't feel as though it was ripped off, and that it was really sad when they broke up because they were so amazing and epic! (Can you say kiss-ass?)
"Muse," Blake says next, and I nod. He explains that he also liked to listen to a lot of composers and drew a lot of influence from that, like Danny Elfman who doesn't all of Tim Burton's movies like Edward Scissorhands. I know this, of course. He says he also liked somebody else, and I'm not one hundred percent positive, but I think he said James Newton Howard, and he named off a movie, but I don't remember what it was. I think this is really cool, and nod frantically, explaining that I heard the theatrical aspect in the music, but I didn't think it was overdone, and I love it a lot.
It's getting pretty late at this point, so I tell Blake that I think we're going to go. I stretch out my arms, and he gives me a really nice, tight hug, and tells me it was nice meeting me. It was nice meeting HIM, really. As I walk away we run into Sierra, and I tell her the same thing. According to Nora, Blake says, "No, she wants a hug," but I didn't hear this; all I hear him say is that I'm leaving, so I stretch out my arms to Sierra, too, and she returns a very generous hug. "Just a little longer," she jokes as I'm about to let go, so I cling onto her. Ha ha. We wait around in the venue a little longer, but we realize that it's probably easier to go the back of the venue to find We the Kings and Alex Marshall.
Alex Marshall, as we figured, is surrounded by a circle of girls that I don't particularly mind, like Becky, Karina, and Laura, but I really don't want to go up to talk to him with all of them around, ears wide open and clinging onto every word we say. None of us do, so we wait around for a little, meanwhile meeting We the Kings and seeing Drew looking all drugged up and out of it. Poor kid.
The Ginger has on this shirt of a tall stick figure with blocky red hair, and it's absolutely hilarious. I laugh and ask him who made it. And he says some girl just gave it to him. I tell him I think it's hilarious. We all get pictures, and he hugs my dear old mother, saying that he really needs a mom figure away from home, or something along the lines of that. He had, also, just taken a shower, which caused his hair to become super curly, so Caleigh asks him if he had used the Ginger body wash she had given him. (Silly girl.) He says no, having no idea what she was talking about. It was kind of sad, and to be honest, I felt a little embarrassed for her, even though I really shouldn't care. Anyhow, we wait around a few meters away from Alex Marshall in hopes that he'll approach us. He keeps shooting glances in our direction, but we make no motion to come over.
Nash comes out of the back of the venue, totally wasted, and I feel so bad! I go up to him and I want to give him a hug, but instead I say, "Would it totally be weird if I asked you for a picture?" "Yeah," he answers, but we take one anyway. "Good luck with Armor for Sleep," I add. "Thanks. I'm gonna need it," the poor guy answers...
Finally, though, as we come closer, Alex Marshall extends an arm towards us and tells us to come join them because they're telling stories. Caleigh begins to skip over as none of us move, and I'm pretty sure I shoot her the death glare at this point as I turn to Alex Marshall and blurt out, "No," explaining that I didn't like big groups of people. Part lie, part fact, but whatever, it worked.
"Okay," he says, "I'll just go over there then," and makes his way towards us. (Hahahahha. Hilarious.) There's a quick hi how are you guys, I think, and he asks if we want pictures, so we take some. "I don't think we've ever been formally introduced," I say and stick out my hand. "I'm Sarah." He responds, "I'm Alex." Shakes hands. "And you go by?" I clarify. "Marshall," shakes hands again, and goes through the introduction with everyone. A good amount of chatter goes on, but I know for sure that Caleigh asks him who chose the winner for the Bounce contest. He says all of them and their manager.
I take over, accidentally (weird, huh?), and my blunt side emerges. "Yeah! Whoever chose that winner is an idiot!" "What, you didn't like it?" Alex Marshall asks. No, it was horrible. Half of them were a joke, though, he explains. I agree, and sometime I say that there were 120 or so videos that they could of chose from. Did I watch all 120, Alex asks. No, you could typically tell within the first five seconds whether it was going to be bad or not. In other words, he could have made a WAY better choice, but Mr. Defensive says that he didn't really choose the winner; it was mostly Cash, and I should ask him about it. Angry me goes, "Yeah I will ask him!" However, I see Alex's eye dart past me, and luckily, I figure out that Cash is behind me. I turn around and restart my yelling. "Whoever chose the Bounce video winner is an idiot!" I don't really feel bad for calling him out, but Cash pretty much just lifts his hands up in the air, providing hardly a rebuttal, but telling Alex that he wasn't the one pointing the fingers. Alex adds that Cash, himself, wanted to submit a video as a joke, but it'd be horrible. I say that he should have, just for the heck of it because if I was him, I would. Alex disagrees, "If you had made a video, then it'd be cool." Not that the three of us had submitted a video or anything, you know...
I think we talk a little more, but I honestly can't remember right now. I know that Nora thanks him for still coming out after the shows to meet people, and he says something about how he'll always come out to hang out. "It's chill," he says, but Nora adds, "You haven't gotten harassed yet?" laughing. Alex starts to talk about how this one time in New York, this girl... "Is this the Sharpie story?" I ask. "Yeah!" he answers. "Who told you about that?" "You did," I reply. "Oh," he goes. "You probably gave me shit about that, too," he says to Nora. We all laugh, and he goes on to explain his story about this girl decided to pull out a Sharpie and "write all over his face," to which he got angry and yelled at her, but nothing like that, thus far, has happened to him. And until it does, he would still come out. The girl next to me says, "Yeah, as long as you don't write on his face with Sharpie or grab his ass, you'll be alright." "Oh yeah, 'cause you know that's what I come here to do," I joke, "... to write on your face with Sharpie." I believe some laughing ensues.
Still, we continue talking for a little longer until, finally, we decide it's time to go (so put all your clothes on!) Alex goes around to give everyone hugs. I go first as he reaches only ONE arm out, so I make a comment, asking him what was up with the one arm hugs; they're lame. "Oh okay," Alex says all defensively and forceably hugs me with both arms. According to my mother and sister, as he is hugging me, he turns to them and makes an astonished face, mouthing, "She's so blunt!" Hehehehe. After he goes around to everyone, my mom tells him that whenever they need anything, to just give them a call, and we will totally provide them with anything that they need. "You'd have room for all five of us?" he jokes. We nod, but he agrees to it. Nora offers him her phone number, to which he offers his email because he "doesn't give out his phone number." "I don't want your number," Nora snaps. "Oh," he says. "I want to give you mine," she explains. "Okay," he answers, "Shoot 'em at me," but she shoots them too fast for him. "You said shoot them at you," she retorts. "I meant semi-automatic." "But I want automatic."
Alex gets her number into his phone as Nora with no L, or something like that, meanwhile Caleigh makes some "I"m going to make a fool out of myself by saying these things" comments. I apologize to him for being blunt, stating that next time I might be a little softer. "No, it's okay," he says, "I am, too." We say our final goodbyes and head off, spotting Kennedy from the Maine spray-painting his own van. "Don't grafitti your own van!" I yell as we walk by. I have no idea where that comment came from, or any of my lip that night. It was incredible how much I let my inhibitions go and stepped out of my box. It was incredible how much I amazed myself; plus, that show was just so fun. I love Alex Marshall... yay!
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